Coffee review

How to sell a penny of coffee for $15?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that opening a small shop in Beautiful Cafe is also a cup of coffee. If we buy coffee beans from the country of origin and brew them ourselves, it costs about 1 cent. If we brew instant coffee, it costs 10 cents. If we buy it in an American convenience store, it costs 1 US dollar. If we drink it at Starbucks, it costs 3 US dollars. And if we go,

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

Also drink a cup of coffee, if we buy coffee beans from the country of origin, it costs about 1 cent, if we brew instant coffee, it costs 10 cents, if we buy it at an American convenience store, it costs $1, and if we drink it at Starbucks, it costs $3.

And if we travel to Italy and sit there in a daze with a cup of coffee in Florian, it's about $15, but we still don't think it's expensive. Why?

Where does the price difference come from for a cup of coffee?

One cent VS is 15 dollars, and the price of a cup of coffee varies a thousand times.

American researchers believe that this is the difference in value output in different economies, and the secret is that coffee shops such as Starbucks and Florian can sell a cup of coffee for several or even more than ten times the price of a convenience store.


Catering enters the era of experience

I remember that three or four years ago, the whole traditional industry was full of Internet anxiety, and offline was not subverted, but there was a change taking place, that is, offline brick-and-mortar stores are becoming more and more dependent on and demanding of experience. If you can't create a unique experience, it will be quickly replaced.

There is a saying in this era that experience is king. Brands with the ultimate goal of creating the ultimate customer experience and the core driving force of the brand have achieved significant growth, such as Ikea.

Ikea does not sell furniture, it sells household experience. Every store opened in every place in the world will have a large area to restore its products to the life scene. Ikea has little publicity and promotion expenses. All its expenses are spent on this place.

Ikea has become a way of life

The Apple experience Store has become the first target for mobile phone brands to emulate.

The catering industry can't do without experience. At present, Xibei has the highest manpower allocation in this matter, and they have a total of nine individual experience officers, of which the chairman himself serves as the chief experience officer.

There is a brand called Haolilai, which used to be the NO.1 of China's baking industry. As far as I know, this is the first catering brand to bid in CCTV, the annual marketing expenses are tens of millions of yuan, this brand once encountered great problems, passenger flow indicators in all aspects of the decline is very severe. What's the problem? In fact, in terms of experience, the experience of products, environment and services is not good, and the brand begins to age.

Then founder Luo Hong came back, and he did two things: the first is to reshape the store experience, and the second is to inspire people. The transformation of a store is on the front line with the staff, listening to the bombardment of the staff.

One of my partners went to the new Haolilai store one day, spent more than 20 yuan, and sat there for a while, during which a waiter came and asked three times if he wanted some water. The last time the child had a little cream on his mouth. The waiter picked up a tissue and wiped the cream off the child's mouth. Then my partner came back to me and said, "Haililai is back."

Reshape the store experience, and Haoli is back.

Then he made a second brand called Black Swan, and the flagship store bet almost all of Luo Hong's wealth. Now if you want to go there for afternoon tea, you need to book it three months in advance. From the case of Haolilai, we can see that if the store experience is gone, there will be nothing, but as long as this thing comes back, we will have everything.

NESPRESSO is a Nestl é brand that specializes in capsule coffee machines. From 1986 to 1997, the growth of the project was very difficult, with sales revenue of about $140 million in more than a decade, which would have been dead if not under Nestl é. In 2000, around the same time as Apple opened its store, NESPRESSO did something that brought about a magical change in the product.

Focus on user experience and save NESPRESSO

NESPRESSO opened an offline boutique experience store and held a large number of demonstrations and tasting activities, and offline revenue grew sixfold that year, with sales exceeding $5 billion by 2016. Their internal research shows that 50% of the sales come from word-of-mouth, and the other 50% from the ultimate experience in the store. NESPRESSO already has six boutiques in China, all in the best business circle and the best location.


Create a store experience with the concept of theater

No matter how well you position yourself, you will eventually have to return to the store experience.

How to create the ultimate store experience? QSC (quality, service, cleaning) is the foundation, the future catering brands in building a store experience has a basic concept-theater concept. This was put forward by the head of Dingtaifeng.

What is the theater? The theater must have scripts, themes, roles, stages and props. Ding Taifeng is very interested in the target, not McDonald's and so on, but Disney, proposing to build such a theater at 360 degrees. Under the guidance of such a theory, even Ding Taifeng waiters are fastidious about cleaning glass. All kinds of S models are very beautiful.

Turn the product into a show.

The core of the theater view is to create the whole, and pay attention to the interaction, the audience is a part of the performance.


Create three levels of extreme store experience

The experience of building an extreme store has three levels. The first level is that the value is directly perceptible. Can we convey our value in the most beautiful way?

For example, the brand of the whole cotton era, the most prominent position of the physical store is a large piece of cotton tree, pure cotton wadding, using this scene to create and convey value. "Hanker's Noodle Soup, Taiwan Style for a century, authentic Taiwanese flavor," du Xiaoyue will certainly restore the scene of cooking noodles in the most conspicuous part of the store. This is the creation of the scene, through the creation of the scene, to convey value in the most beautiful way.

I often say that if a brand doesn't have a sharp knife product, then no matter how perfect the product is, you have to use all your strength to make the product number one. If you don't have a cinnabar mole in your heart as a brand, don't talk about the brand.

Transmit the idea of pure cotton with cotton

The second level is to create surprise and emotion. When creating the brand Xiaomi, the founder of Xiaomi learned three brands, the real materials of Tongrentang, the low price of Costco supermarket, Haidilao and Haidilao, so he learned that word-of-mouth far exceeded expectations and created surprises and emotions for customers in the experience. In just a few years, Xiaomi's sales exceeded 100 billion yuan.

Recently, Xibei has a very good reputation. Do you know what it is? it's a return dish. Imagine that after your meal, the waiter saw that there was a dish that didn't move too much, then asked if you didn't like it very much, and then returned it for you. Are you surprised and moved? This is a higher than expected. How did Siebel do that? They have an internal system that forces consumers to return food at a rate of 2%, with a lower limit of 1%.

The third level, I think, is a very high level or extreme state, which is a level that all iconic brands must touch-the customer is the ultimate product.

There are some convenience stores that are very large and commercially successful, but I think this is one step away from iconic brands, and that is to make customers better. All idol brands touch this thing. Jiro Ono is an idol brand. He opened this restaurant all his life to make sushi, but the craftsman spirit he represents has moved and inspired countless people.

Jiro Ono only does one thing in his life.

Eslite Bookstore is also, it is not just selling books, every bookstore is promoting people in this community or this city to love reading, promoting the pursuit and appreciation of goodness, love and beauty, so it is also an idol brand.

China's catering industry is bound to give birth to world-class brands, and Chinese catering will shine on the world stage on behalf of Chinese culture. I bet: our generation will be able to create a real idol catering brand.