Coffee review

Share the management experience of coffee brand Caffe Pascucci and learn its marketing strategy

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In fact, it is easy to open a coffee shop, but it is difficult to operate a coffee shop. At present, in China, the number of cafes opened and the number of closed cafes can reach the same level in a year. When the place went bankrupt, the cafe operation did not find a way! Now, we can take a look at the business strategy of the well-known international coffee brand Caffe Pascucci! Caffe Pascucci was founded in 1883.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

In fact, it is easy to open a coffee shop, but it is difficult to operate a coffee shop. At present, in China, the number of cafes opened and the number of closed cafes can reach the same level in a year. When the place went bankrupt, the cafe operation did not find a way! Now, we can take a look at the business strategy of the well-known international coffee brand Caffe Pascucci!

Caffe Pascucci was founded in 1883, was born in the coffee country of Italy, has a history of more than 130 years. With a hundred years of operation, Caffe Pascucci can not only provide authentic coffee, but also form a complete industrial chain. It has rich experience in coffee bean cultivation, coffee roasting, coffee bean wholesale, coffee training, coffee shop marketing and promotion, and can provide coffee operators with professional and leading coffee shop management strategies.

咖啡品牌Caffe Pascucci的经营经验分享,学习它的经营营销

Coffee shop management strategy: to establish one's own brand culture

For cafes, brand culture can guide all the work and determine the level and positioning of cafes. At Caffe Pascucci, for example, its brand culture is "perfect a cup of coffee to the last sip", and all the work of the brand revolves around this sentence. For example, open an exclusive plantation in the place of origin of coffee, harvest full-grained, rich flavor, natural green organic coffee beans, and then use the self-developed slow roasting patented technology to bake coffee to maximize the original flavor of coffee. These coffee beans not only supply all the stores and franchises under the brand, but also sell well in more than 60 countries around the world. This is the guarantee of the quality of coffee, so after more than a hundred years, across the world, the quality of Caffe Pascucci can reach the extreme!

Coffee shop management strategy: strict staff training

For cafes, staff training is very important and is the top priority of coffee shop operation, especially when coffee shops are open to chain. So what does the training involve? For example, the preparation work before opening the store, the production of drinks, the ordering process, the service process, the use and maintenance of equipment, the safety knowledge of drinks and food, cash safety and emergency handling, and so on. In addition, for coffee, there are coffee knowledge explanation and training and so on. At Caffe Pascucci, there are professional coffee training schools to train the talents needed to run cafes and transport them to cafes around the world. In this way, it can not only ensure the quality of the chain cafe, but also promote the spread of Italian coffee culture!

Coffee shop management strategy: do a good job in marketing

For the modern coffee tube, marketing is an indispensable move in the operation of the coffee shop, which can play the role of icing on the cake. In today's developed social media, Weibo and Wechat are tools that can not be missed. For example, in Caffe Pascucci, not only is very good at using international sports events, famous model endorsements and other means to enhance the brand image, establish a fashionable, young, passionate style. After coming to China, a professional new media center has been set up at the headquarters, which is responsible for the management of brand social accounts, regularly launches wonderful content, and launches promotional activities at the right time during the festival, which is very popular with young consumers. At present, in China, young people are the main force of coffee consumption!

There is a specialty in the art industry, and only professional people can do professional things, and so is coffee shop marketing. Only by following the professional brand can we learn the professional knowledge of coffee shop management. Caffe Pascucci was born in the coffee country, a famous family, with a hundred years of historical experience, mellow taste, elegant environment, is the representative of high-end Italian coffee, is worthy of all domestic coffee operators to learn from!

The key to retaining customers is to brew a mellow coffee.

Now more and more people taste coffee, and the number of people who learn to taste coffee is also increasing. Making a good cup of coffee can make your coffee shop more popular with people. For brewing coffee, in terms of utensils, you can choose at will. But in terms of knowledge, it is necessary to enrich it. Join a coffee shop and making coffee is not a thing that allows you to kill time and do it leisurely. For brewing coffee, water is more important, it can often affect the characteristics of a cup of coffee, just like making tea, choosing filtered water can also make your coffee more delicious. The second is the use of coffee beans, for the thickness of a cup of coffee, need to grasp. Finally, the temperature of coffee brewing, overheated water will destroy most of the taste of coffee, so it is more ideal to choose moderate hot water for brewing.

How to run a coffee shop well, brewing good coffee is a very important link, in which there are many details of brewing coffee, people need to gradually figure out, good coffee is carefully brewed!