Coffee review

Coffee utensils explanation: why does the smart cup get hot? Smart filter cup usage extraction time

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Exchange of professional baristas Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Sorry, today is the first time for our shop to make boutique coffee from smart cups. My target TDS is 1.3, and this one is only 1.28. I will now refund one pound as compensation. Barista in Prufrock, London

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

I believe that when coffee beginners first come into contact with coffee utensils, they can always hear old friends recommend the use of smart filter cups. "Smart cup, will it be smarter to drink coffee brewed from this filter cup?" Maybe it can. Haha.


In the coffee novice circle, the smart cup is widely used, because it can not only meet everyone's pursuit of the clean taste of dripping coffee, but also meet the need to soak coffee to extract coffee substances more fully, so that coffee has a fuller taste performance.

What is the Smart Cup?

The so-called "smart cup" is actually similar to a funnel with a valve embedded in the bottom, and there will be a valve at the bottom. If it is not stuck on the mouth of the coffee pot / cup, the water will stay in the filter cup all the time, resulting in the effect of soaking. The advantage of this design is that it can not only extract coffee more fully, but also get cleaner coffee through filter paper.


The essence of hand-brewed coffee is to systematically extract the taste of coffee by using the resistance formed by ground coffee powder as fine as granulated sugar through the technique of water injection. After the general coffee filter cup is filled with water, the coffee liquid will drop from the other end in a very short time.


Although the smart cup looks like a funnel, its extraction mode is actually soaked and will not be affected by water flow and other factors. Unlike the autoclave using immersion extraction, after the extraction process is over, the coffee oil and fine powder in the coffee liquid will first pass through the filter paper before flowing out from the open valve.

In the daily brewing comparison of Qianjie coffee, it is found that the coffee brewed in the smart cup tastes cleaner and more layered than the pressure pot with metal mesh to "separate the dregs".

The way to use the Smart Cup

This time, Qianjie Coffee was demonstrated with butterfly beans from the Pokuit region of Panama. This coffee bean is planted at an altitude of 1600m above sea level in Pokuit, Panama, and the medium-shallow roasting used by Qianjie coffee in order to retain the citrus and floral characteristics of the coffee bean. The density of the roasted beans is low, and it is not easy to release coffee substances.


Therefore, it is recommended to use medium fine grinding (No. 20 standard screen screening 75%), as well as with 91 degrees Celsius water, soaking time is 1 minute 50 seconds.

Fold the filter paper in the smart cup, put the smart cup on the container, and preheat the appliance at the same time when wetting the filter paper with hot water. Then move the smart cup to the electronic scale (when the valve closes automatically), pour the ground coffee into the center of the filter cup, directly inject 225ml water, make sure the coffee powder is all wet, then close the lid and wait 1 minute 50 seconds. After soaking, move the smart cup to the container and open the valve to filter out the coffee liquid in the filter cup.


Smart cup brewed butterfly coffee flavor performance: full and clean citrus-like bright acidity, soft white flower aroma, honey sweetness and green tea-like sweetness.