Coffee review

Katim Fine Coffee Bean Varieties Planting Location Climate Elevation Profile

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. The state-owned Lujiang Farm in Baoshan City was planted in March 1991 with an area of 12.6 mu. There was no shade and irrigation once in dry season. The management level and fertilizer application level were medium. The fruit was produced in 1993. The average yield per mu in 93/94 was 75 kg. The average yield per mu in 94/95 was 350 kg. The average yield per mu in 95/96 was 225 kg. The average yield per mu in three years was 217 kg. The yield was 36% higher than that of Tibika and Bobang (Tibika and Bobang

The main results are as follows: 1. The state-owned Lujiang Farm in Baoshan City planted 12.6 mu in March 1991. The land is unshaded and irrigated once in the dry season. The average level of management and fertilization is above. In 1993, the average yield per mu was 75 kg in 1993, 350 kg in 1994, 225 kg in 1995, 217 kg per mu in three years, and 36% higher than Tiebika and Bobang (160 kg per mu).

2. Yunnan Dehong Tropical Agricultural Science Research Institute 1991 planted 30 mu with no shade and anhydrous irrigation, with a medium level of fertilization and management. the average yield per mu was 304.3 kg in 1993, 294 kg in 1994, 222.5 kg per mu in 1995, 273.6 kg per mu in three years, and 82% higher than S288 (S288 average yield per mu).

3. The covered field coffee base of Ning'er County Coffee Company planted 50 mu in July 1998, the site environment was unshaded, the level of management was medium, and the level of fertilization was low, but the soil fertility was high. Since 2000, the average yield per mu was 285 kg in 2001 and 2002, 340 kg in 2002, 293 kg in 2003 and 306 kg in 2003. The yield is 53% and 91% higher than that of PT (the average yield of PT is 200kg per mu and the average yield of P4 is 160kg per mu).

Katim coffee bean flavor grinding scale price taste fine coffee bean producing area anchor point

Coffee is a short-day plant. Coffee has the characteristics of multiple flowering and concentrated florescence. The florescence of small seed coffee in Yunnan is from February to July, and the flowering period is from March to May. The flowering of coffee is greatly affected by climate, especially rainfall and temperature. Coffee flowers have a short life span of only 2-3 days. Small seed coffee usually opens at 3: 5 in the morning, and it takes a long time for the fruit to bloom from 5 to 7 in the morning. It takes 8 to 10 months for the fruit of small seed coffee to mature, usually from October to December of the year. Rainfall has a great influence on fruit development. Tibika, which has a direct impact on fruit, is an old variety of Arabica. It is well known that Kona in Hawaii and the Blue Mountains in Jamaica are also Tibika species. In the vast expanse of Katim, it is easy to recognize. After careful observation, you will find that each species has its own appearance, Katim's leaves are hanging down, the tree shape seems to be wearing a cloak. Tiebika, on the other hand, has upward branches and new leaves on the top of the tree.

Typica: the oldest native variety in Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan. All Arabikas are derived from Tibika. The flavor is elegant, but the physique is weak, the disease resistance is poor, the fruit yield is less. Excellent manor beans such as the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, Manning of Sumatra and Kona of Hawaii all belong to Tibika. Tiebika top leaf is red copper, called red top coffee, Tibika belongs to Arabica.

Catimor: in 1959, the Portuguese mixed Brazilian Kaddura and Timo to develop a disease-resistant Katim / Katimo, which is now an important variety of commercial beans. Coffee is a short-day plant. Coffee has the characteristics of multiple flowering and concentrated florescence. The florescence of small seed coffee in Yunnan is from February to July, and the flowering period is from March to May. The flowering of coffee is greatly affected by climate, especially rainfall and temperature. Coffee flowers have a short life span of only 2-3 days. Small seed coffee usually opens at 3: 5 in the morning, and it takes a long time for the fruit to bloom from 5 to 7 in the morning. It takes 8 to 10 months for the fruit of small seed coffee to mature, usually from October to December of the year. Rainfall has a great influence on fruit development, and climatic conditions directly affect fruit development.

At present, most of the plants in Yunnan are Katim, which is a hybrid of Kaddura and Robsta, a branch of the bourbon line in the Arabica species. The reason for planting this variety is that Katim has the Robusta gene, so it is better than a single old variety in disease resistance, and the yield is good. Compared with the delicate old variety, the disease resistance is poor and the yield is low. Farmers naturally prefer to plant Katim. So now there has been a Katim wind in Yunnan.

1. Ethiopia

Africa Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, and there are more changes and choices than any other producing area. Imagine that there are more than 1000 coffee varieties in Ethiopia. For this reason, professional coffee makers are likely to be surprised to choose beans in Ethiopia, because some of the best new coffee can always be selected, so boutique coffee makers like BLUEBOTTLE often go there to test their cups. Among the main producing areas in Ethiopia, Yegashifi, Sidamo and Harald are high-level producing areas. Yega Xuefei is particularly popular in the boutique coffee industry. Although it is difficult to get a high score in COE, its citrus aroma and sun-treated red wine aroma make it easy to distinguish it from other coffee, with a sense of freshness and secularity.

In addition to Ethiopia, other famous places in Africa include Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi and so on, all of which produce high-quality coffee beans.

two。 Brazil

Brazil, the largest coffee producer in the world, mainly produces commercial coffee, and has played an important role in the reform of Espresso. Originally, it did not play an important role in the world of boutique coffee. However, after learning experience in Europe and the United States, the second generation of Brazilian farms actively participated in the process of cup testing, production improvement and so on. In recent years, they have a certain say in the boutique coffee industry. Well-known producing areas are Serrado, Morgiana, Bahia, Parana and so on.

Many people know that coffee beans can be traced back to Arabica Arabica and Robusta Robasta. In a word, Arabica Arabiya is a better kind of beans. Robusta Robasta has a rough flavor and is often used as instant coffee.

There are two major native species under Arabica Arabica: iron pickup Typica | Bourbon Bourbon, other gene mutants: Kenya SL28, SL34 | geisha Geisha, etc., as well as Arabica intraspecific hybrids (such as the popular Pacamara), and Arabica and Robusta hybrids, all of which can not be listed, it is better to gradually pass practice and popularization in the future. In short, both Iron pickup and bourbon have excellent derivative varieties, such as Blue Mountain and Mantenin, which are all derivatives of Iron pickup, and bourbon from El Salvador in Central America often gets high marks in the COE selection. The high-priced boutique bean geisha Geisha is a little special. It is a wild Ethiopian variety that has been wild for up to 50 years before it spread to Central America. Some people like its special mocha flavor and scented tea, but it is really special.

It must be corrected that the quality of coffee beans has nothing to do with their particle size. Some coffee beans in Colombia are large, beautiful but sour. Yegashifi and geisha are smaller but rich in flavor.

Different flavors of Katim Coffee beans-how Blue Mountain Coffee Baking Anchor

Later, Feng's love of coffee and his own behavior coincided with me. With the support of my friend Wang Bo, I lived with him for half a month. I went to the coffee field 1530 meters above sea level for the first time with the roar of the tractor. I saw his tree of hope and picked some Katim red cherries separately. I want to try my best to understand the flavor of this bean in every link. Later, Brother Feng sent me the sun-treated Katim that I picked. After opening the bag, the rich sweetness of the ripe fruit suddenly captured me. After baking, I found it clean and sweet. So I began to trust this bean, but it has two prefixes, high altitude and sunshine.