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What is the Rainforest Alliance International Certification China Office

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In China, RA cooperates with WWF, CAF and other institutions to educate forestry workers and stakeholders in partners and related units under the principle of FSC certification. RA will provide key training experts, training tools and materials to assist in the work, quickly raise local awareness of sustainable forest management and promote the FSC certification process in China. With the help of RA and the financial support of IKEA

In China, RA cooperates with WWF, CAF and other institutions to educate forestry workers and stakeholders in partners and related units under the principle of FSC certification. RA will provide key training experts, training tools and materials to assist in the work, quickly raise local awareness of sustainable forest management and promote the FSC certification process in China. With the help of RA and the financial support of IKEA, more than 2000 forestry experts in China will receive education on sustainable forest management in the next three years. SmartWood's certification activities are targeted at all forest types, including forests distributed in tropical, temperate and cold temperate zones, including natural forests, plantations, as well as large commercial forests, small-scale collective forests or family forests. The goal of SmartWood is to promote sustainable forest management through independent audit, certification and certification of forest products, and to promote enterprises to implement sustainable forestry construction with economic incentives.

In order to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of forest certification, the Rainforest Alliance has set up a TREES project team. The TREEs Project Department is mainly engaged in training, research, promotion, education and system activities related to sustainable forest management and certification. The project team opened up the market for certified forest products for small forest farmers and provided opportunities for certification. Because there is no certified timber market, forest owners have no incentive for sustainable forest management. TREES also conducts education and training for forest product consumers on the environmental and economic benefits of certification. With the steady development of the global market demand for sustainability, the Rainforest Alliance sets up three departments, namely, the Ministry of Sustainable Agriculture, the Ministry of Sustainable Forestry and the Ministry of Sustainable Tourism, which adhere to sustainable principles and standards, protect wildlife and pristine land, and safeguard the welfare of workers and their communities. Help all business personnel and consumers from large multinational organizations to small community-based organizations to provide responsible raw products and services to the market. At the same time, certificates are issued to farms and forestry enterprises that meet comprehensive standards.

The Department of Sustainable Forestry has two project departments, TREES and SmartWood. SmartWood was established in 1989 to promote the effective implementation of responsible forestry as a tool to ensure biodiversity and the economic support of local communities. SmartWood's certification is at the center of the work of the Rainforest Alliance, which spreads the concept of forest and forest product certification and ensures that the wood products provided by enterprises come from forests that maintain biodiversity and support the development of local communities. SmartWood is the first independent forest certification body in the world, which is recognized by the International Forest Certification system Forest Management Committee (FSC), which makes the Rainforest Alliance a global certification advocate. Every year, the Rainforest Alliance awards Green Earth Awards to governments, organizations and enterprises that have made outstanding contributions to global environmental protection, forests and biodiversity. For example, the "Green Earth" Award issued to Amway, which has been committed to the cause of environmental protection.