Coffee review

The way coffee shops make profits: the profit margin of a cup of coffee is as high as 70%.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened its own small store brand coffee shop market positioning. Coffee shops are large and small, no matter how big the brand coffee chain is, the work of market positioning can not be ignored. And the market is not immutable, nor is it simple, so investors must have an in-depth understanding of the market in many aspects before doing business.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

Brand coffee shop market positioning. Coffee shops are large and small, no matter how big the brand coffee chain is, the work of market positioning can not be ignored. And the market is not immutable, nor is it simple, so investors must have an in-depth understanding of the market in many aspects before operation, establish a clear and accurate goal, and set their own market position. imagine how to best position the market in order to produce positive chain economic benefits. Of course, the work of market positioning can not be completed overnight, which requires a comprehensive and profound investigation and understanding of the market, and then after detailed and thorough analysis and judgment, we can finally make a correct market positioning.

There are many factors for many successful people in the coffee industry to be successful, but the most important thing is that they pay great attention to the mode of operation and are good at management. In fact, there are many mistakes in the operation and management of many coffee shops, including both the threat of fierce competition from their external counterparts and the mistakes of internal management. In order to successfully operate a brand coffee chain, we must properly sort out these two aspects. Smart operators will determine a relatively clear business philosophy at the beginning of starting a business, and integrate into the whole process of operation and management, permeating every detail of operation and management. To be prepared to prevent the emergence of a passive business situation, it is necessary to use sufficient liquidity to ensure the normal operation of the coffee shop.

The brand coffee shop joins in making coffee on the spot.

For coffee made by grinding and filtration on the spot, in a mid-range coffee shop, the price of a cup is generally about ten yuan, but in this inexpensive coffee shop, the price tag is 6 yuan.

Where the brand coffee shop joins the selling point

Coffee in medium-and high-end cafes is expensive because of a large number of hidden costs such as service level and consumption environment. On the other hand, the low-end coffee shop takes the low-end route, which may be more easily accepted by the general public at the price, but when the profit is low, the brand coffee shop joins in, and the elegant side of the coffee culture cannot be realized. What is the selling point at this time? Use simplicity and ease as the selling point of affordable coffee.

Since we are going to take the civilian route, Mr. Jane has also implemented a simple and relaxed style in the decoration of the storefront, without luxurious decoration and saving costs, the price of coffee has naturally come down and is welcomed by many young people with low income.

The profit margin of brand coffee shops is 70%, and the investment is recovered in one to one and a half years. At present, many low-priced coffee shops are accepted to join, and the franchise fees range from tens of thousands of yuan to more than one hundred thousand yuan according to the size.

If you are interested in joining a brand coffee shop, I will give you some suggestions.

First of all, coffee shops should choose prosperous business districts, taking into account the positioning of affordable coffee, preferably in the mid-range business district. Second, although the price is low, it is best not to use instant coffee. Freshly ground coffee is the most attractive to repeat customers. Finally, pre-job training can ensure the service quality of waiters and avoid giving customers the feeling of low price and low quality.

If a brand coffee shop joins us, you can open a coffee shop for 30,000 yuan.

For those who want to invest in opening a shop, a post-station cafe is a small investment. Shops choose to be near the shopping street or shopping mall, but do not choose the expensive location facing the street. Industry insiders pointed out that in the whole cost control, the cost of renting is particularly important. The general area of a brand coffee shop is about 10 to 20 square meters, and there should be room for tables and chairs in front of the door.

The total cost of shop rental, decoration, equipment, labor and so on is calculated to be about 30,000 yuan at one time, while there is about 20,000 yuan of cash flow on hand, if it is to join, you may need some franchise fees. Brand coffee shop joined the industry insiders pointed out that because the investment is relatively low, the risk is better to control, recently many people have chosen this kind of coffee shop.

However, there are risks in investment, and industry insiders remind that many people come here with a dream of a cafe. Feel that the cafe is profiteering, clean, convenient, emotional, tasteful and so on. These definitely idealize the industry. When the operation is not smooth and the positioning is not accurate, the cafe still has to close down.