Coffee review

The second part of the 2017 global coffee shop ordering strategy

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Mexico City Coffee beans: Arabica characteristics: Mexico is the world's eighth largest coffee bean producer, in Guatemala, a large number of Arabica beans thrive. The hot and humid weather in the rainforest makes the coffee beans produced here taste softer after roasting. Arabica coffee beans are recognized as the first generation of coffee beans cultivated by human beings. Order introduction: Caf de olla

Mexico City, Mexico

Coffee Bean: Arabica

Features: Mexico is the world's eighth-largest producer of coffee beans, and in Guatemala, large quantities of Arabica beans thrive. The humid and hot weather in the rainforest makes the coffee beans produced here taste better and softer after roasting. Arabica coffee beans are recognized as the first generation of coffee beans cultivated by humans.

Order strategy:

Café de olla

Café de olla: ceramic coffee

Just like its name suggests, coffee is brewed black and served in a ceramic cup.

Although many modern coffee shops have begun to use polished porcelain cups, the most primitive ones are khaki ceramic cups with large bellies and narrow mouths. To enrich the taste, the locals put a cinnamon stick and a little sugar in the porcelain cup.

Café con leche

Boil black coffee with steamed milk

Local Cafe Guide:

Nostalgia: Café El Jarocho

Founded in 1953, coffee shops are now small in Mexico City, and it is worth mentioning that the chain of Café El Jarocho stores are concentrated in Coyoacán, Mexico City's famous art center.

New Trend: La Procedencia

Looking at La Procedencia from a distance, the high-profile purple-red exterior wall is graffiti with exaggerated cartoon figures, which looks out of place among the many antique shops around. Interior, bright colors decorate the surroundings, Nordic music slow and long. There is freshly roasted coffee and sweet fresh papaya.