Coffee review

Chemistry classroom: O2 Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Hand-brewed coffee, Italian coffee, dessert and western-style simple food is located in Golden Street, Zhongwanda Plaza, where the small elements of childhood chemistry class are presented in another beautiful form. The open window on the third floor has a great view of View, facing the small square of Golden Street, sitting alone at the table and enjoying peace in the face of the hustle and bustle. It feels as if it is far and near, but also like

Hand brewed coffee espresso

Dessert Western-style light meal

Located in Golden Street, Zhong Wanda Plaza, with a beautiful design, the small elements of childhood chemistry class are presented here in another beautiful form. The open window on the third floor has a great view of View, facing the small square of Golden Street, sitting alone at the table, facing the hustle and bustle and enjoying the serenity alone. It feels as if it is far away, but also seems to have nothing. Recently, the lucky little friend drank Blue Bottle Coffee American blue bottle coffee in the shop.

大连值得去的20家咖啡店 去或者不去她都在那里!

大连值得去的20家咖啡店 去或者不去她都在那里!

大连值得去的20家咖啡店 去或者不去她都在那里!

大连值得去的20家咖啡店 去或者不去她都在那里!

Address: 4118 Wanda Jin Street (Inner Street Square, Wanda Jin Street)

Tel: 0411-82287379 18641120833