Coffee review

Description of Coffee Flavor in Tianyi Manor, Nicaragua, introduction to the characteristics of Grinding degree, Price and planting Environment

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Columbus arrived here in 1502 and reached the east coast of Nicaragua. In 1522, Spanish colonists began to conquer the region. The cities of Granada and Leon were founded in 1524. From then on, Nicaragua became a Spanish colony and came under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office of Guatemala. The city of Leon developed into a political and cultural center; Granada became a commercial and agricultural center. In the later period of colonial rule

Columbus arrived here in 1502 and reached the east coast of Nicaragua. In 1522, Spanish colonists began to conquer the region. The cities of Granada and Leon were founded in 1524. From then on, Nicaragua became a Spanish colony and came under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office of Guatemala. The city of Leon developed into a political and cultural center; Granada became a commercial and agricultural center. In the later period of colonial rule, the economy of the big manor developed to a certain extent, and vegetable cattle, cocoa and indigo became the main products. It was colonized by Spain in 1525. In the middle of the 17th century, Britain occupied the Mosquito coast and declared it a British protectorate. It was not until the signing of the London Agreement with Spain in 1786 that it temporarily withdrew from Augusto in July 1927. Cesar. Sandino led the people in a guerrilla war against the US occupation, forcing the US military to withdraw in 1933. On February 21, 1934, the Commander of the Nicaraguan National Guard, Anastacio. Somocha. Garcia assassinated Sandino at the behest of US President Roosevelt. He became president in 1936 and established a pro-American "Cordillo" dictatorship for more than 40 years until 1979. In 1964, the Sandinista National Liberation Front (SPLF) was established to carry out a revolutionary struggle against the Somoza dictatorship.

The Matagalpa region we mentioned is the coffee producing area that produces the highest quality coffee in Nicaragua, and there is a heavyweight coffee estate worth introducing-the lemon tree (El Limoncillo). The manor is located in the plateau of Matagalpa between 950m and 1300m above sea level, and there are towering coniferous forests around the coffee trees, providing shade for the growth of coffee trees. This allows coffee trees to be exposed to sunlight while protecting them from being burned by the scorching sun.

In order to ensure the quality of coffee, the manual picking method is used to pick the fully ripe fruits one by one, which usually takes three times to complete. Although the manual picking method has high labor cost and low picking efficiency, it can greatly protect the plant from being hurt in the picking process, and the mature fruit will have better sweetness at the same time. The efforts of the producers have not been in vain, and the coffee from Lemon Manor won the second place in the Nicaragua Excellence Cup COE National Competition in 2008. This bean has a beautiful appearance, delicate and rich flavor after washing, with aromas of fruit, vanilla and cream, and has gained more attention since then.

Lemon Tree Manor also processes coffee in a honey-treated way. After the coffee fruit is actually picked, the coffee with its exocarp removed is put on the African shed to dry. Compared with the traditional way of placing coffee directly on the ground to dry coffee, using African shed to dry coffee can reduce more pollution in the drying process, avoid producing more miscellaneous smell, and finally improve the quality of coffee. Honey-treated coffee beans have more attractive tropical fruit flavors.

The coffee beans with exquisite flavor presented in front of us, whether from the links of picking, planting, processing, or later packaging and transportation, are all devoted to the good intentions of the producers, and in the process of making coffee as something in the cup, we should also treat it attentively.