Coffee review

She moved the flower class into the cafe.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Li Qian feels very satisfied to be with flowers every day. Every time I see flowers, I always think of the Jindalai flowers in my hometown when I was a child. If I can deal with flowers in my future life, my life will be the most wonderful. In 1991, Li Qian, the owner of the florist and a major employee of the florist, said. The college student who was born in 1991 and graduated from Chinese as a foreign language said bluntly:

Li Qian feels very satisfied to be with flowers every day.

"every time I see flowers, I think of the Jindalai flowers all over the mountains in my hometown when I was a child. If I can deal with flowers in my future life, my life will be the most wonderful. " In 1991, Li Qian, the owner of the florist and a major employee of the florist, said. The college student, who was born in 1991 and graduated with a major in Chinese as a foreign language, said bluntly: "from the trainer, to the planning of the wedding ceremony, to today's small flower shop, it took me four years to find the career I wanted to stick to. It was worth it!" An online flower shop opened in your living room.

Li Qian, who majored in Chinese as a foreign language, had planned to seek an opportunity to teach Chinese abroad after graduation. "I couldn't remember exactly what kind of tradeoff it was, so I finally gave up going abroad." Li Qian said. Her first job was as a corporate trainer. "then she came to Jinan and worked with entrepreneurs in the logistics industry. She learned a lot and made a lot of friends." Li Qian said that although she was happy at work, she always felt that these were not the things she most wanted to do.

Soon, she started her third job as wedding planner. This is also the beginning of her real contact with flowers. In her spare time, she always follows the florist in the company to learn flower arrangement, flower cultivation and collocation. "slowly, every time I plan a wedding, whenever I can do something related to flowers, I feel very happy. I realize that this is what I want to do." Li Qian said. So she again chose to resign and go to Beijing to study. "in the process, I began to contact the florist, take out all my savings over the years, and begin to prepare for the career I want to fight for." Li Qian said.

Online ordering of "one Flower a week" is the starting project of Li Qian's flower career. On September 1, 2016, the first batch of flowers airlifted from Kunming arrived in Jinan after going through various formalities. "that day, my boyfriend helped me carry the flowers home, and we directly transformed the living room into a flower warehouse and display room." Li Qian said. Li Qian's marketing direction is also relatively clear. "I just want to serve the flower lovers in Jinan, and the women in the cubicle are my main customer group." Li Qian said that for an initial period of time, she packed flowers and took orders in the evening, and went to do business in an office building in the morning. Although it is hard, in Li Qian's view, as long as you are doing what you like, no matter how difficult it is, you can overcome it.

"at the beginning of my career, I got a lot of help from my friends." Li Qian said she was overjoyed that she received more than 40 orders just a week after the opening of teacher's Day. However, due to the limited start-up funds, for the first two months, she not only had to pack flowers by herself, but also worked as a courier to deliver flowers to her own family.

She wants to build a flower world belonging to the people of Jinan.

"among the people who order weekly flowers, 90% are women who are busy in cubicles, and about 70% of them give flowers to themselves. I think girls who work in Jinan will love themselves more and more." Li Qian said. Another interesting phenomenon she found is that companies with southerners as supervisors prefer to order flowers for their employees.

The so-called "one flower, one world", "each bouquet of flowers with a story, which makes me very moved." Li Qian said. For example, there are boys who hope to express their love with the help of flowers, and there are also those who hope to express their gratitude to their mothers through flowers; there are only those who prefer a kind of flowers that remain unchanged for months, and some prefer large bouquets of flowers, which can not be repeated every time. "'spent a long time together, can not see the flowers will feel empty', this is the customer's message to me, I feel very warm, but very helpless." Li Qian said that because of operating costs, she had to stop the weekly business of individual subscribers after the Spring Festival in 2017.

"I don't think this is a failure, but an adaptive change. After all, I can't compete with some companies that spend once a week, which are very mature." Li Qian said, "I just want to have a small greenhouse in Jinan to provide the freshest flowers for flower lovers living in Jinan." Now, Li Qian has moved her flowers into the cafe. "my plan is to put my flowers in an adjusted cafe." Li Qian said that customers who like to spend Mondays a week can

Near taking flowers, you can even choose your own bouquet on the spot.

Soon, Li Qian's 1991 flower class will also be held in a cafe. "I want to teach the simplest and most practical flower arrangement skills to those who love flowers." Li Qian said.