Coffee review

How to buy coffee filter paper? Will it affect the taste of coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Filter paper is also divided into different grades, poor quality filter paper, sometimes will dissolve the taste of the pulp into the coffee, so it is recommended to blanch the filter paper with hot water first, so as to avoid the smell of the paper. In fact, there are many kinds of filter paper on the market at present, such as hemp, bamboo fiber, cotton, high-grade Japanese paper and so on. The fiber length of filter paper will affect the taste.

Filter paper is also divided into different grades, poor quality filter paper, sometimes will dissolve the taste of the pulp into the coffee, so it is recommended to blanch the filter paper with hot water first, so as to avoid the smell of the paper. In fact, at present, there are quite many kinds of filter paper on the market, such as hemp, bamboo fiber, cotton, and high-grade Japanese and paper; the fiber length of filter paper will affect the taste, and some thicker filter paper can also correct the taste of coffee, such as American Chemex filter paper, because it is thick enough to filter out most impurities, it may taste better than using other filter paper.

How to buy coffee filter paper?

Bleached filter paper vs unbleached filter paper

Coffee filter paper is mostly made of wood, and the pulp color after wood cooking is mostly brown, and it takes several stages of bleaching process to turn white.

The difference between coffee filter paper bleaching and non-bleaching is as follows:

1. Bleaching: the coffee filter paper looks whiter when it is bleached.

2, no bleaching: refers to coffee filter paper without bleaching, filter paper looks close to light brown.

Compared with the white filter paper, the log color filter paper has less bleaching process, but the flavor of the filter paper itself has increased, so you need to fully soak the filter paper with boiling water when brewing coffee, some of which are wet at least 2 times or 3 times. to reduce the smell of the paper into the coffee.

Bleaching filter paper, imported bleaching filter paper, has strict requirements in material selection, process and quality control, mainly the enzymes used in bleaching. This enzyme bleaching is a bioactive enzyme, which is widely used in the field of medicine. The degree of harm is negligible. Wetting filter paper can increase the fit with the filter cup, and it can also save the step of wetting filter paper and directly flush it with powder.

[filter paper parameters]

Brand and model of filter paper



The smell of the filter paper itself (compared with the smell of the filter paper produced by water injection)

Other aspects

Chemex curved filter Paper 1-3cup (USA)

About 1.7-1.9 yuan per page


There is almost no smell of filter paper.

Filter paper can be cleaned after use, it can be used repeatedly for 2-3 times and needs to be folded

Kono filter Paper 1~2cup (Japan)

About 0.48 yuan per page

Medium and strong

There is almost no smell of filter paper.

The filter paper has medium texture and ideal fit with the filter cup when injecting water, so it is suitable for V60.

Tiamo Vmur01 filter paper

About 0.27 yuan per page

Medium and weak

It smells like filter paper, but it's weak.

The texture of the filter paper is thin, and the fit between the filter paper and the filter cup during water injection is not very ideal.

Kalita Kalita 185 corrugated cake filter paper (Japan)

0.7 yuan per page


Filter paper smells like wood pulp, but it seems to smell better.

The filter paper is so thin that it matches the KalittaWave coffee filter cup.

Hario- V60 filter paper

About 0.5 yuan per page

Medium and strong

There is almost no smell of filter paper.

Filter paper should be used with Hario V60 filter cup.

Bonavita thickens 52gsm (USA)

About 0.4 yuan per page

Medium and strong

There is almost no smell of filter paper.

Medium thickness, side guide groove, hand punching experience

Filter paper can be divided into two categories

Bleaching or not first shows the biggest visual difference. The white filter paper we often use is bleached. In the past, people thought that bleached filter paper used chlorine chemicals, so there are not a few people who prefer unbleached filter paper. That is why most people think that white filter paper must be washed with water.

Recently, due to the use of bleach that is harmless to the human body, the idea of rinsing for the sake of health has gradually disappeared.

The filter paper should be washed because of the smell of pulp!

Apart from health reasons, another main reason for filter paper cleaning is that people think there is a smell of pulp. Unbleached filter paper usually smells like pulp. But the white filter paper will also have the smell of pulp, do not neglect, after using a large packet of filter paper, when removing the new packaging, you can smell whether there is a better smell.

If the odorous filter paper can be removed by rinsing, but there are times when it doesn't work.

The deeper the beans are baked, the stronger the smell will be than the filter paper.

Deep-baked beans tend to cover up the smell of filter paper because of their strong aroma. In this case, it is not known whether it is necessary to wash the filter paper, and it may even be said that the filter paper has only a little pulp taste.

Coffee with high concentration must have a stronger smell than filter paper.

Coffee with high concentration will definitely smell stronger than filter paper, so there is no need to wash filter paper.