Coffee review

A cafe in Tokyo uses cake instead of bread to make sandwiches! Come and find out!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) do you know the annual cake? This is a very popular pastry in Japan and is famous for its unique concentric wheel structure. It is said that it originated in Germany and is a famous pastry eaten by Europeans. Now, imagine slicing this cake and using them instead of bread to make sandwiches. Listen

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Do you know the ring cake? This is a very popular pastry in Japan and is famous for its unique concentric wheel structure. It is said that it originated in Germany and is a famous pastry eaten by Europeans. Now, imagine slicing this cake and using them instead of bread to make sandwiches. It may sound strange, but the annual ring home, a cafe in Tokyo, has actually introduced this idea and succeeded in creating harmonious delicacies. They call such products "annual cake sandwiches".

The history of annual ring cake

Ring cake is a kind of traditional cake which originated in Germany. Its concentric wheel structure makes it look like a tree cake, and this part is well known to the general public.

The pastry was introduced to Japan by Karl Juchheim, a German dessert merchant who is regarded as the "king of German cake". Ring cakes were originally used as gifts for guests at weddings or as souvenirs on some occasions. It was first called "pyramid cake" and later changed to "ring cake", which means "tree cake" in English. Juchheim has been in business for more than a century, and the company is headquartered in Kobe.

Making a ring cake is quite complicated because it requires an oven with a cylindrical core, which then rolls one layer of cake at a time. Because the production process is very complicated, maybe this is the reason why the price of the cake is high. A typical ring cake is made of 15 to 20 layers of paste.

Ring cake sandwiches

The annual ring house is a pastry shop where you can taste and enjoy special meals, such as annual cake. It offers an exclusive menu at the cafe at Tokyo's Haneda Airport, which includes a set meal of three annual cake sandwiches. It uses ring cakes for stuffing instead of bread for traditional sandwiches. The sandwiches served in the set meal are eggs, shrimp, avocado and beef at a price of 617 yuan.

These sandwiches may look sweet, but they are not classified as desserts because they do not use sweet ingredients and do not have the frosting layer that usually occurs on annual cakes. For those who want to try new foods on the road, this is definitely a good option.

In addition to this set of three sandwiches, the Lunar New year also offers a season-limited product-hot ring cake chicken curry at the same price, so you'd better try it before it's sold out.

If you have ever used Tokyo's Haneda Airport to travel, please take a peek at the idea of annual cake sandwiches in the coming year to see the harmony between cake and meat stuffing. This combination is incredible and totally different from what I have eaten before. You won't be able to find this original menu in any other store, so don't miss it!