Coffee review

A brief introduction to the flavor characteristics of Honduran coffee beans and how to adjust the thick and thin taste of varieties

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to adjust the thick and thin taste of Honduran coffee beans A brief introduction to the varieties of high-quality coffee in Honduras the coffee beans are treated by washing, which is usually soaked first, and the defective fruit will surface when soaking. You can flow away and discard it first. Then put the good fruit into the fruit peeling machine and peel off the peel with the rotating force of the machine. Peeled fruit in

A brief introduction to the flavor characteristics of Honduran coffee beans and how to adjust the thick and thin taste of varieties

High-quality coffee in Honduras uses water washing to deal with coffee beans, usually after soaking, when the defective fruit will surface, it can be discarded first. Then put the good fruit into the fruit peeling machine and peel off the peel with the rotating force of the machine. Peeled fruits are screened by machines to select fruits of high quality. Usually, the bigger the fruit, the better the maturity.

Honduras produces two kinds of coffee of very good quality, which are highly respected by coffee lovers. One is "Highland Coffee", which grows at an altitude of 1000 to 1500 meters, and the other is "selected Highland Coffee", which represents the highest level of Honduras, which grows at an altitude of 1500 to 2000 meters. Most of the Honduran coffee is exported to the United States and Germany.

The extremely balanced nature of Honduran coffee makes it a wide range of uses. Can be used to mix coffee, can also be used as a single product to brew, mixed with Honduran coffee Italian concentrate will have a surprising effect.

Although in troubled times, coffee can also grow its own wonderful, it is not difficult to understand why so many people are so obsessed with this black liquid, to some extent, this is not a simple love or habit, coffee is a mood or rely on it. I hope this country will show its vitality and splendor as coffee as soon as possible. Tumultuous Honduras will have a future as bright as Honduran coffee.