Coffee review

Medina Learn more about Medina

  • Antigua-Medina Manor Finca Medina, Guatemala introduces the production of authentic Antigua

    Antigua-Medina Manor Finca Medina, Guatemala introduces the production of authentic Antigua

    Professional baristas Please follow the Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Medina Manor Finca Medina introduced that Medina Manor was established in 1842, located on the outskirts of Antigua, covering an area of 74 hectares, producing pure Antigua coffee. At Medina Manor, its coffee production and processing process, while using high-tech and traditional technology, inclusive

    2017-11-17 Guatemala Antioch Tina Manor Finca Medina introduction
  • Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm What comes to mind first when you think of Guatemala coffee Antigua? This is the name of the ancient capital, the flower god? This is the name of a brand. The delicate smoky flavor is correct. This is the characteristic of Guatemala coffee. The main formation factor is caused by volcanic geology. Coffee has saved Guatemala's economy in the past 100 years.

    2018-05-21 Guatemala Pearl Midi Tina Farm
  • Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm What comes to mind first when you think of Guatemala coffee Antigua? This is the name of the ancient capital, the flower god? This is the name of a brand. The delicate smoky flavor is correct. This is the characteristic of Guatemala coffee. The main formation factor is caused by volcanic geology. Coffee has saved Guatemala's economy in the past 100 years.

    2018-05-21 Guatemala Pearl Midi Tina Farm
  • Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    When Guatemala Pearl Medina and Medina Farm think of Guatemalan coffee, what Antigua comes to mind first? Is this the name of the ancient capital, the god of flowers? This is the name of a brand, and the meticulous smell of smoke is correct. This is the characteristic of Guatemalan coffee. The main factor is caused by volcanic geology. Coffee has saved the Guatemalan economy in the past 100 years.

    2018-05-21 Guatemala Pearl Meidi Tina Farm Medi
  • Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    When Guatemala Pearl Medina and Medina Farm think of Guatemalan coffee, what Antigua comes to mind first? Is this the name of the ancient capital, the god of flowers? This is the name of a brand, and the meticulous smell of smoke is correct. This is the characteristic of Guatemalan coffee. The main factor is caused by volcanic geology. Coffee has saved the Guatemalan economy in the past 100 years.

    2018-05-21 Guatemala Pearl Meidi Tina Farm Medi
  • Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    When Guatemala Pearl Medina and Medina Farm think of Guatemalan coffee, what Antigua comes to mind first? Is this the name of the ancient capital, the god of flowers? This is the name of a brand, and the meticulous smell of smoke is correct. This is the characteristic of Guatemalan coffee. The main factor is caused by volcanic geology. Coffee has saved the Guatemalan economy in the past 100 years.

    2018-05-21 Guatemala Pearl Meidi Tina Farm Medi
  • Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    When Guatemala Pearl Medina and Medina Farm think of Guatemalan coffee, what Antigua comes to mind first? Is this the name of the ancient capital, the god of flowers? This is the name of a brand, and the meticulous smell of smoke is correct. This is the characteristic of Guatemalan coffee. The main factor is caused by volcanic geology. Coffee has saved the Guatemalan economy in the past 100 years.

    2018-05-21 Guatemala Pearl Meidi Tina Farm Medi
  • Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    When Guatemala Pearl Medina and Medina Farm think of Guatemalan coffee, what Antigua comes to mind first? Is this the name of the ancient capital, the god of flowers? This is the name of a brand, and the meticulous smell of smoke is correct. This is the characteristic of Guatemalan coffee. The main factor is caused by volcanic geology. Coffee has saved the Guatemalan economy in the past 100 years.

    2018-05-21 Guatemala Pearl Meidi Tina Farm Medi
  • Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    When Guatemala Pearl Medina and Medina Farm think of Guatemalan coffee, what Antigua comes to mind first? Is this the name of the ancient capital, the god of flowers? This is the name of a brand, and the meticulous smell of smoke is correct. This is the characteristic of Guatemalan coffee. The main factor is caused by volcanic geology. Coffee has saved the Guatemalan economy in the past 100 years.

    2018-05-21 Guatemala Pearl Meidi Tina Farm Medi
  • Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    When Guatemala Pearl Medina and Medina Farm think of Guatemalan coffee, what Antigua comes to mind first? Is this the name of the ancient capital, the god of flowers? This is the name of a brand, and the meticulous smell of smoke is correct. This is the characteristic of Guatemalan coffee. The main factor is caused by volcanic geology. Coffee has saved the Guatemalan economy in the past 100 years.

    2018-05-21 Guatemala Pearl Meidi Tina Farm Medi
  • Guardia Antigua Finca Medina Medina Manor

    Guardia Antigua Finca Medina Medina Manor

    Guardia Antigua Finca Medina Medina Manor Coffee has saved Guatemala's economy in the past century. It is estimated that there are about 120000 producers, accounting for 40% of agricultural exports. As many as 20 of 22 provinces are engaged in coffee cultivation. Almost all areas have coffee beans and 98% have trees for shade.

    2018-05-21 Guardia Mara Antioch Finca Medina Tina Manor
  • Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    When Guatemala Pearl Medina and Medina Farm think of Guatemalan coffee, what Antigua comes to mind first? Is this the name of the ancient capital, the god of flowers? This is the name of a brand, and the meticulous smell of smoke is correct. This is the characteristic of Guatemalan coffee. The main factor is caused by volcanic geology. Coffee has saved the Guatemalan economy in the past 100 years.

    2018-05-21 Guatemala Pearl Meidi Tina Farm Medi
  • Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    Guatemala Pearl Medina, Medina Farm

    When Guatemala Pearl Medina and Medina Farm think of Guatemalan coffee, what Antigua comes to mind first? Is this the name of the ancient capital, the god of flowers? This is the name of a brand, and the meticulous smell of smoke is correct. This is the characteristic of Guatemalan coffee. The main factor is caused by volcanic geology. Coffee has saved the Guatemalan economy in the past 100 years.

    2018-05-21 Guatemala Pearl Meidi Tina Farm Medi
  • Suggestion for brewing coffee beans in microclimate at Finca Medina Medina Manor in Antigua, Guatemala

    Suggestion for brewing coffee beans in microclimate at Finca Medina Medina Manor in Antigua, Guatemala

    Professional barista exchanges please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Guatemala Antigua Finca Medina Medina Manor in the past 100 years coffee has saved the Guatemalan economy, it is estimated that there are about 120000 producers, is a major export, accounting for 40% of agricultural exports as many as 20 provinces in 22 provinces engaged in coffee

    2017-12-05 Guatemala Antioch Finca Medina Tina Manor Climate
  • Guatemala Medina Manor feature introduction, flavor and taste description

    Guatemala Medina Manor feature introduction, flavor and taste description

    Professional barista exchanges please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Guatemala Pearl Medina Manor Finca Medina Medina Manor is coffee players love Antigua coffee, the farm began to establish farming in 1999, has been producing good coffee farm for a century, the average annual output of 1000 bags, 1550 meters above sea level average temperature of about 21 degrees, mainly

    2017-12-02 Danger Latin America Dina Manor characteristics introduction Flavor Taste description
  • Can Columbia Astrid Medina individual coffee be made by hand? Colombian single bean hand brewing

    Can Columbia Astrid Medina individual coffee be made by hand? Colombian single bean hand brewing

    For more information on coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) coffee bean aroma / flavor Aroma/Flavor: peach, mango, sugar cane, honey, cherry pie, blueberry, raspberry, dark chocolate, ginger, purple at Astrid Medina Farm in Tolima, Colombia.

    2018-11-05 Columbia Astrid Medina single item coffee yes do it.
  • Detailed introduction of Madina Manor Coffee in Guatemala the flavor characteristics of Medina Manor Coffee

    Detailed introduction of Madina Manor Coffee in Guatemala the flavor characteristics of Medina Manor Coffee

    Located in the Antigua producing area of Guatemala (Antigua), Finca Medina is surrounded by Acatenango, Fuego and Agua volcanoes. With a special climate and fertile volcanic soil, it is a good environment for coffee trees to grow. In order to plant high-quality coffee trees, the owner of Madina Manor has made continuous efforts for many years and obtained Starbucks certification.

    2020-07-06 Dangerous place Malaysia Latin America Tina Manor Coffee details introduction Flavor characteristics
  • Antigua Medina Manor Information background introduction Antigua Coffee beans Medina Manor washing

    Antigua Medina Manor Information background introduction Antigua Coffee beans Medina Manor washing

    For the exchange of professional baristas, please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Guatemala Antigua coffee producing area is located in the isthmus of Central America, the geology is young, and there are many high mountains and plateaus formed by active volcanoes. These high-altitude mountains are very suitable for the production of high-quality coffee because of their cold climate and fertile volcanic ash soil often covered by volcanic eruptions.

    2017-11-15 Antioch Guamei Tina Manor Information material background introduction Coffee beans washing
  • Starbucks' finest coffee supply estate, Antigua Medina Manor, Guatemala

    Starbucks' finest coffee supply estate, Antigua Medina Manor, Guatemala

    English name: Guatemala Antigua Finca Medina country: Guatemala production area: Antigua rating: SHB, Strictly Hard Bean) producer: Medina Manor treatment: washed varieties: bourbon (Bourbon), Kaddura (Caturra) altitude: 1520 to 1700 m GPS: 14 degrees north latitude 32 minutes 15 seconds west longitude 90 degrees 45 minutes 26 seconds (treatment plant)

    2018-01-04 Buck Best quality Coffee supply Manor Guatemala Antioch Guamei Di
  • Colombia COE #1 Extreme View Manor Colombia Coffee Features Taste

    Colombia COE #1 Extreme View Manor Colombia Coffee Features Taste

    Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Colombia C.O.E competition 1st place Extreme View Manor Buenavista ■ Country: Colombia ■ Production area: Dolima ■ Elevation: 1800-2000 meters ■ Treatment method: washing ■ Grade: SHB ■ Variety: Arabica ■ Planting area: 10

    2018-07-19 Colombia COE 1 name Extreme View Manor Coffee Characteristics Taste Professional