Coffee review

How do coffee roasters have a way out

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Pay attention to coffee comment (Weixin Official Accounts vdailycom ) Discover a beautiful cafe to open your own shop [Yueyang Introduction] City Dimension Coffee Founder City Dimension Coffee Roaster, Cup Tester ACIC American International Registered Senior Barista SCAE European Specialty Coffee Association Roaster Certification Junior, Intermediate Kopis Sensory Room Certification Cup Tester Yin Cai Coffee Training Education

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

[introduction to Yueyang]

Founder of City Dimension Coffee

City dimension coffee roaster and cup surveyor

ACIC USA International registered Senior Barista

SCAE European Special Coffee Association roaster Certification Junior and Intermediate

Kopi's Sensory Room certification cup tester

Head of training in Incai Coffee training and Education College

Once served as a chain product R & D responsible person, quality control engineer

Chain barista training lecturer and promotion examiner

The initial organizer of "Booky Life" in the most beautiful library in Shenzhen

Judges of the 2017 Gemale Coffee pull Art Competition in South China

Judges of 2017 Shenzhen Gemilai Coffee pull Competition

Chief assessor of WCBC Guangdong Division of CBAK World Barista Competition

Judges of CBAK Shanghai World Coffee pull Competition SWLAC Guangdong Division

2018 World Coffee pull Art Competition China trials-judges of the North China Division

China judges of the 2018 World Coffee pull Art Competition

COE Cup Test and its thinking

I am Yueyang, engaged in coffee roasting in Shenzhen, every raw bean is eager to be appreciated, I focus on baking each batch of raw beans.

Inherit ingenuity from scratch

Baking started at home, and this job was a pleasant surprise for me. I never thought it would be possible for me to live my life before.

Before I came into contact with coffee, I worked in the clothing industry, two completely unintersecting industries gave me a completely different experience. When I was in the clothing industry, life and work made me feel "fast-paced, tired and empty". I knew I did it purely for life, not for my own love.

In 2009, I drank black coffee for the first time, when I was siphoning in a western restaurant. The first contact with coffee left a deep impression on me, and then I began to try to drink all kinds of coffee, which was an interesting experience.

My life began to turn, fate is not to give up, but to work hard

I used the money I had planned to use to buy a wedding house to buy a handy roaster. I gave up my job. There was no fixed income at home, and the financial situation was getting worse and worse. I didn't even go out to have dinner with my friends that year. I didn't buy the gift I wanted for myself and my family, and I felt guilty about my family. I couldn't give my girlfriend a stable life, and finally we broke up under the pressure of family and economy. When she left, I didn't ask to stay. I knew I wasn't qualified. I was lost, but I didn't decide to give up. It's all like this, and I joke that my life has fallen to the valley, it can't fall again, and the next road is to get to heaven step by step.

Choose a road, gnash your teeth and go on without hitting the south wall and not looking back.

When I first got involved in the coffee industry, I had few clients in the first year, and only my friends would occasionally buy roasted coffee beans from me. I began to try a variety of methods, began to compare the price and quality of all kinds of raw beans, baked countless pots, tried countless failures, just to make the flavor unforgettable. I thought at that time that I would stick to it anyway, so no matter how difficult it was, I insisted on using the best beans. The most important thing about coffee roasting is the quality of raw coffee beans and the method of roasting, so I have made a lot of efforts in these two aspects. This also allows my own baking to do a brand and word-of-mouth, after all, I pay most attention to each customer's purchasing experience, and strive to have more repeat customers.


When my dream began to appear in color, I knew that all the efforts were worth it.

From being besieged on all sides when I first baked at home to being a little famous now, I have come all the way, under a lot of pressure and despised by many people. For the first two years, I was trembling when I went back to my hometown for the Spring Festival. I had to put up with not only the discussions among my relatives, but also the guilt that I could not bring a better life to my family. Along the way, I continue to participate in all kinds of coffee competitions, improve their professional skills, but also broaden their horizons, try my best to create a coffee drinking environment. I have the support of many like-minded friends, which also strengthened my confidence to go on. My family saw my efforts and began to understand and support me, and my life was quietly changing because of my love of coffee. When my dream began to appear color, I know that all the efforts are worth it!

A clear way out for bakers

To succeed, you must:

First, everywhere to stand from the customer's point of view, to help customers spend less money, harvest enough amazing.

The quality is absolutely not discounted. I choose raw beans such as Babylon Zhenhong, Ruoxia, Kona and so on. Because of the outstanding flavor and irreplaceable taste, the world-class leading quality is affordable.

Second, compete with yourself and focus to the extreme.

I only do one thing now, competing with baked beans. Very firm, cut off the way back, regardless of the cost of investment to improve themselves, without a trace of regret, so it has been affirmed by the industry and recognized by customers.

Third, if you can achieve others, you can also make yourself.

It takes unity and concerted efforts to spread Chinese boutique coffee culture. Babylon Manor takes the lead in undertaking the mission. I give ten thousand likes!

In order to promote and popularize Yunnan high-quality raw beans, Babylon has changed people's impression of Yunnan beans and invested a lot. He helped his own baking group, the backbone of the spread of coffee culture, to ensure that they kept the price of commercial beans around. Use excellent quality raw beans and win the market with a high-quality iron fist.