Coffee review

Introduction to the grinding scale of Yega Ficher flavor coffee bean description variety production area treatment method

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Yega Ficher Coffee Bean description Variety production area treatment Grinding scale Yega Snow Coffee itself is a small town of about 20, 000 people, with three neighboring small producing areas Wenago, Kochere and Gelena Abaya, because the flavor of the coffee produced is almost the same as that of Yejasuffe, so it is also classified into the Yega Chefe area. Yega snow caffeine, whether it's Wen.

Description of coffee beans Yegashefi Kocher Flavor Variety of origin Area of treatment Method of grinding Scale Introduction

Yerga Sherphine itself is a small town with a population of about 20,000. The three neighboring small producing areas Wenago, Kochere and Gelena Abaya are also classified as Yerga Sherphine because the flavor of coffee produced is almost identical to Yerga Sherphine. Yerga Coffee is culturally and geographically similar to its neighbors, but Yerga Coffee seems to be blessed with exceptional conditions. Top quality Yerga Coffee has floral, bright citrus fruit, lemon notes and silky soft taste.

Kochere Kochere is located in south-west Ethiopia, about 25 miles north of the famous town of Yegachefi, and its production model is based on local smallholder farmers sending batches of output to cooperatives for centralized processing. Chalalacktu village has about 100,000 people who depend on coffee for their livelihood, and related production activities have become their main source of income. Due to the income from coffee production, the local living standard is much better than that of many Ethiopian villages, and there are complete health facilities, higher schools, etc. Advanced processing equipment allows Kochere coffee to perform at a high level in the washed field, with molasses and citrus complex tones clean and sweet

In February 1977, Lieutenant Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam launched a military coup and became chairman of the Provisional Military Administrative Council and head of state. In 1979, the "Ethiopian Working People's Party Organizational Committee" was established with military personnel as the main body, and a one-party system was implemented. In 1984, the "Ethiopian Workers 'Party" was formed according to the Soviet Communist Party model. In September 1987, Mengistu announced the dissolution of the Provisional Military Administrative Council, the end of military rule, the establishment of the People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and the establishment of a new parliament, Mengistu as president and head of government.

In March 1988, the rebel Eritrea People's Liberation Front (EPLF) and Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) launched an attack on government forces, and a large-scale civil war broke out. In 1989, the "Eritrea People's Liberation Front" occupied most of Eritrea. On May 28, 1991, the EPRF army dominated by the "Tigray People's Liberation Front" entered Addis Ababa, and the Mengistu regime was declared collapsed.

Yegashefi's coffee trees were cultivated by European monks (a bit like Belgian monks growing wheat to brew beer) and later by farmers or cooperatives. Yerga Shefi is actually constructed by surrounding coffee communities or cooperatives, including Idido, Harfusa, Hama, and Biloa near Misty Valley, all washed, but a small number of unique beans are deliberately sunburned to enhance the charming fruity flavor and body. These mountain villages are foggy, spring all year round, cool but not hot in summer, rain but not damp in winter, and they have a unique regional flavor of citrus and flowers. Coffee trees are mostly planted in farmers 'backyards or mixed with other crops in the field. The yield per household is not much. It is a typical pastoral coffee. The Yejia Shefei award-winning beans are almost from the above coffee villages and communities