Coffee review

The key to the success of Starbucks-not just selling coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista exchange please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Starbucks, born in Seattle, USA, started with coffee beans, since its establishment in 1987, never advertised, but in nearly 20 years has become a giant chain coffee group, the legend of its rapid development has attracted global attention. Have you had a drink today? Don't get me wrong, what's said here

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Starbucks, born in Seattle, USA, started with coffee beans. Since its establishment in 1987, it has never advertised, but it has become a giant coffee chain in nearly 20 years. The legend of its rapid development has attracted global attention.

"have you drunk  today? "Don't get me wrong, what we're talking about here is not a lactic acid drink, but coffee. Now do you need a cup of coffee every day to refresh yourself? Where would you like to go in the first place if you want to drink coffee? Starbucks is probably the first choice for most people, which proves the popularity of Starbucks. In contrast, we begin to wonder why Starbucks is so successful.

Many years ago, Advertising Research Foundation focused on one of the topics: what reasons or factors can stimulate consumers? Can we stimulate them to spend by arousing some kind of emotion? Perhaps it can be said that is there any way to hypnotize consumers to become emotional and blindly willing to buy goods that are not worth it at a higher price?

In fact, you can, as long as you are "not selling goods". What does it mean? For example, before the launch of Starbucks, we went to buy a set meal and a cup of frozen coffee for only 3 yuan, and the hot drink was free. But buying a cup of Starbucks coffee alone is likely to be more expensive than a fun meal.

Why on earth can Starbucks sell at such a high price? We learned that at the end of the 20th century, Information Economy appeared in this society, that is, selling information, going to Experience Economy, that is, buying a shopping experience or a feeling. Instead of selling a cup of coffee, Starbucks sells a temporary escape from reality, a short break, a comfortable haven between your office and home, and a comfortable feeling. Most of the Clubbing and Party places sell a feeling of selflessness and a chance to recognize the feeling of the opposite sex.

This is also why today's retail stores are beginning to transform. Instead of displaying all the goods like 10 yuan stores, ParknShop and Japantown, they are designed to look more and more like a theme park and a museum of experience. The most obvious example is that you will not see an iPhone placed in a box or arranged on the shelf for you to pay for, but to try it out first.

Rents in foreign countries are not as expensive as in Hong Kong. Cabela buys outdoor stores, which are designed like forests, with Qi Aquariums, Stone climbing walls and so on. Now it has been transferred to Experience, to the new Economy as Transformation Economy, that is, to buy a change. Take Fitness Centre as an example: one of the largest Fitness Centre-Equinox in foreign countries is a model of Experience Economy. It can be regarded as a luxury version of Pure Fitness, with spa equipment and the latest fitness equipment that looks like art. It will even set up its own five-star hotel in 2019.

On the other side, Crossfit is a store that sells Transformation. They don't have any of the high-tech equipment mentioned above, but they charge the same price. The reason why they can charge such a high price is that they actually guarantee you, or even sign a contract to guarantee that you will pay money and work hard after, for example, 30 days will see a new self, whether in shape, condition or health will be completely changed, sell an Transformation.

If you plan to start a business, maybe open a restaurant, sell flowers, or sell wonton noodles? Or retail? You can think about it carefully. Do you want to sell Experience or Transformation?

If you simply intend to sell a product, you should soon face bankruptcy.