Coffee review

The business model of the cafe has changed, and the business has improved after the expansion of the store area.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Lush, a British cosmetics brand that takes a natural and organic approach, recently concluded that its business has improved a lot after expanding the size of its stores in recent years. It's cheaper to operate a 400600-square-foot store, but is it really appropriate? This kind of shop is too small. Said Paul Wheatley, global property director of Lush. He also stressed that Lush

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

Lush, a British cosmetics brand that takes a "natural organic" approach, recently concluded that its business has improved a lot after expanding the size of its stores in recent years.

It is true that it is cheaper to operate a 400 Mel 600-square-foot store, but is it really appropriate? This kind of shop is too small. " Said Paul Wheatley, global property director of Lush. He also stressed that Lush had "experimented" with such large stores in the key UK market and played a key role in turning the UK market around.


The highlight of the Lush store upgrade is the one on Oxford Street in London. The new store covers an area of 10, 000 square feet and offers 220 special products, as well as Spa services and device displays.

However, Paul Wheatley also said that the store on Oxford Street is special because it has the function of a flagship store, needs to show more consumer experience, and can't just do things that improve sales figures. "this store can let more consumers know us and convey our message." He said.


Another successful example is Lush's Newcastle store in the UK. In 2011, Lush expanded the store from 650 square feet to 1400 square feet. Within a year, the store's sales rose from 580000 pounds to 850000 pounds. In 2016, the store had sales of 1.8 million pounds.

Then, in 2012, Lush expanded its stores in Edinburgh from 620 square feet to 2000 square feet. Stores in Liverpool have expanded from 500sq ft to 2700 sq ft. After expanding the area, the sales of the two stores have doubled.


Of course, this strategy of expanding store size is not limited to the UK market. Also expanding the market are its Roman stores, and the Paris store is also planning to expand to 10,000 square feet.

Lush now has 938 stores in 49 countries around the world. Overall, its stores are not increasing the number of stores, but expanding the area of existing stores. In the Japanese market, for example, although Lush expanded the size of Osaka and Harajuku stores to 2200 square feet and 2000 square feet respectively, it also adjusted the number of stores from 145to 95.

"our goal in the next few years is not to increase the number of stores, but to expand the size of stores to more than 10,000 square feet. Now that Lush has more than 700 SKU, we hope to show all the products in one store. " Annabelle Baker, director of Lush Greater China, also mentioned the store upgrade plan in an interview with Curiosity Daily in November 2016.

At that time, he also explained that in these expanded stores, spas, coffee areas, free hair salons, perfume salons, yoga classes, beauty lectures and so on would be added to allow customers to experience the brand in different ways.

Lush's brick-and-mortar stores have always had a sense of experience, often growing into fruit shops in European markets, while bubble soaps and atmosphere soaps dyed with food pigment are placed in the store like food.

Mark Wolverton, president of Lush's North American market, believes that because of Lush's "natural" and "handmade" concepts, its products are not packaged and can be smelled and touched by consumers, so its stores have a special shopping experience.

While expanding the store, Lush has also added more elements to the store to attract customers into the store. For example, a green plant device was made in a store in Manchester and a wall of green plants in a store in Newcastle, England.

"consumers will get tired of the same brand and retail environment." "Lush doesn't really have much experience," Paul Wheatley said. "he's just trying."

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What the coffee shop creates is a warm, quiet and comfortable atmosphere of small space. Therefore, in the service, do not be too bad, appear too courteous, to achieve just right. In the place where many peers gather, if we want to have good performance, we should also carry out competition. Under the premise of regional advantages, we should fully create their own unique, so that guests feel that this coffee shop is his own coffee shop, so as to create a sense of belonging. If your business is good, you have a large customer base, and they are relatively fixed, you should not change your original style.