Coffee review

Hand-made coffee industry must buy classic, born in World War II classic filter cup-Chemex

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Chemex is absolutely a must-buy classic in the coffee industry, with elegant and smooth beautiful kettle body, the material is made of laboratory-grade heat-resistant borosilicate glass, integrated forming, the waist is made of detachable polished wood for easy holding, to avoid hot hands when brewing coffee, and then with exquisite leather

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Chemex is absolutely a must-buy classic in the coffee industry, with an elegant and smooth beautiful kettle body, the material selection of laboratory-grade heat-resistant borosilicate glass, integrated shape, the waist made of detachable polished wood ring easy to hold, to avoid hot hands when brewing coffee, and then with exquisite leather string knots fixed, fascinating classic shape, both art collection value and excellent practicality.

Dr. Schlumbohm and Chemex filter cup

Born in the United States in 1941, Chemex is now popular all over the world. It was invented by Peter Schlumbohm, PhD in Chemistry, University of Berlin, Germany, who moved to New York. Dr. Schlumbohm, who is proficient in various experimental instruments and filtration extraction methods, has improved the laboratory's glass funnel and conical flask to design this enduring classic.

Using glass, wood and leather rope as materials, Chemex was also well received during the second World War, when there was a severe shortage of metal, so it was one of the reasons for the permanent collection of the MoMA Museum of Modern Art in New York.

The picture on the left is a presentation of MoMA: "practical products in wartime." "the picture on the right shows the use of Chemex, both of which were published in 1943.

The shape of the Chemex filter cup is similar to that of a conical cup, except that you need to use special filter paper to fold it directly. The special filter paper is thicker, so that the extraction time becomes longer, and the coffee oil will not be absorbed, making the extracted coffee taste thick.

Another special feature of the Chemex design is the exhaust channel and outlet that Dr Schlumbohm calls "air channel". Let the hot air produced by the brewing process avoid the filter paper for diversion, so that the coffee extraction is more complete, and the coffee can be easily poured out along the groove. In addition, the bottle also has a protuberance nicknamed "belly button" by fans, which can be used as a capacity marker to indicate the location of half the water level.

[brewing mode]

1. Unfold the Chemex filter paper, place it on the top of the coffee pot, and align the thick fold of the filter paper with the outlet (refer to the icon description of the original outer box of the filter paper).

two。 Pour the right amount of coffee powder into the filter paper, the amount of coffee powder can be adjusted according to the proportion of water and personal taste preferences.

3. Prepare 90 ℃ ~ 95 ℃ hot water, pour a small amount of water only to the extent of wet coffee powder into the filter pot and steam for about 30 seconds.

4. Then pour the hot water into the coffee filter pot smoothly in batches. At this time, pay attention to the water level should not be high at the top of the filter pot, until the desired coffee capacity is extracted, remove the used filter paper and coffee powder, and you can enjoy a cup of delicious coffee.

Points for attention

Chemex hand coffee filter pot in the glass blowing process may naturally form small bubbles or slight protruding lines (non-surface scratches), the original factory stated that this is a normal phenomenon of non-defective products, please feel at ease to buy.