Coffee review

World Coffee Master Champion Wu Zelin Vs. Coffee Uncle Xu Jidong's Private Coffee Recommended Cafe

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, 2016 World Coffee Master Champion Wu Zelin VS. Coffee Uncle Xu Jidong Professional Barista Exchange Please pay attention to Coffee Workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style ) Photo1 Photo2 Photo3 Photo4 Photo5 Photo6 Ten years ago, home-roasted coffee was still a rare and powerful term. Now, there are more and more independent cafes with home-roasted coffee as the main business axis.

2016 World Coffee Master Champion Wu Zelin VS. Uncle Coffee Xu Jidong

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Photo1 Photo2 Photo3 Photo4 Photo5 Photo6

Ten years ago, "home-roasted coffee" was a rare term. Today, there are more and more independent cafes operating on the main axis of "home-roasted coffee". In fact, the meaning of self-baking has been diluted. Wu Zelin mentioned: "if we talk more deeply about the meaning of self-baking, it means that each store can provide coffee beans with its own personality." however, now some of them bake their own baking simply because it is expensive to buy beans from others. Many stores are often unbaked. Coffee uncle added: "most of the shallow roasting is not cooked, deep roasting is not necessarily cooked." Sometimes you can smell it from the coffee powder, and it smells like pea. " And every time I drink until it is not cooked, the immediate reaction is a stomachache. Wu Zelin's own choice is that he must drink it in the store first and buy it only if he really likes it. The nature of coffee will not be overshadowed by the posture of a store or the words of introduction. The best judgment is the cup served on the table. This time, the two recommended cafes have their own baking quality as the basic requirement, and good taste as the top priority. apart from their own characteristics, they all have a big or small impact on Taiwan's boutique coffee circle. Several of them are a list that the foreign industry is bound to visit during a special coffee trip to Taiwan, which should not be missed.

What are the selection criteria for the five stores?

1. Delicious! Even if the taste varies from person to person, it is absolutely delicious.

two。 Home baking with good quality and own characteristics

3. Bring influence or enlightenment to colleagues or people who are interested in the coffee industry.

The same original heart Simple Kaffa

The success of Simple Kaffa is not easy to come by. At the beginning, the result of the competition is very bad, the location of the store is not obvious, the business is not good, and the operation encounters all kinds of unexpected difficulties, but year after year, Berg leads the team to improve and grow together. When the competition results are getting better and better, the store is not abandoned, always insisting that "those who dare to put on menu are good", even if it is cake dessert, pay attention to ingredients and practices. Take your own efforts until you are satisfied. Swiss contestants, who competed with world coffee masters this year, specially visited Berg's store. They didn't see Berg under the wrong circumstances, and then flew to South Korea to watch the exhibition before they met Berg. The other party praised Simple Kaffa is best of the best at the beginning of the sentence, and the atmosphere in the store was as happy as a family pavilion, but he was surprised to find that the bar player of that day was already the level of the World Series, and deliberately added some other items of coffee above the level. "I think the value of our store is that every item that can be ordered is good, and every colleague who can stand on the bar can make the same delicious coffee." Berg learned and honed in the competition, all applied to the store, he knows very well that the halo of the world champion will disappear, but Simple Kaffa will continue to grow, so that the light from the core value, continue to illuminate.

Info/The Lobby of Simple Kaffa

No. 48, Lane 177, Dunhua South Road, Taipei, Add/ B1



The possibility of single coffee SINGLE ORIGIN ESPRESSO & ROAST

If the position of Simple Kaffa is already very special, then the position of SINGLE ORIGIN is even weirder, it can almost be regarded as "hiding" in the alley, you have to walk firmly through other people's doorstep to the innermost corner, otherwise you will definitely miss it. From this month, the store is even more difficult to find, because the hot 2016 World Cup coffee master Taiwan area tryout champion is here! Lu Yibei of SINGLE ORIGIN competed for five years in a row and finally won the championship this year.

From the beginning, SINGLE ORIGIN has been very different from other cafes. Coffee uncle said that the emergence of SINGLE ORIGIN, so that the industry found that the original boutique coffee can be made. In the past, in order to stabilize the taste, most cafes were mainly based on comprehensive formula beans, while SINGLE ORIGIN was the first shop that only offered espresso in a single producing area. "what they want to offer is more distinctive coffee, so maybe each cup of coffee here has a different personality." The store will provide different cooking methods for the same bean for guests to choose. Or, the same bean served with espresso and cappuccino at the same time, allowing people to taste two performances at a time. As a result of the low-bar plan, guests can interact with the bar players freely, and even people from the coffee industry often visit. Wu Zelin often comes in on slippers to chat beans and coffee with Haji, the store manager. "people like to come because it's fun." Once Haji called a coffee party, borrowed six bean grinders to test, and took out an instrument to carefully measure the extraction rate of each machine. After drinking a round of coffee, everyone immediately knew the difference between these bean grinders. Similar experiments, discussions, and ideas are tried out, not only to improve the technology, but also to stir up a lot of new ideas. no wonder professionals always come in at 05:00.

About the boss | Huang Jijun

Everyone calls him Haji. Because he likes to buy all kinds of coffee equipment, in the industry as "Haji lost again!" It's famous for its nickname. He first came out of the chain coffee system, being real and hard-working, always asking for help modestly, and only learning to bake beans when he opened SINGLE ORIGIN. Now he is not only a bean baker who can take the lead alone, but also the coach of all the contestants in the store.

Info/SINGLE ORIGIN ESPRESSO & ROAST (currently closed)

No. 76, No. 161 Lane, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Daan District, Taipei City, Add/


Order curry beans online by Web/.

The sunny Coffee Wave of Youth Solidbean Coffee Roasters

The birth of Solidbean is almost a microcosm of the realization of the coffee ideal of contemporary young people: after accumulating a certain amount of strength in coffee shops in Taiwan, they then go abroad to experience, study while clarifying their own ideas and preferences, and then go back to Taiwan to open an ideal coffee shop that can be accurate in all aspects.

"there are many individual cafes in Taiwan, and it is easy to ignore other business majors and only focus on coffee. But Solidbean is very complete, besides the delicious coffee, they range from Logo, brand image, space atmosphere, surrounding goods, to marketing and event planning. Every aspect is better than the average cafe. " This is also one of the first trends in introducing nitrogen coffee (beer coffee) in Taiwan. Solidbean was created by three girls. The bean baker and barista Dana met while working at the well-known Mojocoffee in Taichung. Later, Dana went to Australia, where the coffee industry is booming, and found that Taiwan was actually better than Australia in terms of coffee quality, so he resolutely returned to Taiwan in less than half a year and moved to work in Simple Kaffa. That year happened to be Wu Zelin's first preparation for the World Series, and Dana served as his assistant when he was practicing in Taiwan. "Solidbean's coffee tastes good, but I prefer them to look like themselves and do a good job." Wu Zelin said that Mojocoffee is mainly deep-roasted coffee, which is a popular taste. But now there is a trend for boutique coffee to roast slightly, because the special performance of the bean itself is more obvious, and Solidbean has found its own way in it.

About the boss | Dana Zhang Yuyi

Dana is very active and is the kind of person who takes coffee for granted as soon as he thinks of it. Lively and enthusiastic personality, will not only share with guests the source of coffee beans, varieties, handling methods and other knowledge, the store also planned so that guests can use simple utensils to make their own hand-made cooking space.

Info/Solidbean Coffee Roasters

28 Jingcheng third Street, West District, Taichung City, Add/



Old-school classics, the most fashionable! RUFOUS COFFEE

"RUFOUS COFFEE is the tide!" This is not advertising language, but Wu Zelin's real feelings about this small shop. "it's like an old-fashioned Japanese cafe in the movie Jiaotong." Xu Jidong added that especially in the evening, when you light a cigarette and walk outside the door with a coffee cup, the atmosphere is more like. The RUFOUS trend has the atmosphere of time and conflict elements inside, the refined and classic space provides the latest third wave of coffee, coffee beans pay attention to the manor, pay attention to batches, while one of the latest, top coffee machines stands quietly on the bar.

In the PTT edition, RUFOUS is the coffee shop of Taipei latte No.1; in jianghu legend, RUFOUS has the record of Taiwan's first coffee revire bean with a score of more than 90 points. In 2008, dare to send their own baked beans to coffee review, and use comprehensive beans to get a high score of 91, is a very impressive record. Proving the baking skills of Xiao Yang, the boss of RUFOUS, many people made a special visit to RUFOUS, and many cafes that did not bake themselves bought beans with RUFOUS. Not only do self-baking coffee beans carefully, Rufous provides a special "double warmth", that is, a kind of coffee beans are brewed at different temperatures, so that guests can drink coffee with two different effects. One wall of the store is covered with postcards, and many regular customers send a greeting when they think of Rufous's coffee when they travel abroad, which makes the atmosphere of the store seem to be full of stories. Especially in the afternoon, the sunlight from the floor-to-ceiling window reflects the comfortable golden light against the original color of the store, which is particularly charming.

About the boss | Yang Bozhi

People who know him call him Xiao Yang, who spends most of his time making coffee and then hiding on a small stool behind the bar. Thin and tall, 192 centimeters, known as the highest bar in Taiwan, silent, slow personality, quite a bit of Japanese ronin flavor, there are a group of loyal fans.

Info/Rufous Coffee

Add/ No. 339, Section 2, Fuxing South Road, Da'an District, Taipei City


Web/facebook:RUFOUS COFFEE

Very shallow Baking Pioneer Coffee Sweet

Six or seven years ago, before shallow baking became popular in Taiwan, Coffee Sweet, which insisted on "very shallow baking", could be said to be unique. Xu Jidong met this cafe under the leadership of a friend. He first came into contact with the flavor of very shallow roasted coffee and was impressed by the distinct sour aroma of flowers and fruits. As a result, he discovered the infinite possibility of micro-batch boutique coffee.

"usually we have an imagination when we talk about shallow baking, but it's even shallower than we thought." It was written at the beginning of Coffee Sweet's menu: "our coffee is very light roasted and slightly sour in the mouth. If you can't accept it, I hope you can find your favorite style somewhere else!" Boss Gao has his own insistence on coffee. For example, all individual coffees are brewed in a siphon pot, with 40 servings fixed every day, and each order should be changed into a brand new filter cloth before production. "in general, coffee shops will immediately clean the filter cloth and reuse it, but because there will be some oil left on it, he does not want the oil, so he will wash it very carefully and prepare 40 pieces of cloth every day until it is used up." It is also forbidden to take pictures in the store because the boss keeps a low profile. But do not think that Coffee Sweet is not very close, the boss is very kind and willing to share the experience of coffee, he believes that you can not accept all the knowledge you have learned, because coffee is an interest, not knowledge, and everyone has different preferences, so there is no standard answer. In the process, you should constantly ask yourself how you feel about the taste and slowly find your own coffee. When many coffee makers from Hong Kong, Malaysia or abroad visit Taiwan, Coffee Sweet is also one of the stores on their list.

About Boss | Boss Gao

Boss Gao is very low-key and does not like to give interviews, but if he is simply talking about coffee, he is happy to share. He doesn't reject deep roasting. He just wants to make the coffee look different. Raw beans are imported from coffee producing countries around the world, so many people will especially come to Boss Gao to buy raw beans, or contestants who are ready to take part in the competition will ask Boss Gao to help find special beans.

Info/Coffee Sweet's own roasting Cafe

No. 3, lane 20, lane 33, section 1, Zhongshan north road, Add/, Taipei


Web/FB:Coffee Sweet

(Qiu Qionghui / tr. by Phil Newell)

Photography / Zhang Yilin, Wang Shihao

Photo courtesy / Coffee Uncle