Coffee review

A brief introduction to the Market Price of Fine Coffee Bean varieties in Esmeralda Manor of Panama

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The story of the operation of the coffee farm starts from the last century and from the digging of the Panama Canal. This maritime traffic route, on a par with the Suez Canal, and the geographical dividing line between North and South America, should also be the first landmark that comes to mind when the world talks about Panama. The construction of the Panama Canal lasted 30 years from 1883 to 1914. The project was originally led by the French.

The story of the operation of the coffee farm starts from the last century and from the digging of the Panama Canal. This maritime traffic route, on a par with the Suez Canal, and the geographical dividing line between North and South America, should also be the first landmark that comes to mind when the world talks about Panama.

The construction of the Panama Canal lasted 30 years from 1883 to 1914. The project was initially led by the French, and then the development rights fell to the Americans, during which as many as 50,000 craftsmen and technicians were employed, many of whom were engineers from northern Europe. Toleff Bache M?nniche is one of the coffee industry's perceptions of Panama, probably from the famous geisha. From 2004 to 2015, the first "dark horse" of Hacienda La Esmeralda broke out. For 10 years in a row, Rose Xia became a new legend in the industry. The momentum far overshadowed the former Blue Mountain of Jamaica, and the auction price also soared. The highest price was $170per pound, equivalent to 2400 yuan per kilogram. The high price made Jadeite Manor and Valentina Manor famous all over the world for a time after the birth of the magnificent summer. Around the rose summer variety, even the established coffee producing countries Guatemala, Colombia and Costa Rica are not to be outdone, quickly playing the rose summer brand, making its popularity and price soar.

On the basis of very excellent quality, the very people-friendly price makes this coffee bean cost-effective. What is special about this coffee bean is that it is made up of three varieties, of which 40% are rosy summer varieties, giving this coffee a distinct rosy summer flavor. According to the information obtained, due to the historical reasons of the manor, in order to pursue yield at that time, the early Rosa varieties were mixed with the coffee trees of Kaddura and Kaduai, and in order to facilitate picking, coffee farmers did not reclassify them, but directly mixed the three varieties. After that, as Rosa rose to fame and the price was soaring, the processing plant began to carry out fine washing treatment for such a coffee bean. Now there are many ways of washing, but generally speaking, the floating beans are removed after the coffee fruit is picked, then the pulp is removed, and the coffee beans are soaked in a fermentation tank, and the enzymes in the water soften the mucus attached to the peel of the coffee beans. Natural yeast breaks down sugars in mucus, a process called fermentation. After the fermentation is completed, move the coffee beans to the sun field to dry. In the process of drying, you need to constantly turn the coffee beans to ensure the uniformity of the drying. Finally, the shell is kept in the warehouse, and some raw bean merchants place an order before shelling and bagging. The processed coffee tastes clean, emphasizing bright and lively acidity, as well as clear fruit flavor and floral flavor. Rose summer coffee raw beans have a very beautiful blue-green, jade-like warm texture. It smells of fresh grass, peach, berry and the unique milky sweetness of oolong tea that most coffee beans do not have. It seems that aroma and taste need to be associated with this kind of thing. But the faint smell of tea is obviously felt by us [1].

In order to highlight the characteristics and aroma of this bean, the baking degree is on the verge of two explosions, and two explosions and one sound are more commonly used baking degrees, which can give play to the characteristics of the beans themselves. If they are too shallow, they will produce miscellaneous smells, and if they are too deep, they will lose the aroma of flowers and fruit acid. of course, this should be adjusted according to the characteristics of coffee beans and the roaster's understanding of the beans themselves.

Baked ripe beans look like some "wrinkles". Beans with "sexy folds" are all designed to highlight their original flavor and acidity, but if the quality of raw beans is not high, they will produce some miscellaneous flavors, such as rotten soil, grass and dry taste, which bakers should try to avoid. Baked rose summer has charming lemon and citrus aromas and super sweet honey cream flavor.

Flavor editor

The fragrance of flowers, tropical fruits, strong sweetness; these are the feelings that Rose Summer has always given us. Properly baked, they make you feel like sipping the fragrance of a bouquet of flowers. Maybe you don't know the story of Rosa, which was originally an ancient native species from Ethiopia, which was taken as a coffee sample to a coffee experimental garden in Costa Rica and distributed to several small farms for small-scale trials.

Thanks to Boquete's unique climate, wet and dry seasons, ample sunshine and precipitation, and fertile soil formed by volcanic ash from Mount Baru, the coffee cultivation of Lerida Manor quickly grew its own climate, and in 1929, the estate's coffee beans were exported to Germany for the first time, earning a good reputation for Panamanian coffee. In the following 3/4 centuries, as a family manor, Lelida coffee cultivation continued to develop, achieving its international reputation as a Norwegian engineer who graduated from Dresden College in Germany. At that time, he was in charge of the gate technology for the port of Cologne on the Panama Canal. Tropical rain forest climate in Panama, hot and humid and mosquito ravages make it difficult for many Nordic people to adapt, continue to suffer from disease, many people died as a result. In 1911, Toleff Bache, who had suffered from malaria for the fourth time, took a steamboat along the Pacific coast to Bopquete, a small town in Chiriqui province, where the dry climate and fresh air allowed him to recover. Deeply in love with the land, he returned here in 1924 with his wife Julia and bought a piece of land at the foot of the Baru volcano, what is now Lilida Manor. They built their own house here, Nordic-style architecture, and have lived here ever since.