Coffee review

Nicaraguan Lemon Manor Coffee with Citrus Flavor description Grinding degree characteristic Price

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Nicaraguan coffee has a wide range of flavor properties. Some coffee has a high alcohol thickness like Mexican coffee, while others have bright acidity like African coffee. Most of the varieties used in Nicaraguan coffee are traditional Tibica, and a few varieties of bourbon and Kaddura are grown. Overall, Nicaraguan coffee is characterized by calmness but

Nicaraguan coffee has a wide range of flavor properties. Some coffee has a high alcohol thickness like Mexican coffee, while others have bright acidity like African coffee. Most of the varieties used in Nicaraguan coffee are traditional Tibica, and a few varieties of bourbon and Kaddura are grown.

Generally speaking, Nicaraguan coffee is characterized by calmness but without losing its flavor. Both Full city and Viennese are good choices when baking Nicaraguan coffee. Medium and deep roasting will bring mellow bitterness and excellent balance to Nicaraguan coffee.

Nicaragua Shangri-La Esperanza

Producing country: Nicaragua

Grade: SHG

Planting area: Sinotega

Brand name: Shangri-La Esperanza

Treatment method: wet treatment and solarization

Appearance: 0dplash 300grgrgrgr17-18SCR

Variety: Kaddura

Note: the dry aroma is full of chocolate, accompanied by hazelnut and cocoa aromas. The wet aroma also has the smell of chocolate, accompanied by the smell of orange peel. With the baking degree of city+, the bright lemon acid and long cocoa finish are wonderful.

Dry aroma (1-5): 3.8

Wet aroma (1-5): 3.8

Acidity (brightness) (1-10): 8.9

Taste (layered) (1-10): 8.8

Palate (alcohol thickness) (1-5): 3.4

Aftertaste (residue) (1-10): 8.9

Balance (1-5): 2

Basic score (50): 50

Total score (maximum 100): 89.6

Strength / main attributes: medium strength / clear chocolate flavor with citrus and spice embellishment

Recommended baking degree: full city

Contrast: very delicate, clear, clear Nicaraguan coffee