Coffee review

What's the taste of the coffee beans at Ladisha Manor? description.

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The taste of coffee beans in La Tisa Manor is described. The average altitude of the dangerous country is high. Coffee belts are distributed over 1500 meters. Between 14 and 16 degrees north latitude, it is easiest to grow extremely hard beans, all of which are washed. 45% of them belong to the fine grade, the proportion is quite high, and a small number of Robusta Antigua Island is a famous producing area of coffee. Coffee from Antigua comes from Camana Villa.

What's the taste of the coffee beans at Ladisha Manor? description.

The average elevation of the dangerous country is high, the coffee belt is distributed over 1500 meters, between 14 and 16 degrees north latitude, the most easy to grow extremely hard beans, all for washing treatment, of which 45% belong to the fine grade, the proportion is quite high, there is also a small amount of Robusta

Antigua is a famous producer of coffee. Antigua coffee is produced in Hacienda Carmona, where the best quality coffee is EL Pulcal, which is not only of good quality, but also has a stronger flavor, richer taste and stronger tobacco flavor than other Guatemalan coffee. Every 30 years or so, the area near Antigua is hit by a volcanic eruption, which provides more nitrogen to the already rich land, and plenty of rainfall and sunshine make the place more suitable for growing coffee

Guatemalan coffee has a strong aroma, even if you don't drink it, just smelling it is already a pleasure. Antigua coffee has a rich and velvety mellow, rich and lively aroma, and fine sour taste. When the attractive fragrance lingers on the tip of your tongue, there is an indescribable mystery. You may feel dull at the first sip, but as the coffee cools slowly, you will find it slightly sweet and be surprised by its depth.

[country]: Guatemala

[grade]: SHB

[processing plant]: Ladisha Manor

[producing area]: Fraijanes,Guatemala City

[altitude]: 1675 m

[harvest time]: October to February of the following year

[treatment]: washing

[breed]: bourbon, Kaddura

[flavor]: black tea, flower fragrance, rich caramel feeling