Coffee review

What are the points for attention in how to open a cafe?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, It is better to be a maverick pig than to follow the rules. Many people's big dream is to open a cafe, let the fragrance of coffee float forever over the city, and give hurried urbanites the best excuse to stop and be in a daze. So how to set up a coffee shop? the following is the compulsory course for you to open a coffee shop. Welcome to read. Cafe course one

It is better to be a maverick pig than to follow the rules. Many people's big dream is to open a cafe, let the fragrance of coffee float forever over the city, and give hurried urbanites the best excuse to stop and be in a daze. So how to set up a coffee shop? the following is the compulsory course for you to open a coffee shop. Welcome to read.


Cafe lesson 1: figure out what kind of coffee shop to open

To put it bluntly, the positioning of a coffee shop is how big your coffee shop wants to open, what does your coffee shop sell, and who do you want to sell your coffee shop products to? If you want to understand these three questions, the positioning will be accurate, the direction will be determined, and a clear goal is the first step in successfully opening a store. The positioning of the coffee shop determines your investment, personnel, location, and decoration style, but many shop owners are just the opposite. they often decide on the design and location first, and then consider what type of coffee shop to open. This is the deadliest mistake for coffee shop owners.

Coffee shop course 2: figure out how to spend the money to open a coffee shop

That is, how much does it cost to open a coffee shop? this is a very important lesson. There are a lot of contents. Let's make a long story short.

Maybe many friends will first think of coffee equipment and furniture, etc., wrong! That's not the first thing you want! What is it?-menu! The menu is the most basic. The menu of the cafe determines which equipment you need to purchase, so first make the menu, determine what to sell, and make a shopping list according to the products of the cafe. As for the basic coffee equipment, we will not list them one by one here. You can go to the official website with a cup of coffee. To say here, it is not necessary to purchase too much equipment at the beginning, but it can be added one after another. It is necessary to ensure that there is enough space reserved for storage equipment in the cafe, so as to avoid the embarrassment of adding equipment without space in the later stage.

Here, shop owners are reminded not to spend the money to open a coffee shop on decoration in the first place. Decorating a coffee shop will increase your budget constantly, and even more when it is finished. This is a rule of thumb, which may eventually lead to too little remaining funds. Equipment procurement and other constraints, and deducting the rent, the cafe will not last much longer. So you should always remember that coffee production equipment is the most important thing, production tools determine productivity!


Opening Cafe course 3: it is necessary to learn skills well

What is the way out for a cafe where the coffee tastes terrible?

Before opening a shop, many people don't even know how to make coffee, whether you can't make it yourself, and you can't tell the level of the staff you hired. This is a pit, and you mustn't jump. Before opening a shop, you should go to other cafes to taste the taste of coffee and learn more about the basic knowledge of coffee on the Internet. at the same time, you can also take a look at what other cafes sell. Although the threshold for opening a coffee shop is not high, the competition is still very fierce. Only by mastering skilled technology can you ensure the good operation of the coffee shop.

Opening Cafe course 4: it's time for location again

A good location is half the success of opening a store. We don't know how many times we have heard this sentence. If we don't say much nonsense, what is a good location?

To put it simply, we use the three levels of ABC to determine the sector level. In A-class lots, we usually distinguish commercial areas by A-level, B-level and C-grade. for A-class prime lots, the rent is very high. the unit price sold by merchants in this area is very high, and if the rent is low, it costs tens of thousands of yuan a month, and the operating cost is huge. What I want to say here is that we might as well pay attention to B and C lots and observe in detail the different ways of work and rest in each lot, the gathering time of people, and so on. Shop openers are advised to investigate the business circle, including your competitors.


Coffee shop course five: how much is a cup of coffee?

To determine how much a cup of coffee costs, first, we need to know how much a cup of coffee costs, and secondly, how much does the competitor sell.

Usually a cup of coffee needs 15 grams of 20 grams of beans, and a jin of coffee can usually make 25 or 30 cups of coffee, while the cost of cream and sugar for a cup of coffee is about 1 yuan, plus consumables such as cups and habits. The raw material cost of a cup of coffee is about four or five yuan. Finally, plus the rent, water, electricity, staff and other expenses, plus the price of a cup of coffee, many shop owners do not know how much a cup of coffee costs, just depends on how much the competitors sell, which is completely wrong.

To say so much for the time being, opening a coffee shop requires a long stream of water, and you cannot make a big profit in a short period of time. Although the profit of coffee is considerable, the cost and difficulty of operating is still relatively high. At the same time, each coffee shop has its own way of operation, which can not be blindly imitated and cannot be copied at all. You need to keep learning in the business process, ah, to find your own way.


Is there a technical threshold for opening a coffee shop?

The threshold is very low, self-study or training can be fully mastered in 1-2 weeks. However, decoration and furniture cup procurement have higher requirements for personal aesthetics.

What are the profit prospects of opening a coffee shop?

As you have answered, the statistics tell you that very few people can make a profit. But there are still some profitable and some more profitable. Here is a personal humble analysis of the aspects that need to be paid attention to in order to make a profit before and after opening a store. I hope it will be helpful to friends who want to open a store or open a store for the first time:


1. The budget is important. First of all, you should have a general model in mind to clearly define the positioning and the amount of investment, and then make an initial budget for decoration funds, store rent, transfer fees, deposits, water and electricity properties, manpower expenses, first purchase, etc., according to the approximate market price. The budget should be done according to one's ability. Roughly calculate the time required to recover costs and achieve profitability according to budget needs, as well as preliminary estimates of daily turnover. If the results tell you that you can't even recover the cost during the term of your first lease, give up as soon as possible. (many people open it without this step at all, which is no different from gambling.) the above data must be based on a thorough survey of the local market.

two。 Market research has to be done. You need to know whether this area needs a coffee shop like you, and if the market is close to saturation or oversaturation, why should you be cannon fodder? If there happens to be such a market, take advantage of all available space.

3. Attention should be paid to the location. Neither coffee shop nor bar is suitable for the noisy downtown business district. From the business district and residential areas have a more convenient distance from the location is better, the surrounding catering and other living services circle is better, convenient parking bonus points, good scenery bonus points, art and cultural circles plus points. At the same time, pay attention to the rent (including transfer fees, water and electricity properties, etc.). In principle, the lower the rent, the better. What you save is what you earn.

4. The theme is kingship. No matter how hard it is to open a store without a good theme and design cost, it is a piece of cake. Operators had better have a higher artistic aesthetic accomplishment, if they really do not have to ask for help. Coffee shop must have its own theme and theme in line with the positioning, and designed around the theme, there is no theme, there is no vitality.

5. Cost control. Prophase must adhere to the concept of saving is to earn the concept of decoration and procurement, even if the cost is well controlled, the final expenditure will usually exceed the budget by 5% or so by about 10%.

6. The price should be reasonable. Generally speaking, the cost of raw materials accounts for about 30% of the price, of course, 20% or even 10%. It is recommended that the product cost rate should be reasonably matched with a maximum unit cost of 50%, and the overall cost should be controlled within 30%. After doing market research, refer to the price ≥ cost / cost rate formula for reasonable pricing.

7. Don't turn it up. If you open it for the first time, the smaller the better. I have seen a small shop as successful as a dozen square meters, and dozens of flat yellow shops are relatively few. Hundreds of even several floors of yellow shops like to hear and hear. It's really profitable. You can copy a branch. What you should worry about is that insufficient attendance leads to a waste of resources, not that there are too many guests to sit down.



1. Do the accounts. Very important, need very detailed accounts, pen to do, daily to do, weekly to do, monthly to do, year to year to do. There is a need for projects that fully cover all expenditure and income, with a breakdown of projects, periodic analysis of account data, data talk, and operation and promotion based on the data. Many small bosses don't do accounting at all, and they don't know whether they deserve to make money or not. In addition to the income and expenditure account, there are also raw material income and expenditure, stocktaking and other accounts. If you have a partner or hire a shop assistant, be sure to check the account reconciliation. There are too many benefits of a sound accounting system. The world of those who get the data is just as applicable here.

two。 Pay attention to labor costs. For a small coffee shop, the labor cost is the main cost next to or even higher than the rent. Coffee shop is not a labor-intensive industry, if you and your partners can be busy, please do it yourself for the time being. Don't think about it until your accounting analysis tells you that your profit situation can maintain your hiring of shop assistants.

3. Marketing campaign. You have to do it regularly, the cost is lower, and no one really loses money. Remember that making money is the primary goal. It's okay to see what the marketing activities of big and successful stores are like, look for a change of clothes suitable for your store, imitate and learn first, and then you will have a new skill get.

4. Customer relations. Now even the vegetable seller knows CRM. The boss and clerk have to be able to manage customer relations. Don't look like you like it or not. Customers are money. Do you like money? Then love your customers. What, you don't like money? Shops that lose money are run by this kind of owner. What do you do, CRM? You'll know as soon as you search this.

5. Share the cost. You can consider introducing small projects or subleasing and sharing costs, but you need to make sure that high-quality resources still belong to the main projects of the coffee shop, do not conflict with the theme and do not compete for business. I have seen a friend's shop through cooperation with ice cream, bookstore and florist, rent and property costs are almost zero, and labor costs are also saved (sharing waiters with florists).

6. Ensure the quality of the products. All understand but can insist on less, more and more worse is loved to see, then the business is getting worse and worse can be blamed.


Later stage

1. About the transfer. If you have worked very hard and the store is still difficult to maintain, don't be reluctant to give up, then you can consider transferring it. Maybe someone else will take over the job. Of course, it has nothing to do with you to take the money and leave. But if business is good and someone wants to buy it at a high price, weigh it yourself. Be sure to get rid of all relationships when you transfer, and don't stay at all in case of trouble.

two。 Refurbished. Usually 3-5 years or so can be considered to renovate, capacity for it.