Coffee review

Teach you how to open a coffee shop, coffee shop business plan book

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. Part I: market Research and Market Analysis 1. Market background drinking coffee is a kind of popular, at the same time, drinking coffee has also become a kind of culture, a kind of sentiment and a way of life. With the popularity of coffee culture, the campus has also become an important place for coffee culture. Coffee Shop

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

Part one: market research and market analysis

1. Market background

Drinking coffee is a kind of popular, at the same time, drinking coffee has also become a kind of culture, a kind of sentiment and a way of life. With the popularity of coffee culture, the campus has also become an important place for coffee culture. Coffee shop has become an important place for people to communicate with others and enjoy themselves. Its value lies in that it can provide consumers with high-level spiritual enjoyment. Coffee is not only a kind of drink, but also an atmosphere, culture and pursuit of life. The economic and social development is bound to be reflected in the campus, and the consumption of coffee culture has a bright future in the campus market.

two。 Market condition

At present, there are many coffee shops around colleges and universities, aiming at the university market one after another. Take Wuhan University as an example, the density of coffee shops in Luoshi Road is very high, which is not common in other parts of Wuhan, so the competition in the coffee consumption market is very fierce. Off-campus coffee shops all consider and act on college teachers and students as their potential customers, but they do not have a clear breakdown and positioning-they not only provide coffee for college teachers and students. To operate a campus cafe that locates the university market, how to win in the fierce competition, we need to comprehensively consider all kinds of favorable and unfavorable factors, give full play to our own advantages, and create differentiated value for our customers. in order to cut a piece of your own cake in the campus market. 3. Campus coffee shop characteristics: colleges and universities are very densely populated places, at the same time, the overall knowledge and cultural quality is relatively high, accept more Western ideas and way of life, easy to accept new things. They have a strong desire to pursue a higher-grade way of life, some groups have a higher level of consumption and have more disposable income to buy non-necessities of life. Running a coffee shop on campus, on the one hand, can enrich the lives of teachers and students, on the other hand, it has great potential and great potential for operators.


Part II: planning Scheme PART

A: marketing opportunity and threat analysis

S: 1. Geographically closer to the audience, save customers' time costs and facilitate consumers.

two。 Emotionally, campus cafes are more acceptable to consumers, and even some consumers instinctively reject off-campus coffee shops with a strong commercial atmosphere.

3. It is easy to consume in groups, the crowd is concentrated, and it is easy to produce demonstration and imitation consumption effect.

W: 1. The strength is not as strong as the off-campus coffee shop, lack of management experience, weak influence.

two。 The consumer group is single, and the consumption time is also relatively concentrated, which increases the management cost and operating expenses.

O: 1. At present, the campus market is an undeveloped virgin land, with concentrated consumer groups and huge consumption potential.

two。 The majority of young people, once the formation of habits and consumer preferences, it is easy to form customer loyalty.

T: 1. Once successful, it is easy to lead to follow-up competitors.

two。 Many cafes off campus are easy to divert customers.

PART B: consumer group analysis: a. The group composition analyzes the age income of potential customers in the campus market, and the consumption habits are relatively single, which provides the possibility for targeted and efficient marketing. According to the occupation, it can be divided into two large groups: students and teachers. Among them, the number of students is the largest in colleges and universities, followed by teaching staff. The number of undergraduates is the largest among the students.

The consumer group of ● students is divided into undergraduate and graduate students according to their academic qualifications, and undergraduates are divided into three stages: entering the nest, keeping the nest and leaving the nest according to the grade. A: bachelor degree:

1. Entering the nest: mainly in the freshman year. As a newcomer, I am in the stage of familiarity with the school environment and the surrounding environment. I am very curious about everything, have plenty of extracurricular time, and have a strong interest in the diet inside and outside the school and even in Wuhan. In addition, through community activities and other contacts with senior brothers and sisters, a general understanding of the school environment and social environment has been gradually established. Although freshmen do not have frequent coffee consumption behavior, it is a critical period to build a good image (freshmen are always curious about new things, easy to accept and easy to make a good first impression and can be maintained for a long time). In fact, some of the freshmen begin to experience, which plays an exemplary and guiding role for other newcomers.

two。 Keeping the nest: mainly sophomores and juniors. After the period of freshman confusion and adaptation, the state of mind gradually coincided with the school environment, and the consumption behavior changed from freshman consumption of college necessities (mobile phones, electronic dictionaries, clothes, etc.) to experiential and emotional consumption of non-necessities of life. Some people are looking for part-time jobs, and their disposable income increases. At the same time, a considerable number of consumer groups who stay in the nest period begin to fall in love, and their feelings need to be expressed. Tasting coffee is a good sustenance and way. There is a lot to be done for the couples market. 3. Leaving the nest: the senior can be classified as the leaving period. Because of the pressure of employment and postgraduate entrance examination, the remaining time available is reduced, so consumers can adopt emotional marketing to create a strong sense of belonging and get emotional recognition from consumers.

B: Dr. Shuo: this is a consumer group different from undergraduates. On the one hand, they have higher education, more disposable income, more rational consumption habits and more mature thinking, on the other hand, they are not professional office workers. They have sufficient time and higher-level pursuit of life, so they are easy to become loyal coffee consumers. The other is MBA and other groups, this group has rich social experience, but also has a certain income, mature and stable, the pursuit of quality of life, is a huge potential consumer group of coffee.

● teacher consumer group 1. Young teachers: young teachers who have just graduated from school are generally single, have no families, and are in the process of changing the roles of students and teachers. Life is stable, have a stable income, easy to accept new things, pursue their own way of life. two。 Other teachers: higher income, children and families, and more disposable income than young teachers. Are potential coffee consumers.

● other customer groups social consumer groups, because in order to feel the atmosphere of Wuhan University, or festivals, events (cherry blossom festival, annual meeting, friend visits, etc.) temporarily stay in Wuhan University, constitute a mobile consumer group. b. Analysis of consumption power and consumption habits: from the elevation Analysis data, we can find the following information:

1. Among the undergraduates surveyed, the monthly living expenses are mainly concentrated between 400 and 500, accounting for 37.1%, followed by less than 400 and 500 to 700, accounting for 26.2% and 21.9%, respectively, which account for 85.2% of the total. Constitute the main body of the monthly living expenses of undergraduate consumer groups. It can be seen that in the general environment of the price level in Wuhan, the disposable income of student consumer groups does not seem particularly tight, but also not rich.

two。 In the survey of consumer preferences for coffee and western food, it can be found that about 1/4 of the target consumers' attitude is "like", and about half of the group attitude is "average, no special preference", both of which account for the majority of the total. Only about 15% of customers don't like it.

3. In the survey of the consumption frequency of coffee and western food, it can be found that more than 1/4 target customers choose to "go often", 1/3 of customers choose to "occasionally go", and the potential customers who choose "will not go, there is no such demand" also account for the top 1/4. After comparing with the above, we find that some potential consumers (about 10%) have a good opinion of coffee and western food. However, the consciousness of demand is in a state of deep sleep, and after publicity and market development, this part of consumers are expected to become loyal consumers of coffee and western food.

4. In the survey of the consumption purpose of going to the coffee shop, it can be found that the purpose of gathering and dining accounts for more than half, and talking accounts for about 10%, which shows that the campus consumer group goes to the coffee shop because of needs and things, not for the simple pursuit of spiritual enjoyment. This implies that we should pay more attention to group consumption (rather than individual consumption) in consumer analysis. At the same time, in addition to the main business of coffee, some auxiliary business should be added appropriately.

5. In each consumption survey, it can be found that 25.3% of consumers accept a consumption of 10-20 yuan each time, 22.4% are less than 10 yuan, and 13.5% are people who can accept 20-30 consumptions. the three account for more than 60%, which shows that the spending power of most consumers is still limited, suggesting that we should adopt a mid-range and low price in our pricing strategy.

6. In the survey of factors affecting consumption, it can be found that taste and price are the most important factors, accounting for 34.2% and 33.5% respectively, while atmosphere and privacy are 12.5% and 13.6% respectively. This implies that we should provide potential customers with high-quality services at popular prices, and at the same time, attach importance to the creation of atmosphere (private space and pleasant atmosphere).

7. From the survey of the grade composition of consumption frequency of consumption preference, it can be found that with the increase of grade, the ratio of students who often consume to those who consume occasionally increases gradually, on the other hand, with the increase of grade, the ratio of students who like coffee very much to those who generally like coffee consumption gradually decreases, which shows two points: first, the consumption frequency of senior students is higher than that of junior students. Second, the coffee consumption preference of junior students is stronger than that of senior students. This important discovery tells us that we should subdivide the market according to the grade, straighten out the consumption life cycle of customers, adopt the cultivation strategy in the lower grade market, and adopt the maintenance and harvest strategy in the higher grade market.

8. From the analysis of the disposable income of potential customers and coffee consumption, undergraduates with higher income (especially those with monthly living expenses above 800) have a stronger desire to consume coffee (coffee accounts for 70% of this group). Of course, the consumption power of this group is also relatively high, for this part of the market can adopt segmentation strategy, focusing on the maintenance of customer relationship. To make it a loyal customer.

9. In the analysis of the disposable income of potential customers and coffee consumption, it is also found that some consumption habits of students with monthly living expenses of less than 400 and more than 800 are strikingly consistent, which is reflected in the fact that there is a lot of gathering in the purpose of going to the coffee shop. Talk very little. In the purpose of dining, there are few students with a monthly income of more than 800, while among the groups below 800, the proportion of eating is generally large.

10. In each survey of acceptable consumption, various groups of students with disposable income have reached a tacit understanding that the price of each cup of coffee is between 8 and 15 yuan, and the proportion of each consumption is between 10 and 20 yuan. the consumption amount and the above consumption preference suggest that we should flexibly use pricing strategies and product strategies to provide consumers with quality and inexpensive services.

PART C: market Segmentation and Positioning ☆ Segmentation Analysis: focus on college teachers and students, provide coffee for college teachers and students.

☆ positioning analysis: leisure, diet, entertainment in one, at a price acceptable to consumers to provide a place for emotional and spiritual enjoyment.

Identify the point of claim:

a. Diet, entertainment and leisure, relaxed, romantic, enjoyable

b. Not high price, high-level enjoyment

c. A place for learning and communication

d. The spiritual home of campus life groups

PART D: product and pricing Strategy Analysis:

1. Of course, the product system is mainly coffee, there can also be a small amount of other drinks (such as milk, etc.) or even food, some drinks can be mixed with coffee, on the one hand, it can meet the multi-level and multifaceted needs of consumers, on the other hand, it can also better retain these customers. The prices of various varieties of coffee products vary greatly, which can be dominated by medium-and low-grade coffee, supplemented by a small amount of high-grade coffee, to meet the requirements of customers at all levels of consumption.

two。 Price system: should be slightly lower than off-campus coffee, because an important consumer group is students, the income is limited. The overall price system is mainly medium-and low-grade, supplemented by high-end prices, which can enhance the image on the one hand and meet the needs of consumers on the other hand.

◎ mobile pricing: some coffee varieties for mass consumption can adopt mobile pricing, for example, there are several kinds of coffee every week with special discounts, which can attract many people to come. ◎ gifts: for example, you can carry out a series of promotional activities for the couple market, price concessions, giving small gifts and so on. ◎ discount pricing: for example, the arrival of holidays, or the consumption of employees and friends in the store, you can give a certain discount. PART E: media and mode analysis: leaflets and posters: a certain amount of leaflets can be distributed in places with a large flow of people (such as the entrance of the canteen and the entrance of the library), or a certain amount of leaflets can be placed downstairs of dormitory buildings, and exquisite posters can be posted in communities and living areas. Spread of activities: you can organize some specific activities (such as salons, balls, English corners, etc.) to attract popularity and achieve the effect of communication. Website and radio advertising: use the school websites (bbs, school student websites, etc.) that students use or campus radio to put a certain amount of advertisements and announcements. Networking promotion: in view of the fact that colleges and universities are crowded places, we can make use of the word-of-mouth of coffee consumers, for example, we can recruit more shift mobile students and part-time waiters to promote contacts through each person's communication radius. Official communication: we can strive for the cooperation of the school officials, such as the interview of the press corps, the detailed introduction of the school-level newspaper, do a good job in public relations, the way of public relations communication is very effective. Making use of societies: as an important organization in colleges and universities, associations have a great impact on every student in colleges and universities. It is also an excellent marketing channel. We can establish friendly relations with the community and take measures to encourage the consumption of the community. For example, the coffee shop has a special area that can be provided to the community, and the informal activities of the community can be carried out in the coffee shop. Soft text communication: in view of the fact that potential customers are young and easy to accept perceptual things, soft text communication can be adopted. For example, a variety of media with a wide audience (bbs, etc.) mention the coffee shop in the way of mood stories, which inadvertently have an impact on potential customers and arouse the awareness and desire to consume coffee. PART F: CI Design Analysis:

1. Visual recognition:

Shop name: on the one hand, it should be closely related to its own business, on the other hand, it should take care of the place within the campus, which should be close to the campus characteristics, easy to be loved and accepted by the campus group, and the shop name should be stylish and long-lasting.

LOGO: if possible, you should design a LOGO for yourself, and throughout. Such as coffee shop utensils, business cards, clothes, and so on.

Color: yellow, red, orange and other warm tones, supplemented by lively cold tones. Show fashion, fashion, elegance and taste.

Store layout: the proper use of lighting, carpets, partitions and other elements, on the one hand, try to make effective use of space, on the other hand, appear scattered, do not show a sense of open and insipid. Some more private tables can be properly designed, but customers who stay for a long time can fully enjoy the feeling of complacency. Regional layout, so that consumers of each subdivided group have their own favorite corners and tables.

Lighting and lighting: lighting is an important element of coffee shop decoration, the choice of different styles of lighting can effectively increase the beauty of the coffee shop. Lighting is an important part of the atmosphere of the coffee shop, you can choose different colors of lights, set off a pleasant atmosphere of the coffee shop. At the same time, customers should keep the convenience of adjusting lighting in their own space according to their own requirements.

Wall decoration and curtains: timely adjustment according to the season, a variety of fabric materials, patterns, colors appear harmonious as far as possible, show the style of the coffee shop, close to the sensory enjoyment of consumers.

Table: table design and placement should be overall harmonious, individual differences, to avoid giving consumers the feeling of big stalls.

Arts and crafts display: the choice of handicrafts should be close to the coffee shop atmosphere and consumer preferences, set off the taste of the coffee shop.

Cutlery: clean and tidy, should reflect the characteristics or image of the coffee shop (e.g. LOGO).

Background music: romantic, soft light music, moderate loudness, suitable for seasonal changes and coffee shop style.

two。 Behavior recognition

Employee behavior: attention should be paid to the training of employees so that every employee can become the image spokesman of the coffee shop.

Manager behavior: managers should solve the problems in the business process in time, respond to customers' opinions and suggestions, and maintain close contact with consumer groups.

3. Concept identification

The concept of the coffee shop is an invisible brand, which should form a business philosophy that is in harmony with the campus consumer groups, and run through every process of management, everyone's values, accepted and understood by consumers.

PART G: input-output analysis: input:

◆ location and decoration: in view of the concentration of population and consumer groups, as well as the knowledge of consumer groups, the location should be elegant, quiet and easily accessible, and the area should be appropriately larger, and the decoration should highlight the young, fashionable, elegant and romantic style.

◆ operation mode: can be self-operated, or you can choose the chain to join the cooperation mode. Chain joining can take advantage of the reputation and popularity of chain brands among teachers and students to transform customers loyal to chain brands into their own customers and quickly open the market. The proprietary business model is flexible and the cost is low (no high franchise fee is required).

◆ publicity expenses: Prophase publicity, flyers, posters, website advertisements, etc., Prophase publicity costs are relatively large.

◆ operating expenses: daily management expenses in the store; training expenses for employees (employees can be composed of students and professional coffee shop service staff), pay attention to the training of employees, can invest more expenses. Output: once the coffee shop begins to operate and has a certain impact, it will enter a period of steady development. College population is concentrated, coffee consumption groups account for a large proportion of the total group, even if the frequency of individual consumer consumption is limited, overall, the total consumption is very considerable.

The third part:

Implement the plan

1. In the stage of market research and analysis, through real and effective market research, we can understand the feasibility of campus cafes, determine the differences between on-campus cafes and other off-campus cafes, understand school regulations and policies, and then determine the next step.

two。 The hardware operation phase includes location selection and storefront design, which is based on the previous stage.

3. Preparation stage: ⊙ staff recruitment: including service personnel, professional technicians, managers. Invite professional interviewers, through the interview, trial, to ensure that the right staff are recruited. The quality of service providers in the service industry is very important and must be taken seriously. Recruiting college students, on the one hand, can provide students with an internship platform, on the other hand, it is conducive to the development of coffee shops. ⊙ staff training: professional trainers can be hired to train employees, or self-control training method can be adopted. Or by comparison, learn the training experience of the successful coffee shop. ⊙ salary system and employee incentive: to determine a reasonable salary system is conducive to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, but also conducive to the long-term development of the coffee shop. ⊙ raw material procurement system: the quotation procurement method can be used to ensure that the purchased raw materials are of high quality, good quality and reasonable price. ⊙ cost control system: implement procurement cost control, storage cost control, personnel cost control, strengthen expense management control, establish a complete set of system. Implement in the opening and operation phase. ⊙ hygiene system: coffee shop is an elegant eating place, hygiene is very important, college groups are particularly picky, so separate list to show attention. The establishment of a complete and strict health system is a necessary basis for an elegant and successful coffee shop. Including beverage hygiene, tableware hygiene, public hygiene and employee personal hygiene. A strict health system should be formulated before the opening of business and should be resolutely and effectively implemented at the business stage. 3. Pre-opening publicity at the opening stage, planning and implementation of the opening ceremony, and so on. A good beginning is half done.

4. In the operation stage, the coffee shop enters a stable business period, focusing on customer maintenance and development of new customers. The specific operation of the marketing strategy has been described above, which is briefly summarized here.

■ 's marketing strategy for various consumer groups: 1. For the nesting period: cultivate the market, strengthen publicity, enter the heart of nesting students as soon as possible, and establish a good image. At the same time, combined with the senior publicity, through the word-of-mouth of the senior students to affect the cognition of the nesting students. On the other hand, encourage part of the "experience" consumption, play the role of guidance and demonstration, and prepare for further marketing in the future. two。 For the nesting period: maintain the existing market, focusing on the couple market. Attach importance to customer relationship management and encourage team consumption. At the same time, the recruitment of employees can also be selected from this group. 3. For the leaving period: emotional marketing is the main way to arouse the emotional resonance of this part of the group. We can reduce propaganda and adopt harvesting strategies. For the senior students who will continue to study in our university, we can adopt the strategy of maintenance and expansion. 4. For graduate students and young teachers, and MBA and other groups: to this part of the group can use the appeal of emotion and taste, focusing on maintaining and cultivating loyal customers. 5. For other teachers: we can take the method of attracting their children to come to spend, and carry out a series of marketing for the children of teaching staff to drive the consumption of this part of the group.

■ pricing strategy: combined with the product system, the product system should be based on the greater demand of consumer groups. The price is guaranteed to be mainly medium-and low-grade, and a small number of high-end products are retained. See product and pricing strategy analysis for details.

■ promotion (promotion) strategy: early publicity: large-scale, high-intensity, large investment. Late publicity: pay attention to the existing customer relationship management, so as to carry out word-of-mouth marketing. Regular planning and organization of specific activities, through activities to remind customers of consumer awareness. Carry out targeted promotion strategies for holidays. For specific ways, see the above media and mode analysis.

Part IV: business philosophy and philosophy planning ● consumer groups have high cultural quality and quality of life, never let their coffee shop be out of date, should always maintain an elegant style, and keep up with the trend and the consumption habits and real needs of consumer groups; their own coffee shop is to provide coffee for college teachers and students, should have this kind of consciousness-always in tune with campus life. ● customers do not come to drink coffee, but to feel an atmosphere and culture, to find a kind of emotional belonging, should create a culture, through a series of practical actions such as CI design and event planning to create such a feeling. ● you are not running a coffee shop, you are running a young, high-grade life that loves communication and sharing. Your relationship with your customers is not your boss and customers, but your friends. ●, this is your coffee shop. Every employee should have this kind of host consciousness, enthusiasm, initiative and affinity. There should be a series of ways for employees to keep this awareness in mind, so that every employee can be proud to represent the image of the coffee shop.