Coffee review

Exploring the Asian Coffee producing area-- India India degree Wind-soaked Bean

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Exchange of professional baristas Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the country of the sun in Asia, perhaps near the equator, the impression is always sunny, rice, spices, tropical fruits and Buddhism, this is our general understanding of Asia, in fact, this impression is not far from the personality of Asian coffee. Local conditions are the key to determine the flavor of coffee.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The kingdom of the sun

Asia, perhaps close to the equator, is always in the impression of sunny, rice, spices, tropical fruits and Buddhism, which is our general understanding of Asia. In fact, this impression is not far from the personality of Asian coffee. Local conditions are the key factor to determine the flavor of coffee. Coffee grown in Asia naturally also has a unique Asian flavor, such as herbs, wood, spices, malt, thick and full-bodied, low acidity, these flavors can often be tasted in Asian coffee.

India India

There is a relationship between Indian coffee and Yemeni coffee. Legend has it that a missionary named Babudan stole seven coffee beans from Yemen and planted them in India. From then on, India began to grow coffee. In memory of Babudan, there is a mountain in southwestern India named after Babudan. The coffee produced in India has the flavor characteristics of low acidity, spice, thick and full-bodied, and sweet at the end.

India's coffee-growing areas are concentrated in the southwestern provinces of Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu, all of which are near the sea, and India has been blown by the monsoon for years, and the warm and humid sea breeze brought by the monsoon has deeply affected the flavor of coffee, so it has developed India's unique "weathered beans." Wind-stained beans transport the preliminary raw coffee beans to the wind-soaked field along the coast and slowly air-dry the coffee beans under the southwest monsoon. In the process, they need to be stirred constantly to ensure that the coffee beans are evenly air-dried, and the dried coffee beans will become twice as large. This is the only Indian-style bean in the world.