Coffee review

Nearby, the animal that mainly picks up passengers is, of course, the otter ~ although there is only one at present

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Otters can be raised in Japan. I often see Japanese owners bathing with otters and basking them on the balcony. "Kobe, Japan has opened an otter coffee shop, although there is no publicity. But because it is too special, and the otter is too coquettish and cute, basically the guests simply never stop! This Kitano Sakasaka and Miyagi Cafe is at the Kobe Miyagi Station.

Otters can be raised in Japan. I often see Japanese owners bathing with otters and basking them on the balcony.

Kobe, Japan opened an "Otter Cafe", although there is no publicity, but because it is too special, and the otter is too coquettish and cute, basically the guests simply never stop!

This "Kitano Sakao and Miyagi Cafe" is near Kobe Miyagi Station. Of course, the main pick-up animal is the otter, although there is only one small-clawed otter, that is, it, a two-year-old girl.