Coffee review

How to open a coffee shop in an office building?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own for young people, who love coffee, dessert, romance and freedom. Opening a coffee shop is the ideal of many young people. However, it is not so easy to start a business and open a shop. How much does it cost to open a coffee shop? How to open a coffee shop? How much does it cost to open a coffee shop? Many entrepreneurs

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

Young people, love to drink coffee, love to eat desserts, like romantic, free life. Opening a coffee shop is the ideal of many young people. However, it is not so easy to start a business and open a shop. How much does it cost to open a coffee shop? How to open a coffee shop?

How much does it cost to open a coffee shop? Many entrepreneurs think that it takes a lot of money to open a coffee shop, but in fact, the main thing to open a coffee shop is to have an accurate positioning. If you want to cook western food, the area should be at least 200 square meters and the investment should be more than 500000. But if you just want to be a professional coffee shop. Then you can consider a coffee bar or coffee shop within 50 to 180 square meters. The cost varies according to the region, decoration and so on. It will probably go to between 80 and 400000.

How much does it cost to open a coffee shop? Many want to open a coffee shop for the sake of the literary feelings in their hearts. In fact, opening a coffee shop is not that simple. If there is no comprehensive business plan and turnover plan, it will plant a deep mine for opening a coffee shop. To open a coffee shop, in addition to feelings, professional knowledge, management, marketing are indispensable, so that the coffee shop can operate healthily.

How much does it cost to open a coffee shop? The success or failure of a coffee shop depends largely on the location. When selecting a site, the crowd and flow should be taken into account, the crowd in the morning, afternoon and evening should be calculated, and the proportion of office workers, students and housewives on weekdays and weekends should be counted. In addition, guests should be able to arrive at the store within 5 to 7 minutes.

How much does it cost to open a coffee shop? Although it is a coffee shop, it is unwise to make money only by selling coffee. If you only sell coffee, it's hard for a coffee shop to make a profit. If you open a coffee shop, plus light meals, especially in the evening to serve light meals, in order to ensure that the coffee shop makes ends meet. And if you can manage some snacks, red wine, coffee cups and postcards can become a magic weapon to make money.

How much does it cost to open a coffee shop? It is also a wrong idea to open a coffee shop and think that you can open a coffee shop by signing up for a training class or buying a few books to learn how to make coffee. Professional technology is the guarantee of coffee quality and taste. How to make coffee and snacks is also a knowledge. It is best to invite professional baristas and roasters to join us.

How much does it cost to open a coffee shop? How to open a coffee shop? Young people have dreams of starting a business, and young people are full of romantic and dreamy ideas. Opening a coffee shop is the common choice of many people. I hope I can give you some help after reading this article.


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Main cases of investment in opening a coffee shop:

Now let's talk about a specific case of investment. The location of this case is in a first-tier city, which is relatively expensive relative to rent and other fees. Of course, there will be errors in the calculation. The actual situation of each city and each store is different, but through a calculation method, we can roughly calculate the number we want to know.

We can calculate the turnover, use the turnover to introduce the occupancy rate of the store, the number of turntables, and the per capita consumption, and calculate whether the investment in opening a coffee shop is reasonable.

Suppose we want to open a leisure store of 100 square meters.

◎ store area: 100 square meters, through the design and decoration, most of the set of 40 seats.

The style of ◎ store is leisure, so the seats are more comfortable, and the per capita consumption is expected to be 40 yuan.

About 60% of the ◎ full series, that is, an average of 60% of the seats, and the number of turntables is 2 (turntable is the number of customers sitting in one round during the operating time of the day)

◎ operating days: 30 days.

Total ◎ salary: stores like this usually have to hire four to five employees, assuming a salary of 6, 000 yuan.

◎ Water and electricity, Industry and Commerce: the water and electricity fee may cost 1,000 yuan, and the industrial and commercial tax may also cost 1,000 yuan. The total amount of both is 1,000 yuan.

◎ rent: 200 yuan / square, the total rent is 20, 000 yuan.

First of all, let's calculate some of the costs that need to be invested:

◎ rent and reserve: at least two-to-one rent, that is, 60, 000 yuan. The north may have to pay for one year or half a year at a time, and this method of payment is guaranteed, at least every month, but even if we pay two mortgages and one rent, we still have to prepare for more than half a year's rent, which is necessary for punctuality. So in addition to the rent, we have to prepare for about half a year's fee: 120000 yuan.

◎ decoration fee: according to different places, different locations and different forms to locate, different programs to open coffee shops to invest in decoration costs vary greatly.