Coffee review

Basic knowledge of coffee utensils-which country is the brand of acaia electronic scale

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Basic knowledge of coffee utensils-acaia electronic scale is the brand of which country can set the gouache ratio, grinding scale, extraction time, temperature, coffee bean weight and the amount of water that needs to be flushed by hand; the cooking time can be set according to the habit of individual hand brewing; the countdown to water injection and sound prompt can be realized, and the water intensity curve can be drawn; it can store data, write experience and shoot.

Basic knowledge of coffee utensils-acaia electronic scale is the brand of which country

Set the proportion of water powder, grinding scale, extraction time, temperature, coffee bean weight and water volume to be washed;

During the brewing process, the brewing time can be set by stages according to personal manual brewing habits;

Water injection countdown and sound prompt can be realized, and draw hydraulic degree curve;

Data can be stored, written, photographed, rated, recorded and shared via Social networks.

Function 3

Water-powder ratio calculator

One "OK" key for easy coffee brewing

After setting the proportion of water powder, input the weight of coffee powder (manual input or synchronous electronic scale data) and automatically calculate the water injection amount.

Acaia features simple design, rich and easy to master, in use to study it will have some fun, more uses to be discovered slowly

1, foreign manufacturers or joint venture production in the domestic, typical representatives have TT-Toledo electronic scales, Saidoli electronic balance, etc.

2. Taiwan manufacturers or joint ventures in China. Typical representatives are cherry electronic scales, Yingzhan electronic scales, Yuheng electronic scales.

3, domestic brand electronic scales, mainly to see the specific origin, mostly distributed in Shanghai, Changzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Yongkang, Fujian, Guangdong and other places.

Electronic scale price, foreign manufacturers such as TT electronic scale price is relatively high, the same function, generally 3-10 times the price of domestic electronic scale, value the price factor customers are not recommended to buy. Taiwan series of brand electronic scales relatively speaking, the price is relatively moderate, the quality is stable, the circuit design level is slightly higher than that of domestic electronic scales, so the service life of electronic scales is 2-3 years longer than that of domestic electronic scales, and the comprehensive cost performance is higher. Relatively speaking, domestic brand electronic scales are about 30% lower than Taiwan series electronic scales, and the first purchase cost is lower, but because of the short service life, the comprehensive cost performance is slightly worse. Having said so much, I believe you have polished your eyes. We recommend you to use cherry electronic scales, British exhibition electronic scales, easy to use, affordable, stable quality.