Coffee review

Qingyang Fruit Flavor Panamanian Jadeite Manor Coffee Flavor description Variety characteristics of producing areas

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The current Constitution of Panama entered into force on 11 October 1972 and has been amended four times in 1978 and 1983, 1994 and 2004. The Constitution stipulates that the three powers of the state shall be separated, and the President shall be the head of state and shall be directly elected for a term of five years without re-election, but may be contested at other terms.

Panama's current Constitution entered into force on 11 October 1972 and has been amended four times, in 1978, 1983, 1994 and 2004. The Constitution stipulates that the three powers of the State are separated. The President is the head of State. He is elected directly for a term of five years. He cannot be re-elected, but he can run for office every other term. On October 4, 1994, Pakistan's parliament abolished the army and established a police force. In October 2004, the Constitution was amended to provide for the National Assembly to be renamed the "National Assembly"; the Constituent Assembly to be the third way to amend the Constitution; the abolition of one vice-presidential post; the freedom of deputies to nominate candidates; and the retention of only one alternate member per deputy. The current Government of Panama was formed on 1 July 2009. Its main members are: Vice-President Juan Carlos Barrera, Minister of the Presidency Jimmy Papadimiriou, Minister for Foreign Affairs Fernando Núñez Favre, Minister of the Interior Jorge Ricardo Favre, Minister of Public Security Jose Raul Murino, Minister of Economy and Finance Frank George de Lima, Minister of Industry and Commerce Ricardo Quijano, Minister of Agricultural Development Oscar Armando Osorio Casar, Minister of Health Javier Diaz, Housing Minister Yasmina Pimentel (female), Labor Minister Alma Lorena Cortez (female), Social Development Minister Guillermo Ferrufino, Education Minister Lucy Molinal (female), Public Works Minister Jaime Ford, Small and Medium Enterprises Minister Cicero Brillo (female), Canal Minister Robert Roy, Tourism Minister Salomon Samar

There are many ways to wash the coffee beans, but most of them are to remove the floating beans after picking the coffee fruits, then remove the pulp, and then soak the coffee beans in the fermentation tank. The enzymes in the water will soften the mucus attached to the endocarp of the coffee beans, and the natural yeast will decompose the sugar in the mucus. This process is called fermentation. After fermentation is complete, the coffee beans are moved to the sun to dry. During the drying process, the coffee beans need to be continuously stirred to ensure drying uniformity. Finally, the shelled beans are stored in the warehouse. After the raw beans are placed, they are shelled and bagged. The coffee thus processed is clean in taste, emphasizing bright and lively fruit acids, as well as clear fruit flavors and flowers. Then in the land of Poquete, there is a bean with a particularly high cost performance. And has a very beautiful name-flower butterfly. She has 40% high-quality rosewood pedigree, consisting of three varieties of rosewood, cadura and caduai. She is planted in the Baru volcanic area of Poquet and grows in the volcanic area at an altitude of 1600 meters. The treatment plant adopts fine washing treatment. Panama's special microclimate leads to abundant rainfall in this area and a large temperature difference between day and night. In addition, the volcanic rock soil unique to volcanic areas, as well as meticulous harvesting and fine treatment, make this coffee rich in thickness, acid, The flower fragrance is quite outstanding. What is more surprising is that on the basis of very excellent quality, the price of this coffee bean is very close to the people. What makes this coffee bean special is that it consists of three varieties, 40% of which are rose-summer varieties, giving this coffee a distinct rose-summer flavor. According to the information obtained, due to the historical reasons of the estate, in order to pursue yield at that time, the early summer varieties were mixed with the coffee trees of Kadura and Kaduai. In order to facilitate picking, the coffee farmers did not reclassify them, but directly mixed the three varieties. After that, due to the fame of Guixia and the high price, the processing plant began to carry out fine washing treatment for such a coffee bean. There are many excellent estates distributed in the Boquet producing area. In addition to the famous Emerald Estate, there are also Elida Estate, Akaba Estate and other famous estates, all of which produce high-quality coffee. This is due not only to the excellent ecological conditions of Panama's Poquet region and the fertile volcanic ash soil of the Baru volcanic field. Another important factor is that the microclimate in the Poquet highlands of Panama is a unique and important resource for fine coffee in the Poquet region; this is the environment of Panama from east to west, which allows cold air currents to converge above 6500 feet through the Central Mountains, thus creating a variety of microclimates in the Poquet region, making its temperature and rainfall very suitable for plant growth, so coffee trees grown here are in good condition.

In such a unique planting environment in Poquete, naturally there will not be only such a jade rose summer, regardless of flavor quality and value of coffee king will be expensive; but every day to drink rose summer I think it is more extravagant, and even if there is no economic pressure, it is not like eating shark fin bear paw every day. The same is true of coffee, dabbling in a wide range, in order to enjoy the fun of coffee taste.