Coffee review

Old things Coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Old things Coffee ★★★☆☆ address: Qingyang District Paotong Tree Street 16 attached No. 5 (near wide and narrow alley) per capita: 40 yuan Old things Zhi is a very Japanese very small bourgeoisie shop, the place is not very big, rub a net to write a paper to read a book ~ sitting by the floor-to-ceiling window when there is sunshine is simply perfect! There are many super cute cats and dogs in the store, but they are sensitive to the smell of animals.

Old things Coffee ★★★☆☆ address: No. 5 (near wide and narrow lanes), 16 Pao Tung Shu Street, Qingyang District, per capita: 40 yuan

Old material Records is a very Japanese and petty bourgeoisie store, the place is not very big, rub a net to write a paper and read a book ~ sitting by the floor-to-ceiling window when there is sunshine is simply perfect!

There are many super cute cats and dogs in the store, but for those who are sensitive to animal smell, we should pay attention to some of the baked cheesecake in the store is really delicious! However, the only drawback is that the amount of coffee is relatively small, it is more reluctant to sit all afternoon.