Coffee review

CATS 44 Coffee Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, When guests hold up the camera, it always puts on an elegant shape. If you are tired of walking in Nanluo Drum Lane, you might as well come here to have a rest. This is a cat-themed coffee and a gathering place for cat lovers. Not only is it arranged to reflect the cat theme everywhere, but more importantly, there are a group of cute and friendly cats pacing or sleeping around you. People who love cats always like to party here.

When guests hold up the camera, it always puts on an elegant shape.

If you are tired of walking in Nanluo Drum Lane, you might as well come here to have a rest. This is a cat-themed coffee and a gathering place for cat lovers. Not only is it arranged to reflect the cat theme everywhere, but more importantly, there are a group of cute and friendly cats pacing or sleeping around you.

Cat lovers always like to come here to party, especially to enjoy the lazy afternoon with cats. Cat Logo stickers can be seen everywhere, and some people always say that it is a bit like a kindergarten, watching cats crawling and playing carefree, always feeling that they are several years younger, which is also one of the main purposes of the owner to open a shop.

Shop address: 44 Bei Luogu Lane, Dongcheng District, Beijing (near Chechuodian Hutong)

Tel: 010-64040308