Coffee review

Introduction to the quality and taste of Columbia Huilan coffee bean flavor description treatment

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Valencia Coffee farming (mill) is a small-scale coffee production family located in Neiva, Huilan Province, Colombia. This family has a 30-year history of coffee cultivation and processing, and has always maintained a relatively low-key attitude and focused on the delicate processing of coffee.

Columbia Whelan Coffee

Valencia Coffee farming (mill) is a small-scale coffee production family located in Neiva, Huilan Province. this family has a 30-year history of coffee cultivation and processing, and has always maintained a relatively low-key attitude and focused on the delicate processing of coffee. Unlike most coffee growers and processing plants, Valencia abandoned the original unified Colombian standard, no longer graded its coffee according to supremo or excelso, and no longer marked supremo on sacks, but only marked valencia (Valencia) to distinguish other mass-produced commercial beans. But if we have to set a Colombian standard for Valencia beans, I think it only meets the excelso level, but it is this bean that makes me feel different after drinking it. This is definitely not a flat cup of coffee, but embodies the wisdom and hard work of coffee farmers. It is really difficult to tell in one word the aroma and round taste of the beans.

In the eyes of many coffee drinkers in China, Huilan seems to represent Colombian high-quality coffee. Huilan, or Huila, is one of the important coffee producing areas in Colombia. some bean merchants translate into "Huilan" or "Huilan", or "Uila", "Wula" and "Wula". In fact, it's the same thing, that is, the transliteration of Huila.

Like Colombia, although Colombia has high-quality coffee, it is not necessarily high-quality coffee from Colombia, it is also the same for huila producing areas, huila is an important producing area, but not all high-quality beans from huila, but there are indeed many producers who sell different quality coffee under the name huila. The quality here is not in terms of appearance. However, Colombian coffee, which is distinguished by flavor and taste, is mainly small grain coffee. Plants are small trees or large shrubs, 5-8 m tall, usually much branched at base; old branches gray-white, nodes dilated, young branches glabrous, compressed. Leaves thinly leathery, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 6-14 cm long and 3.5-5 cm wide, apex long acuminate, acuminate part 10-15 mm long, base cuneate or slightly obtuse, rarely rounded, entire or shallowly wavy, both surfaces glabrous, lower vein axils with or without small pores; midrib raised on both surfaces of leaf, 7-13 on each side of lateral veins; petiole 8-15 mm long Stipules broadly triangular, arising from the tip of the upper part of the young branch conical or awn tip, the tip of the old branch is often protruding tip, 3-6 mm long. Cymes several clustered in leaf axils, each with 2-5 flowers, without a total pedicel or with a very short peduncle; flowers fragrant, with pedicels 0.5-1 mm long