Coffee review

A brief introduction to the taste characteristics, price and flavor of coffee beans in Ireta Manor.

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, In fact, Panamanian coffee has not received due recognition and attention in the boutique coffee market. Good Panamanian coffee has always been used by unscrupulous businessmen to imitate Hawaiian kona coffee and even Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. Panamanian coffee generally belongs to the low and medium price, but its performance in the cup is often not.

A brief introduction to the taste characteristics, price and flavor of coffee beans in Ireta Manor.

As a matter of fact, Panamanian coffee has not been given due recognition and attention in the boutique coffee market. Good Panamanian coffee has always been used by unscrupulous businessmen to imitate Hawaii kona coffee and even Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. Panamanian coffee generally belongs to the low and medium price, but its performance in the cup is often not inferior to that of any famous or even expensive coffee producing area. Excellent Panamanian coffee flavor is bright, pure, medium consistency (taste, body) comfortable and mild, and even has excellent complexity. In a few years, these high-quality and reasonably priced boutique Panamanian coffee will be popular all over the world.

Panama Coffee is grown in the western part of the country, near Costa Rica and the Pacific Ocean. The Boquet district of Chiriqui province is the most famous for its coffee, and Vocan,Santa Clara is also famous. Other areas include David, Remacimeinto, Bugaba and Tole. Only coffee grown at elevations between 1300 and 1500 meters above sea level is considered special coffee.

Flavor is the overall feeling of coffee in the mouth. Acidity, wet aroma and alcohol thickness are all components of flavor, and it is their balance and homogenization that produce our overall sense of flavor. Here are some typical flavor features:

Richness-refers to the overall flavor and taste of coffee beans

Complexity-the feeling of multiple flavors

Balance-all basic palate features are satisfactory, and no one taste masks the other.

Flavor [flavor] is the overall impression of aroma, acidity, and mellowness, which can be used to describe the overall feeling of contrast coffee.

Acidity [acidity] is the acidity and strong quality of all coffee grown on the plateau.

Body [mellowness] is the taste of coffee on the tongue after drinking the prepared coffee.