Coffee review

Open coffee shop Daquan

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, If you want to open a coffee shop, you don't know whether to open an independent coffee shop or join a chain, open a pure coffee shop, or run another one. This is the first choice you face at the beginning of your business. If the start-up capital is not considered, in terms of the gross profit margin, the profit of individual stores is similar to that of joining chain stores, because although the unit price is different, if the franchise fee and business area rent are considered at the same time.


To open a coffee shop, I don't know whether to open an independent coffee shop or join a chain, open a pure coffee shop, or run other businesses at the same time. This is the first choice you face at the beginning of your business. If you do not consider the start-up capital, in terms of the gross profit margin, the profit of individual stores is similar to that of joining chain stores, because although the unit price is different, if you also consider franchise fees, business area rents, labor costs, investment costs and other expenses, there is little difference in interest rates. If the start-up capital is not high, can not join the chain of a well-known brand, you should consider starting your own business. Below, there are several types of cafes operating characteristics and suitable for the crowd.

Characteristics of individual store:

Operating area: about 50-100 square meters

Employ: 2-3 people

Store decoration: emphasize individual style

Atmosphere in the store: suitable for reading, dating, chatting, meditation, relaxation, etc.

Coffee making method: more professional, attaching importance to cultural taste, including siphon, Italian, follicle and so on.

Suitable for the crowd: generally speaking, personality shops are suitable for slow tone, with unique personality and people who pay attention to design taste. They love coffee, understand coffee culture, have a high level of education, and face a group of customers who also pay attention to taste. The operator of this kind of store has the closest relationship with customers, more like friends, the price of coffee is higher, and the service provided should be more perfect.

Features of the compound store:

Operating area: 100-150 square meters

Employ: 4-5 people

Complex forms: 1, books, tea art with coffee; 2, mainly meals, coffee drinks as a supplement; 3, online coffee, mainly online, coffee is just a beverage provided; 4, clothing, boutiques concurrently sell coffee

Suitable for the crowd: the compound store is suitable for people with some special talent or special combination background. Coffee is only one of the products in the store, not all of the business. Operators may have research on catering and may be interested in floral art. The main income does not come from coffee, but is interested in business projects. It is not easy to open up customers, but it is very loyal and stable.

Features of joining chain stores:

Joining chain stores makes it easier to start a business, and does not require high management quality of investors, but the amount of investment is relatively high, requiring a large amount of money, and low personal autonomy. The advantage of joining chain stores is that they have a strong brand background, can bring some customers, and have the support of model decoration, products, management and service personnel, which do not need to worry about the franchisee in the early stage. In this form of cafe, the distance between operators and customers is the furthest.

Chapter I location of storefronts

I. consideration of cafe location 1

Second, the choice of the location of different grades of cafes 2

3. Where is the best location for a cafe 2

Fourth, choose the location! Choose the location! Re-select the location! 3

Fifth, business location where to find a place to open a coffee shop

6. Other people's suggestions 5

Chapter II Design and Decoration

I. principles of image design of cafes 5

Second, the sign design of the cafe 6

Third, the door design of the cafe 6

Fourth, the lighting design of cafes 7

5. Interior decoration design of the cafe 7

VI. Color and sound design of cafes 8

7. Display Design of Cafe 8

VIII. Shaping the atmosphere of the cafe 9

IX. Contents and key points of image evaluation of cafes 10

10. Suggestions from others 11

Chapter III Commodities and Services

I. purchase and preservation of coffee beans 11

Second, how to choose coffee beans 12

Introduction of coffee excipients 13

Fourth, how to choose and buy coffee pot 14

How to choose and buy coffee cups 14

6. What should you pay attention to when choosing coffee cups 15

How to choose coffee utensils 15

8. Classification and purchase of coffee machines 15

Cafe simple meal Classic MENU 16

Ten or 25 questions that are most likely to upset guests 17

11. Other people's suggestions 17

Chapter IV Marketing Management

The cafe opens in ten steps and takes 19 steps

II. Arrangements for the preparations for the opening of the cafe 19

III. Three steps of starting a Cafe 19

4. About the coffee shop

5. How to determine the investment budget of the cafe 21

6. How to draw up a business plan

VII. Case study of Cafe Investment 23

8. The overall purchase list of the coffee shop 23

IX. Coffee shop management content 24

X. open and receive staff post system 24

11. Suggestions from others 25

Chapter V Coffee knowledge

I. Chronicle of Coffee Development 25

II. Introduction to coffee 26

III. The origin of coffee 27

IV. Varieties and characteristics of coffee 28

Fifth, the composition of coffee beans 29

VI. Coffee tasting method 30

7. Etiquette for drinking coffee 31

8. How to appreciate coffee 32

9. Understand the utility of coffee 32

Coffee culture around the world 33

Ten famous coffee chains in the world 35

The best companion of coffee 35

Thirteen, nine kinds of people are not suitable to drink coffee 36


Beijing Cafe Collection 36


Chapter I location of storefronts

The right location is the key to the selection of coffee business, it has been said: if a coffee shop can choose a good and appropriate point, the success rate of operation is more than 70%. If we fish in a very light position, then do not expect to have a good harvest. Similarly, in places where customers' footprints are sparse, no matter how magnificent shops are built and how attractive coffee is displayed, sales are difficult to achieve. The sales principle of cafes is to build shops (commonly known as "ports") in places that can fully attract customers. Especially small-scale cafes, because they do not have other comprehensive skills like large cafes, so they should pay more attention to the choice of location, which will be the starting point for the success of cafes.

1. Factors to consider in the location of cafes:

1. Analysis of traffic conditions

Traffic condition is an important factor affecting the choice of cafe location, which determines the smooth development of operation and the smooth realization of customer consumption behavior. The following is analyzed from two aspects: the operation of the coffee shop and the consumer behavior of the customers:

(1) Cafe operation

Whether there are enough parking spaces at or near the cafe. Cafes can choose according to their needs.

Whether it is easy to restock in the cafe. It is necessary to consider the size of their own cargo volume, and the available transport artery should meet the requirements of freight volume and facilitate loading and unloading, otherwise, when the freight cost increases obviously, it will directly affect the economic benefits.

(2) to facilitate the consumption of customers

Cafes located in the edge of the commercial center should analyze the distance and direction from the station and the wharf. Generally speaking, the closer the distance is, the more passenger flow and the more convenient the consumption is. The location of the opening should also take into account the direction of passenger flow, such as the location of the station and wharf, the passenger flow of the following cars and boats, and the location near the city bus station, the passenger flow of the above cars will be the main.

The cafe located near the bus stop in the city needs to analyze the nature of the bus stop, whether it is a half-way station or a stop all the time, whether it is a main stop or a general stop. Generally speaking, the main stops have a large number of passengers, and cafes can attract more potential customers. The passenger flow of midway station and always station has no unified law, some halfway stations are more than always stations, and some stations are always more than midway stations.

2. The analysis of the law of passenger flow is one of the key factors for the success of a cafe. The passenger flow includes the existing passenger flow and the potential passenger flow. The cafe always tries to be in the place where the potential passenger flow is the most and concentrated, so that most people spend nearby, but the large scale of passenger flow does not always bring corresponding advantages, so specific analysis should be made.

(1) analyze the scale of passenger flow on both sides of the street

In many cases, the scale of passenger flow on both sides of the same street is different due to the influence of traffic conditions, lighting conditions, public facilities and so on. In addition, people ride, walk or drive cars on the right, and are used to patronizing cafes on the right side of the road. Therefore, as far as possible, the location should be on the side of the street with more passenger flow. In addition, in order to effectively attract customers, the store is generally best chosen on the first floor, if you choose the second floor, there must be an independent access.

(2) analyze the characteristics of streets.

To choose the location of the cafe, we should also analyze the relationship between the characteristics of the street and the scale of passenger flow. Some street intersections are characterized by concentrated passenger flow and high visibility, which is the best place to open; in some streets, due to different traffic conditions at both ends or different areas leading to them, the passenger flow mainly comes from one end of the street, showing the characteristics of concentrated passenger flow at one end and decreasing in depth. At this time, the cafe should be located at the end of the concentrated passenger flow. In some streets, the passenger flow in the middle section is larger than that at both ends, and accordingly, the middle section of the store site is more attractive to potential customers. (520Coffee Network provides

3. Competitor analysis

The competition around the coffee shop has a great impact on the success or failure of the business, so competitors must be analyzed when choosing the location of the coffee shop. Generally speaking, if there are many competitors near the opening site and the cafe has unique operation, it will attract a large number of passengers, promote sales growth and enhance the reputation of the store; otherwise, it will be difficult to develop if it is adjacent to the competitors.

Of course, as a coffee shop, we should try our best to choose places where shopping malls are relatively concentrated and have development prospects, especially for cafes with distinctive operation. Therefore, in general, we should try our best in cities, new and old urban areas, commercial streets and areas that are not prosperous but have potential for development. Choose street-facing shopping malls and office buildings with a concentrated population of shoppers. In addition, the commercial streets of some large emerging communities with business circles nearby are also suitable for opening coffee shops.

4. Analysis of urban planning

When choosing a coffee shop site, it is necessary to analyze the planning of urban construction, including both short-term and long-term planning. Some locations are the best location from the current analysis, but with the transformation and development of the city, there will be new changes and are not suitable for setting up shops; on the contrary, some locations are not ideal locations for opening stores at present, but from the perspective of scale, they will become a promising new business center. Investors must consider the long term and choose the best location on the premise of understanding the planning of transportation, greening, public facilities, housing and other construction or renovation projects in the area.

5. Analysis of location and store orientation