Coffee review

High-balanced Columbia Hope Manor Coffee Flavor description, Grinding characteristics, High quality varieties in producing areas

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The export management of the coffee trade in Colombia is mainly the responsibility of the National Federation of Coffee owners. It is an unofficial industry organization with several government ministers as its members. Colombian law clearly stipulates that only private businessmen with federation licenses can export coffee, in order to maintain the image of Colombian coffee in the world, but also to ensure that the government has access to coffee trade.

The export management of the coffee trade in Colombia is mainly the responsibility of the National Federation of Coffee owners. It is an unofficial industry organization with several government ministers as its members. Colombian law clearly stipulates that only private businessmen with federation licenses can export coffee in order to maintain the image of Colombian coffee in the world and to ensure stable government revenue in the coffee trade. Coffee is the pride of Colombians, and the things Colombians like to talk about most, except for their football, which was once one of the best in the world, is the coffee they are proud of. Drinking coffee in Colombia is a pleasure. Not only is it necessary three times a day, but the streets are full of cafes and customers are full of seats from morning till night. There is no instant saying in the cafe. It is now cooked and sold. The young lady pours it with exquisite porcelain bowls, respectfully presents it to the customers, and adds sugar at will. With the aroma in the room, the sweet and delicious bowl and the endless aftertaste of the slow taste, it is no wonder that the pure taste of Colombian coffee comes from Colombia's natural environment with the most favorable conditions for coffee growth. But beyond that, it is inseparable from the hard work of local growers. In Colombia, coffee cultivation has reached 1.07 million hectares, there are about 302000 coffee plantations in the country, and 30 to 40 per cent of the rural population depends directly on coffee production. Although there are many farms in Colombia, they are not large in area. The area of each farm is only about 2 hectares, and more than 80% of the coffee plantations have only about 5000 coffee trees, an average of 3000. Thus it can be seen that agriculture in Colombia belongs to the small-scale farm type. The locals plant tall trees or banana trees around the coffee trees. Build an Arbor for coffee trees at the seedling stage to ensure the cool and humid environment needed for coffee growth. Due to the high humidity, small temperature difference and slow ripening of coffee beans in the coffee forest, it is conducive to the accumulation of caffeine and aromatic substances, so the quality of coffee is the best.

Compared with other producing countries, Colombia is more concerned with developing products and promoting production. It is this, coupled with its superior geographical and climatic conditions, that makes Colombian coffee excellent in quality and delicious and famous all over the world. The status of coffee in Colombia is evident in the following examples: all vehicles entering the country must be sprayed and sterilized so as not to inadvertently cause disease and damage the coffee tree Colombian coffee. Colombian coffee is a fairly representative and excellent variety of Arabica coffee, is a traditional deep-roasted coffee, with a strong and memorable flavor. Its aroma is rich and thick, with clear high quality acidity, high balance, sometimes nutty taste and endless aftertaste. Colombian coffee is quite good in appearance and quality, like a woman's vaguely charming, charming and just right.