Coffee review

What do you need to pay attention to when using a fully automatic coffee machine?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The fully automatic coffee machine should pay attention to some matters in order to better prolong its service life. Here, the author will simply share it with you.

Compared with the semi-automatic coffee machine, the use of the automatic coffee machine is actually simple, as long as you do the prelude work well, you only need to press the button to get a cup of delicious coffee. It is so easy to use, but you have to pay attention to some matters in order to better prolong its service life. I will simply share it with you here.

one。 Installation environment of automatic coffee machine

At the time of installation, the fully automatic coffee machine should be more than 10 cm away from the wall, so as not to affect the good heat dissipation of the automatic coffee machine. At the same time, the table of the automatic coffee machine should be flat and it is best to use thick marble. If the coffee machine table support is unstable, it will cause noise and poor operation of the coffee machine. At the same time, the coffee machine had better be installed in a clean and ventilated place.

two。 The following preparations should be done before using the fully automatic coffee machine.

First of all, you have to wipe the inside and outside of the coffee machine with a clean cloth. Here, you should pay attention to the bean barn where coffee beans are installed, not with wet towels. Second, check whether every part of the automatic coffee machine is installed, "especially pay attention to the brewer in place" and then turn on the power of the coffee machine. Once again, the general fully automatic coffee machine is heated within 2 minutes when it is turned on. If the time is too long, there may be problems. Thirdly, we have to check whether there is water in the water tank of the coffee machine. It is very dangerous if the water tank of some automatic coffee machine has no water or is short of water. Especially, the Italian coffee machine saeco does not have a water level check, so pure water at room temperature must be injected into the water tank of the coffee machine. The last point is that when the coffee machine is not fully running, it is strictly forbidden to move any part of the coffee machine above. It is hoped that some matters that should be paid attention to before the use of the fully automatic coffee machine can be helpful to the users of the coffee machine at the initial stage. At the same time, the author hopes that colleagues who have more in-depth research on the coffee machine can communicate more.