Coffee review

A brief introduction to the characteristics of the grindability of coffee in Yejia Fischer Manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The shop once had a Cork Manor Solar G1 Chevy, which we loved very much. after selling out, we searched for a long time, but we didn't have a suitable Manor level G1 Chevy in storage, so we temporarily used a washed G2 Chevy. Recently, the foreign professional coffee tasting website Coffee Review recommended three G1-level Chevy to the store in small batches. Here is a brief introduction to this.

The shop once had a Cork Manor Solar G1 Chevy, which we loved very much. after selling out, we searched for a long time, but we didn't have a suitable Manor level G1 Chevy in storage, so we temporarily used a washed G2 Chevy. Recently, the foreign professional coffee tasting website Coffee Review recommended three G1-level Chevy to the store in small batches. Here is a brief introduction of these three Chevy in the northern part of the Great Rift Valley, dotted with a series of lakes inlaid like pearls in the Horn of Africa. Lake Turkana stretches from Kenya to Ethiopia. This is not only the cradle of mankind, but also the cradle of coffee.

Yega Xuefei's grading system is not based on the number of eyes, but on the proportion of defective beans in the total number of raw beans. Commonly seen are wash G2 and sun G3 Yega Chuefei, G1 is the highest grade, Yega Xuefei, which has the lowest defect rate and the best quality, can be rated as Grade 1 only after hand selection.

Yejia Xuefei, nearly 2,000 meters above sea level, is one of the highest coffee producing areas in the world. It has been a wetland since ancient times. "Yirga" means "settle down" and "Cheffe" means "wetland". Lake Turkana, Lake Abaya and Lake Chamo bring abundant water vapor. The Rift Valley, represented by Misty valley, is foggy all the year round, like spring all the year round, with a gentle breeze, cool and humid, and thousands of coffee trees thrive, giving birth to the unique and unpredictable atmosphere of Yejia Xuefei's unique fragrance of flowers and fruits.

European monastic academics opened up a local coffee growing industry, which was later run by coffee communities or cooperatives in villages around the town. There are no special plantations here, and coffee trees are naturally scattered in the forest and countryside. During the harvest season, the Ethiopian Coffee Trading Company will go to town to buy coffee beans collected by farmers and eventually sell them under the brand name "Yega Xuefei".

Yega Chuefei exudes an extremely complex aroma and shows an extremely excellent taste that is difficult to describe. In general, the dry aroma of Yega Chuefei is full of fruit, with strong aromas of dried fruit, strawberry, mango and apricot jam. Wet fragrance is like sweet syrup, like sticky apricot juice, wrapped in plain honey or chocolate. The entrance is not strong, the mellow thickness is medium, the sour taste is not obvious, but it is lively and bright, like fruit black tea.