Coffee review

Starbucks Latte Caffè Latte

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Latte Caff Latte This is a traditional classic espresso coffee blended with hot milk and covered with a light layer of milk foam. When tasting this coffee, you can choose a syrup with a special flavor (such as vanilla, caramel or almond flavor). What's a latte? Latte is Italian transliteration of Latte, which means milk. And the latte we're talking about is milk coffee. bottom

Latte Caff è Latte

This is a traditional classic drink-espresso mixed with hot milk and covered with a light layer of foam. When tasting this coffee, you can choose to add syrup with a special flavor (such as vanilla, caramel or almond).

What is a latte? Latte is the transliteration of Italian "Latte", which means milk. And what we call a latte is milk coffee. The bottom is espresso, the middle is milk heated to 65-75 ℃, and finally a layer of cold milk foam no more than half a centimeter.

This is a real coffee shop classic. Like other classics, part of its beauty comes from its simplicity. The latte is just a perfect blend of one or two full-bodied espressos with fresh and sweet steamed milk. Although some people like to add more syrup or an extra espresso, some people think that the most primitive method is already delicious. Source:, the official website of Starbucks