Coffee review

Want to open a coffee shop? Do you know how to explore the consumer experience behind coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Communication of professional baristas Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) to open a coffee shop, which will undoubtedly push you to a dead end if you only provide customers with one cup of coffee without ancillary products or experience. What we can often see is that many people take selfies while taking a short break after ordering coffee and sitting down at Starbucks, and then post them on moments.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Opening a coffee shop will undoubtedly push you to a dead end if you only provide customers with a cup of coffee without ancillary products or experience. What we can often see is that many people take selfies while taking a short break after ordering coffee and sitting down at Starbucks, and then post them on moments.

Starbucks coffee is no longer as simple as ordinary coffee, in the support of consumers, "high style", "fashion" and so on are its labels. As a result, we grafted these tags on ourselves through a series of actions, such as taking photos, taking photos, uploading moments and so on. Starbucks has successfully created a "free space for white-collar elites" in a big city, and getting in and out of Starbucks is like being in "high society". So Starbucks has broken away from the simple concept of a coffee shop, where consumers can not only enjoy the products brought by a cup of coffee, but also experience the recognition of certain characteristics brought by the brand.

Well, as an independent business, small cafes without big brands can not bring consumers the same consumer experience as Starbucks. However, all roads lead to Rome, and the creation of consumer experience has never been the only standard answer.

The "Coffee +" model is a good choice to open up a diversified experience for consumers. More and more savvy consumers are no longer satisfied with the single experience provided by a product in an industry. For example, when consumers buy books in a bookstore, they not only hope to find a good book, but also hope to enjoy a moment of leisure comfortably in a corner of the bookstore. So, if your cafe can only give customers a cup of coffee, then there is no doubt that they are declaring their own "death date". Under the premise of understanding customer preferences, reasonably integrate demand, form a compound multi-business model, and broaden the additional experience for consumers in addition to coffee. Nowadays, "coffee + light food" and "coffee + book" are common compound models. The solution to a single business model is not a simple mixture of multiple formats, but a reasonable collocation based on consumer demand on the basis of ensuring that coffee is the absolute protagonist.

A distinct theme not only creates a personalized consumption experience for consumers, but also presents a highly recognizable business card for consumers. A cafe can't be just a cafe, and guests don't come to the house just for a cup of coffee. Sometimes a view outside the window and a touch of antique in the store are far better than a cup in front of you. Or mysterious and magical legendary tribes, or cute cats, can become a very distinctive cafe theme. As long as you are willing to innovate, someone will pay for your unique label.

Although according to the data, in the emerging global coffee market, the annual growth rate of China's coffee market is more than 10 times the world level. But this does not mean that operating a coffee shop is an easy thing. How to constantly tap consumer demand and find characteristic selling points to provide consumers with a better experience is a question that every operator should think about.