Coffee review

Cool Coffee Century Classic La pavoni concentrated Alcohol Secret Picture

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, A century-old classic La pavoni, a flagship device sells for millions of Taiwan dollars, enough to buy a luxury RV. But the pursuit of perfect cool coffee, willing to turn it into cups of Yingying around the mouth mellow, to meet your heart's desire to pursue the ultimate coffee. Cool coffee regardless of cost, the pursuit of the ultimate, choose the original Italian imported La pavoni handle coffee machine (photo flipping cool coffee

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

A century-old classic La pavoni, a flagship device sells for millions of Taiwan dollars, enough to buy a luxury RV. But the pursuit of perfect cool coffee, willing to turn it into cups of Yingying around the mouth mellow, to meet your heart's desire to pursue the ultimate coffee.

酷咖啡不計成本,追求極緻,選用義大利原裝進口La pavoni拉把式咖啡機(照片翻攝酷咖啡簡介影片)

Cool coffee regardless of cost, the pursuit of the ultimate, choose the original Italian imported La pavoni handle coffee machine (photo flip cool coffee introduction video)

咖啡內的芳香物質與咖啡脂,是Esprosso銷魂的秘密,La pavoni為了更完美的萃取咖啡菁華,採用了獨步全球的拉把式設計,能夠更完美的將咖啡美味進行提取。

The aromatic substances and coffee fat in coffee are the secret of Esprosso. In order to extract coffee essence more perfectly, La pavoni adopts a unique global pull-handle design, which can extract coffee delicacy more perfectly.


Built-in large boiler, when pulling up the handle, it can mix hot water with moderate cold water and pre-soak the ground coffee pressed powder. Pre-soaked coffee pressed powder is a mixture of water and steam, flowing in at a pressure lower than 3bar. During pre-immersion, the coffee pressed powder presents a soft physical state.

把手向下拉動時,透過合宜的力道,最適宜沖泡咖啡的攝氏92度熱水將流入壓實的咖啡粉餅中,完整萃取每一粒芳香分子。Esprosso的藝術,在於低壓預浸與高壓萃取兩大環節,而La pavoni的拉把式設計,正好將這兩大環節表現的淋漓盡緻、無懈可擊。

When the hand is pulled down, through the appropriate force, the hot water of 92 degrees Celsius, which is most suitable for brewing coffee, will flow into the compacted coffee pressed powder, completely extracting each aromatic molecule. The art of Esprosso lies in the two major links of low-pressure prepreg and high-pressure extraction, and the handle design of La pavoni makes the performance of these two links incisively and vividly.

接著,就是高壓熱水快速萃取,成就出極緻香濃的Esprosso。La pavoni的精湛技術,在5秒至15秒的萃取時間內,幾乎能維持恒定的9bar壓力,因此萃取出的全是咖啡中最菁華的芳香物質,而咖啡脂的含量則恰到好處,不標榜過量。聞起來的香度具有怡人的柔軟性,嚐起來餘韻持久。這套技術,自1905年問以來,從來沒有第二家咖啡機製造商能夠超越。

Then, high-pressure hot water rapid extraction, resulting in the extremely fragrant Esprosso. La pavoni's superb technology, in 5 seconds to 15 seconds of extraction time, can maintain a constant 9bar pressure, so extract all the most essential aromatic substances in coffee, while the content of coffee fat is just right, do not advertise too much. The aroma has a pleasant softness and a lingering finish. No second coffee maker has surpassed this technology since it was asked in 1905.


Large-scale boiler, anytime, anywhere to provide connoisseurs with more steam surplus, dry steam design, so that the production of cappuccino and milk foam, will not cause milk dilution, affect the concentration of aroma, add the most complete cream aroma to the coffee.

咖啡內的芳香物質與咖啡脂,是Esprosso銷魂的秘密,La pavoni為了更完美的萃取咖啡菁華,採用了獨步全球的拉把式設計,能夠更完美的將咖啡美味進行提取。

The aromatic substances and coffee fat in coffee are the secret of Esprosso. In order to extract coffee essence more perfectly, La pavoni adopts a unique global pull-handle design, which can extract coffee delicacy more perfectly.