Coffee review

Before you opened a coffee shop, did you know the type of coffee chain?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Don't be blind to open a coffee shop, you should clearly understand all aspects of the coffee shop. For newcomers, it still seems willing but powerless to open an independent cafe, and coffee franchise will be a safer thing to do. Before joining a coffee brand, you need to know the type of coffee chain. 1. Individual mini coffee chain features: individual coffee shops generally belong to the mini type

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

-Segmentation line-

Don't be blind to open a coffee shop, you should clearly understand all aspects of the coffee shop. For newcomers, it still seems willing but powerless to open an independent cafe, and coffee franchise will be a safer thing to do. Before joining a coffee brand, you need to know the type of coffee chain.

1. Individual mini coffee chain features:

Personality coffee shops are generally mini stores, the area is small, more exquisite, coffee shop operators and guests are the closest relationship, more like friends, understand coffee culture, a higher level of education, in the face of customers are also people who pay attention to taste.

Operating area: about 50-100 square meters

Employ: 2-3 people

Coffee products: mainly sell all kinds of coffee, drinks, desserts and so on.

two。 Features of the compound flagship coffee chain:

The compound flagship coffee chain is similar to the standard coffee chain, the main products are also similar, like a cup of coffee is based on food, but different from the standard store, the location of the flagship coffee chain is generally in the range of high-end office buildings, coffee shop operators need to consider in addition to white-collar workers and business people, there are some foreign friends.

Operating area: more than 300 square meters

Employ: 6-10 people

Coffee products: all kinds of coffee, drinks, desserts, Chinese food, western food, coffee peripheral products as auxiliary

3. Features of the compound standard coffee chain:

The main products of the standard coffee chain with compound operation are relatively diversified, with meals as the main products, including all kinds of simple meals, Chinese food, western food, desserts and products around coffee. The main people that coffee shop operators need to consider are white-collar workers and business people.

Operating area: 100-200 square meters

Employ: 4-5 people

Coffee products: all kinds of coffee, drinks, desserts, Chinese food, western food, coffee peripheral products as auxiliary