Coffee review

Show love in the tent or drink coffee? A "tent coffee shop" that makes people want to stay all day.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Communication among professional baristas Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style). Will coffee refresh you? The two coffee shops that Niu Editor is going to introduce today will definitely make you want to sleep, which is Korea's new type of "tent coffee"! Healing tent coffee is definitely a good place for modern people to relax and decompress, and the private and lovely tent space has also become a popular dating venue for many couples.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Is drinking coffee refreshing? The two coffee shops that Niu Editor is going to introduce today will definitely make you want to sleep, which is Korea's new type of "tent coffee"! Healing tent coffee is definitely a good place for modern people to relax and decompress. Private and lovely tent space has also become a popular dating venue for many couples. Let's take a look at these interesting coffee shops.

Source: naver


Source: naver

Source: naver

The first one is called modumak (tent coffee), which is located in a popular scenic spot. The tent coffee is very popular, with a small space and a warm and lovely place. The tent space is very private, and the childish style is very therapeutic, just like the small amusement park I used to play in when I was a child.

Source: facebook

Not only do couples like to visit, this coffee shop is also very suitable for three or five friends to go together. in addition to taking pictures, there are many rides that can take you a whole day, including basketball machines, pool tables and dart machines. Wait, there are also board games that are very suitable for a group of friends.

Source: naver

Modumak is also very sweet to design its own space for women, two machines that can massage the legs and a manicure area to make the nails beautiful.

Source: naver

In addition, the modumak charge is even cheaper than expected, with 6000 won per person for 90 minutes, followed by an increase of 500 won for every 10 minutes, with drinks and snacks available after payment, and an extra charge for more satiated foods (such as instant noodles).

Store Information > >

Modumak (recently recognized)

Address: 2 / F, 332-305, Seiqiaodong, Mapo District, Seoul, South Korea.

Business hours: 11,00,00,2400

Tel: + 822-6082-0434

FB fan page: modumak


Source: naver

Source: naver

Comictent, the second tent comic book coffee shop, is a favorite of comic book fans. There are not only complete comics for you to watch all day, but also comfortable recliners and tents. Wait, is to let you use the most lazy posture to read comics.

Source: naver

There are all kinds of comfortable chairs in the store, which let you choose the comfortable position you want. look at the recliner, no matter whether you want to lie down or sit down, choose all kinds of soft positions.

Source: naver

Source: naver

In particular, in order to create a lazy holiday atmosphere, the indoors are decorated with many green decorations, which are as green as nature. There is also a recliner outside for sunbathing.

Source: naver

Source: naver

Not only that, there are lovely dogs in the store to accompany you. When you read too many comics and want to have a rest for your eyes, you can touch the dog and be super healed.

Store Information > >

Comictent (please pay attention)

Address: Seiqiaodong 364-2, Mapo District, Seoul, South Korea.

Business hours: 11,00,00,2400

Tel: + 822-6082-0434

Official website: comictent

FB fan page: comictent

Lazy bones like Niu Editor, who can sit and lie down, would like to go to such a store to be lazy. The above two stores are very suitable for playing games and staying for a whole day. If you feel tired of walking or shopping the next time you visit Seoul, you might as well go to these two rooms to "lie down".