Coffee review

Intermediate baristas theoretical examination questions, standardized question bank "Intermediate baristas Review outline"

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, 1. The graceful manners of women do not include (C). A, stand into T-step B, cross hands C in front of abdomen, hands on waist D, waist and back erect 2. In service work, the tone of (B) when answering the phone will leave a good impression on the other party. A, whisper gentle B, kind and generous C, high-pitched and loud D, way, language do not matter 3.

Professional ethics of grooming and appearance

1. The graceful manners of women do not include (C).

Stand into T-step B and cross your hands in front of your abdomen.

C, hands on waist D, waist and back upright

2. In the service work, the tone of (B) when answering the phone will leave a good impression on the other party.

A, whisper gently B, kind and generous

C, loud D, way, language don't matter.

3. Among the following options, the one that does not belong to the category of manners is (A).

A, facial makeup B, stride C, walking posture D, standing posture

4. The coffee shop should (C) recommend drinks to guests.

Tell guest B loudly and whisper in the guest's ear

C, keep standing posture, smile, sound clear D, show guests with fingers

5. The English expression of "Welcome" should be (B).

A 、 You are coming B 、 Welcome

C 、 You came D 、 Good you came

6. "Nice to see you again." It means (D).

How are you? B. Hope to see you next time.

Welcome to come again next time. Nice to see you again.

7. "I hope you come again." It means (A).

Welcome to B again, see you tomorrow C, thank you very much D, nice to meet you

8. If you receive a complaint from a regular customer that the taste of Brazilian coffee is not good, the following mistakes are made when filling in the work log.

A. Avoid mentioning B and recording the processing results.

C, put forward suggestions to deal with similar problems D, analyze the causes

9. "Good afternoon." It means (C).

A, good morning B, good afternoon C, good afternoon D, good evening

10. "Good evening." It means (D).

A, good morning B, good afternoon C, good afternoon D, good evening

11. When selling products to customers, you should (C)

A, recommend the most expensive B, recommend the cheap one

C, recommend the D suitable for the guest, recommend the inventory of the library

twelve。 With regard to the attitude of selling products to customers, the following statement is true (B).

A, gentle B, sincere C, easygoing D, resolute

13. When dealing with difficult customers, the right thing to do is (D).

A, fight for B according to reason, directly call the police C, confront with customers D, avoid direct conflict

14. To form a sense of responsibility, we must first (D).

A, have sense of work B, increase the intensity of work

C, improve work efficiency D, have a strong sense of responsibility

15. The wrong requirement for baristas' appearance is (A).

A, wear jewelry B, do not use strong-smelling cosmetics

C, no long nails D, no colored nail polish

16. "Would you like??" means (A).

A. Do you like it? Is it? B, I can. Is it? C, please. Is it? D, how are you?

17. The meter is (B).

A, refers to a person's appearance B, refers to the external embodiment of a person's manners

C, refers to appearance D, refers to a person's knowledge of virtue and talent.

18. Among the following options, the one that belongs to the service mood is (D).

A, doubt B, resolute C, strong D, gentle

19. With regard to the welcome service of the coffee shop, the following statement is correct (B).

Let the guests find their own seats and guide them to the right seats.

C, order immediately D, serve immediately

20. In the process of selling to customers, there is no need to consider (C).

A, season B, time C, place D, age of the guest

21. In case of customer complaint, the correct solution is (D).

A, perfunctory B, ignore it

C, solve D after a large number of complaints, listen to customers' opinions and conduct a survey.

twenty-two。 "Could you??" means (C).

A, do you like...? B, I can. Is it? C, can you? Is it? D, can he...?

23. (C) is a traditional coffee roasting equipment, rotating furnace wall through direct contact with the heating source to heat the coffee gradually, usually roasting time is 10-15 minutes.

A, fluid bed B, convection heating C, conductive heating D, semi-hot air type

24. (x) the customer satisfaction questionnaire is not a way to communicate with guests.

25. (√) to enhance the sense of responsibility, we must first enhance the sense of performance of duties.

26. (x) when you see a guest coming, the waiter should immediately stop his work and welcome the front service.

27. (×) the requirements of the coffee shop for the appearance of the staff are youthful and beautiful, fashionable and avantgarde.

28. (x) when talking to the guest, make sure that the guest can hear clearly.

29. (×) the moral subject creates labor activities.

30. (×) the soft tone of the service staff is the basic requirement in the conversation with the guests.

31. (√) manners embody the beauty of human movement and spirit.

32. (√) Coffee shops require employees to look neat and generous, to reflect their professional image and accomplishment.

33. (√) "How are you?" It means "how are you?"

Second sale

1. Coffee made from a mixture of two kinds of coffee beans is called (B).

A, single product B, blending C, multi-product D, instant

2. With regard to customer sales, the following statement is correct (D).

A, recommend expensive products B, recommend cheap products

C, exaggerate the advantages of the product D, recommend products suitable for guests

3. The characteristics of competitive products are (B).

A, there is no selling point B, there is a selling point, stable performance

C, immutable D, selling point, unstable performance

4. Blue mountain coffee beans are mostly stored in (D).

A, high density sealing cans B, tin foil bags

C, gunny bag D, wooden bucket

5. Usually the shelf life of well-packaged coffee beans is (D).

A, 5 years B, 3 years C, 2 years D, 1 and a half years

6. (√) when storing raw beans, the high temperature and humidity environment can easily lead to mildew of raw coffee beans.

7. (x) there is no need to use sales skills when selling products to regular customers.

8. (√) 4. Is soot, smoke, medicine and wine the technical terms for coffee flavor?

Three comprehensive knowledge

1. "thick thickness" is a cup term for evaluating the taste of coffee. That is, it refers to the thickness of coffee taste in the mouth and (B) sex and so on.

A, acid B, persistent C, bitter D, alkali

2. Drinking too much coffee will not cause (B).

A, dyspepsia B, fat increase C, arrhythmia D, calcium deficiency

3. Compared to the Italian taste, the Japanese prefer to drink (C) coffee.

A, rich taste B, fruit C, light D, milk flavor

4. Compared to Arabica coffee beans, Robosta coffee beans have a taste bias (A).

A, bitter B, sweet C, sour D, spicy

5. Patients with heart disease usually drink coffee (D) in moderation for a long time.

A, will cause myocardial infarction B, will cause myocardial thickening C, will reduce the heart rate D, no significant effect

6. (B), it is a kind of heating the air with a flame to make the hot air flow through the converter to heat the coffee evenly. It usually takes 10-15 minutes to bake the coffee.

A, fluid bed B, convection heating C, conductive heating D, direct heating

7. The characteristics of coffee beans grown in Yunnan, China are (B).

A, rubber flavor B, sour taste C, earthy flavor D, grass flavor

8. Coffee beans in China (D) have a relatively strong sour taste.

A, Fujian B, Hainan C, Taiwan D, Yunnan

9. Of the following options, (B) will shorten the service life of the ice maker.

A. the ice maker is always open and B, and shut down at the end of daily business.

C, continuous water supply at work, D, ice machine cleaning once a year

10. When making coffee in a siphon pot, the following description is incorrect.

Dry the pot with a dry cloth before you can fire and boil water

B. when stirring with a stick, be careful that the stick does not touch the filter cloth

C. Wipe the lower pot with a wet cloth and cool the lower pot so that the coffee liquid quickly falls back to the lower pot.

D. after the production, shake the pot back and forth or left and right slightly before you can pull it out carefully

11. With regard to the working principle of coffee bean grinder, the following statement is correct (C).

A. when working, the cone mill has a large contact area with coffee beans, and the aroma is lost quickly.

B. the contact area between the parallel mill and the coffee bean is small, and the aroma is lost slowly.

C, the cone mill has the advantages of short grinding time and fast heat dissipation when working.

D. parallel mill has the advantages of long grinding time and fast heat dissipation when working.

12. The main method of screening and grading of Ethiopian coffee beans is (B).

A, grading B according to particle size, grading according to defective bean proportion

C, D by hardness, D by weight.

13. The Vietnamese habit of drinking coffee is to add (A) flavor after baking.

A, spice B, petal C, cheese D, medicinal materials

14. Raw coffee beans should be kept dry and out of light during the (A) process.

A, transport B, processing C, picking D, production

15. The effect of long-term coffee consumption on Ⅱ diabetes is (C).

A, long-term drinking coffee, the incidence of Ⅱ diabetes is low, B, reduce the risk of disease

C. Long-term coffee consumption has a high incidence of Ⅱ diabetes. People at high risk of Ⅱ diabetes are advised to increase their consumption appropriately.

16. Among the following options, the most important ingredient that causes coffee beans to change color during roasting is (B).

A, moisture B, sugar C, tannic acid D, caffeine

The Chinese name of 17.Espresso macchiato is (C).

A, Macedonian Coffee B, MacArthur Coffee C, Machiato D, Machiavelli Coffee

18. With regard to the traditional dry processing of raw coffee beans, the following statement is correct.

A. dry the picked berries directly, remove the pulp and dry the picked berries.

C. the picked berries will be fermented and dried, and the picked berries will be washed and dried.

19. Venice monopolized imported coffee from Europe for almost a hundred years and later spread to ports such as (C).

A, Marseilles, London and Amsterdam B, Marseilles, Rome and Amsterdam

C, Milan, London and Amsterdam D, Marseilles, London and Vienna

20. Coffee mocha does not include (C).

A, milk foam B, chocolate sauce C, syrup D, milk

21. Traditional cappuccino coffee, coffee, milk, foam ratio is (D).

A 、 1:2:2 B 、 1:2:1 C 、 1:1:2 D 、 1:1:1

22. The town of Kafa, where the coffee originated, is located in (B).

A, Yemen B, Ethiopia C, Turkey D, Port of Mocha

23. In the coffee making utensils, the suitable choice of very fine powder is (B).

A, siphon pot B, Turkish pot C, pressure osmosis pot D, mocha pot

24. When installing a semi-automatic coffee machine, part (C) of the water treatment system should be installed at the front end.

A, water softener B, filter C, water purifier D, water heater

25. With regard to the cleaning and maintenance of coffee grinders, the following statement is wrong (B).

A. Empty the bean warehouse.

B. If there are residual beans that cannot be removed from the soybean warehouse, it should be covered and left for the next business use.

C. Clean the bean warehouse.

D. Remove the beans and powder from the surface of the grinding piece.

26. In order to avoid scale in the boiler and pipe of the coffee machine, (B) should be installed.

A, water heater B, water softener C, water purifier D, disinfector

27. Among the following options, the earliest baking device is (B).

A, fluid bed roaster B, conductive roaster

C, semi-hot air roaster D, convection roaster

28. If the washed tableware is not dried and put into the disinfection cabinet, it will (B).

A, cause disinfection cabinet failure B, loss of electric energy C, affect disinfection effect D, cause tableware damage

29. When using pressure semi-automatic coffee machine to make milk foam, (D) is the most suitable.

A, normal temperature milk B, frozen milk C, heated milk D, frozen milk

30. The purpose of replacing the water purifier filter element is (A).

A. it can better remove impurities B and calcium chloride in water.

C, soften water quality D, can remove manganese ions from water.

31. Roasted coffee beans need to be placed for a period of time before they are packaged in order to release (B).

A, nitrogen B, carbon dioxide C, oxygen D, carbon monoxide

32. The uneven grinding thickness of coffee powder may be caused by (C).

A, grinder scale wear B, grinder bean warehouse is not clean

C, grinding machine grinding piece wear D, coffee beans are not good

33. The shorter the time of placing the ground coffee powder, the coffee (A) is produced.

A, the more flavor preservation B, the less flavor preservation C, the worse the quality D, the flavor remains unchanged.

34. In general, the quantitative device of automatic quantitative electronic mill is to control the grinding quantity through (B).

A, weight sensing device B, grinding time control device

C, volume sensing device D, grinding speed control device

35. The following coffee is not conducive to weight loss is (D).

A, Blue Mountain Coffee B, iced American Coffee C, Espresso Coffee D, Cappuccino Coffee

36. In the following coffee grinder, (A) the coffee powder is more evenly ground.

A, cone mill B, parallel mill C, hand mill D, colloid mill

37. At present, the common saying in our country is (A) about the preservation time of roasted coffee beans.

A. the storage time of roasted coffee beans with good packaging is generally about 18 months.

B. the storage time of roasted coffee beans with good packaging is generally about 24 months.

C. The storage time of roasted coffee beans with good packaging is generally about 36 months.

D. the storage time of roasted coffee beans with good packaging is generally less than 5 years.

38. Of the following pots, (A) the lower pot is in a vacuum when making coffee.

A, siphon pot B, Vietnam drip filter C, ice drip pot D, mocha kettle

thirty-nine。 As to how the mocha pot works, the following statement is wrong (C).

A. the water in the lower pot is resisted by pressed powder, and the pressure in the closed lower pot increases.

B. the pressure of the lower pot is increased to balance with the resistance of coffee pressed powder.

C. the principle of negative pressure similar to that in vacuum

D. under the continuous firepower, let the water quickly pass through the coffee pressed powder to get the coffee liquid.

forty。 Among the following options, the one related to the grinding particle size of coffee powder is (B).

A, motor power B, grinding disc spacing C, grinding blade size D, component level

forty-one。 When cleaning and maintaining the coffee grinder, if there are still residual beans, you should (D).

A. dig it out B by hand, cover the bean warehouse, and leave it for the next business use.

C, leave it for the next business to use D, continue to polish it

forty-two。 Among the following options, the one that cannot be used to make cappuccino coffee is (B).

A, chocolate powder B, jam C, cinnamon powder D, milk

43. (√) latte coffee is called Coffee Latte in English.

44. (√) Non-smoking area or Non-smoking section means "smoke-free area".

45. (√) the number of years for health certificate examination for food processors is 1 year.

46. (√) the difference between lattes and cappuccinos lies in the ratio of milk to foam.

47. (√) adjusting the grinding particle size of a coffee grinder cannot be based entirely on the display scale of the grinder.

48. (×) Free refill means "free taste" in Chinese.

49. (√) "Please wait a moment." It means "please wait a moment" in Chinese.

50. (×) in the water treatment system commonly used in coffee shops, the filter element that can remove calcium and magnesium ions is activated carbon filter element.

51. (√) Cafe service staff should try their best to avoid walking through the crowd during the service process.

52. (√) tannic acid is one of the sources of sour coffee.

53. (×) the light taste is the characteristic of Brazilian coffee beans.

54. (×) the storage environment of raw coffee beans and cooked beans is basically the same.


1. Among the following options, Vietnamese usually use (A) to make coffee.

A, drip filter B, French pressure kettle C, siphon pot D, balanced siphon kettle

2. Under standard storage conditions, the shelf life of raw coffee beans generally does not exceed (B).

A, half a year to 1 year B, 1 year to 3 years C, 3 years to 5 years D, more than 5 years

3. The favorite coffee bean in Italy is (B).

A, single coffee bean B, mixed coffee bean C, Blue Mountain coffee bean D, fragrant cat coffee bean

4. The following options that do not belong to the common method of picking coffee beans is (B).

A, manual picking method B, cutting picking method C, mechanical picking method D, manual mixed picking method

5. Naval officer virtue in the early 18 th century AD. Klee brought coffee seedlings into (B).

A, Europe B, South America C, Oceania D, Asia

6. The advantage of picking coffee beans manually is (C).

A, low cost B, large picking quantity C, good quality D, fast picking speed

7. The heart beats faster after drinking too much coffee, which is caused by (C) in the coffee.

A, tannic acid B, carbohydrate C, caffeine D, starch

8. The proportion of traditional latte, coffee, milk and foam is (D).

A 、 1:2:2 B 、 1:1:1 C 、 1:1:2 D 、 1:2:1

9. Among the following options, the one that is not a wet processing step is (D).

A, ferment B in the fermentation tank, remove the pulp C, rinse D, put it in the sink after exposure to the sun.

10. When making Espresso, the best particle size of coffee powder is (C).

A, roughness grinding B, medium roughness grinding C, fineness grinding D, very fine grinding

11. At the end of the 14th century, coffee was grown in (C) and on terraced land because it was easy to irrigate with well water.

A, Ethiopia B, Saudi Arabia C, Yemen D, Tanzania

12. Yunnan, China (D) is not suitable for growing coffee on a large scale.

A, Pu'er B, Xishuangbanna C, Dehong D, Zhongdian

13. At present, coffee in Brazil is mainly grown in Brazil (C).

A, Northeast B, Northwest C, Southeast D, Southwest

14. Regarding the maintenance of activated carbon filter element, the following statement is correct (B).

A. Heat it in the microwave oven for 3 minutes and expose it to the sun.

C, disinfect D in disinfection cabinet and soak in disinfectant.

15. Coffee consisting of coffee and cream is (C).

A, coffee mocha B, macchiato C, Campbell blue coffee D, latte

16. The filter elements commonly used in water treatment systems with soft water in coffee shops do not include (D).

A, filter cotton filter B, activated carbon filter C, resin filter D, Maifan stone filter

17. Arabica coffee beans account for (D) of the world's coffee production.

A, 30% B, 40% C, 50% D, 70%

18. In the water purifier with soft water function commonly used in coffee shop, the reasonable installation order of filter element is (B).

A, activated carbon, filter cotton, resin B, filter cotton, activated carbon, resin

C, resin, filter cotton, activated carbon D, activated carbon, resin, filter cotton

19. In the water purifier with soft water function commonly used in coffee shops, the (D) filter element is not used.

A, resin B, activated carbon C, filter cotton D, Maifan stone

20. The inert gas needed to store coffee beans usually refers to (B).

A, carbon dioxide B, nitrogen C, oxygen D, ammonia

21. (B) is the English name of the beverage.

A 、 Beverly B 、 Beverage C 、 Coverage D 、 Bricolage

twenty-two。 Irish coffee does not include (D).

A, wine B, sugar C, coffee D, milk

23. Among the following options, raw coffee beans can only be stored with (D).

A, tea B, fruit C, dried fruit D, tasteless items

24. The English translation of straw is (D).

A 、 Spoon B 、 Fork C 、 Knife D 、 Straw

25. When the coffee grinder is working, the correct description of the temperature change is (B).

A. the larger the distance between the grinding plates, the higher the temperature, and the smaller the distance between the grinding plates, the higher the temperature.

C, the finer the grinding powder, the lower the temperature D, the thicker the grinding powder, the higher the temperature.

26. (B) the working principle of the roaster is to make the hot air form a vortex, and then through continuous rotation, the coffee beans are thrown up and suspended, and roasted by hot air flow heating.

A, semi-hot air B, fluid bed C, convection heating D, conductive heating

twenty-seven。 One of the following pots (D) is the only one that used the steam pressure principle to make coffee before the invention of commercial coffee machines.

A, siphon pot B, Vietnam drip filter C, ice drip pot D, mocha kettle

twenty-eight。 In order to prolong the service life of the coffee machine and ensure the quality of the product, it is recommended to choose (B) to make coffee.

A, mineral water B, purified water C, distilled water D, tap water

twenty-nine。 When using semi-automatic pressure coffee mechanism to make a cup of coffee, the amount of coffee powder should be (B).

A, 4-5 g B, 6-9 g C, 10-13 g D, 14-20 g

thirty。 The following pots are made of coffee using the vacuum principle (D).

A, mocha pot B, French pressure kettle C, electric drip filter D, balanced siphon kettle

thirty-one。 The right step in making royal coffee is (D).

① put the cube sugar into a special coffee spoon ② lit the brandy and melted the sugar

③ slowly pour the brandy on the sugar cube, do not overflow the coffee spoon ④ after the fire goes out, put the special coffee spoon into the coffee and stir well ⑤ put the special coffee spoon on the mouth of the cup containing coffee ⑥ to make coffee

A, ①③⑥⑤②④ B, ③②④①⑥⑤ C, ①⑥⑤③②④ D, ⑥⑤①③②④

thirty-two。 In the following pots, the principle of pressure caused by the expansion of air by heating is (D).

A, pressure infiltration pot B, Vietnam drip filter C, ice drip pot D, mocha kettle

thirty-three。 Usually, the main way to adjust the coffee grinder is to adjust the distance between the grinding pieces, (B).

A. the larger the distance is, the finer the powder is, the smaller the distance is, the finer the powder is.

C, the larger the distance, the slower the speed, and the smaller the distance, the faster the speed.

thirty-four。 When making Espresso coffee, the semi-automatic coffee machine needs to have the atmospheric pressure of 9Bar, which is equivalent to (B).

A, a force of about 100 kg B, a force of about 200 kg

C, about 300 kg of force D, about 400 kg of force

thirty-five。 Use semi-automatic pressure coffee mechanism to make an Espresso, such as brewing half an ounce of coffee in 50 seconds, the taste may be (C).

A, earthy taste B, sour taste C, scorched taste D, sweet taste

thirty-six。 With regard to the operation of adjusting the grinding particle size of the coffee grinder, the statement is correct (C).

A. the grinding should be based on the scale displayed by the grinder.

B. Grinding should be based on the amount of ground beans.

C. Grinding should be carried out in the working state of the grinder.

D. the grinding should be carried out after the power supply of the grinder is turned off.

thirty-seven。 At the end of the day, the coffee maker's steam sprinkler cleaning process (D) is in the correct order.

① cleaning rag wipe ② steam sprinkler empty spray ③ soak properly with clean water

A, ②③① B, ③②① C, ①②③ D, ②①③

38. (√) caffeine doubles the level of thrombolytic enzymes, so it inhibits the formation of blood clots.

39. (×) inert gas can not prolong the shelf life of coffee beans.

40. (×) at present, coffee in Brazil is mainly grown in the northeast of Brazil.

41. (√) there is no fermentation procedure for traditional dry processing of coffee beans in a fermentation tank.

42. (×) the preservation of coffee beans is related to the origin of coffee beans.

43. (√) the English name of organic coffee is Organic coffee.

44. (√) drinking about 1-2 cups of coffee a day is best for your body.

45. (×) long-term drinking coffee has a high incidence of Ⅱ diabetes.

46. (×) in coffee making utensils, the suitable choice of coarse powder is the mocha pot.

47. (√) Conductive roasting machine is also called direct fire roasting machine.

48. (×) when using the pressure coffee mechanism to make coffee, the particle size of the powder has nothing to do with the Crema color of the coffee.

49. (×) the purpose of wiping the pot with a wet cloth is to avoid damage due to excessive temperature difference.

Five baking knowledge

1. Roasted coffee beans need to be preserved in oxygen because (A).

A. oxygen will shorten the shelf life of coffee beans. B, oxygen will cause coffee beans to expand.

C, oxygen is an inert gas D, oxygen will increase the water content of coffee beans.

2. The first step of ordinary wet processing of coffee berries is (A).

A, clean and separate B, remove peel and pulp C, ferment D, rinse

3. In the process of making Espresso coffee, the use of powder hammer pressing powder is too strong will not lead to (D).

A. Extraction time is too long. B, Crema becomes thinner.

C, Crema color becomes darker D, the output increases

4. Among the following options, (A) is the oldest way to make coffee.

A, Turkish B, pressure C, siphon D, trickling filter

5. Use moderately roasted coffee with no more than 400-500mg in 2-4 cups of coffee, which can provide enough antioxidants to prevent cardiovascular disease. Option (C) is not an antioxidant.

A, chlorogenic acid B, ferulinic acid C, unsaturated fatty acid D, caffeic tannic acid

6. (√) in the 17th century, the first cafe in Vienna was called Blue Beard.

7. (√) the density of raw beans will affect the roasting process of coffee beans.

8. (×) Coffee beans can only be exported to other countries after baking.

9. (√) the shelf life and shelf life of roasted coffee beans are not the same.

Six coffee history

1. In the 19th century, coffee was commercially grown in India.

A, English B, French C, Italian D, Portuguese

In the 17th century, coffee was allowed to be drunk in Europe with (A) approval.

A, Pope B, Governor C, King D, Julius Caesar

3. The earliest place where coffee was grown in Chinese mainland was (B).

A, Xishuangbanna B, Baoshan C, Simao D, Dehong

4. AD (D) Naval Officer de Klee brought coffee seedlings to South America.

A, 9th century B, 13th century C, 15th century D, 18th century

5. Coffee was introduced into Asia from (B) in the 17th century.

A, Alexandria B, Mocha C, Venice D, Constantinople

6. The way to make iced latte is to shake (A) in a shaker, pour it into a cup and squeeze the foam to make it taste better.

A, coffee, milk, ice B, coffee, cream, ice cubes

C, coffee, chocolate sauce, smoothie D, coffee, sugar water, ice cubes

7. A cup of cappuccino is made up of (D).

A, coffee, milk foam, maple syrup B, coffee and milk mixture, chocolate sauce

C, coffee, cream, chocolate sauce D, mixture of coffee and milk, milk foam

8. The following raw materials for making cappuccino coffee are (C).

A, milk, chocolate sauce B, Espresso, cream

C, Espresso, milk D, Espresso, chocolate sauce

9. With regard to the operation of a qualified cappuccino, the following statement is correct (A).

A. Pour the foamed milk into the cappuccino cup containing Espresso.

B. pour the milk into a cappuccino cup containing Espresso until eight minutes full

C. First pour the foamed milk into the cappuccino cup, then pour into the sweetened Espresso

D, carefully cover the surface with dense foam to the edge of the cup

10. The best temperature for making a cup of hot cappuccino foam using a manual milking machine is (C).

A, 55 ℃ B, 55 ℃ 60 ℃ C, 65 ℃ D, 80 ℃ and above

11. Under the same conditions, when using the pressure coffee mechanism to make coffee, the coffee (A) made from relatively coarse coffee powder is ground.

A, Crema is less and Crema is more.

C, Crema has darker color and stronger taste.

12. The following statement about the production of milk foam is incorrect (B).

A, using the pressure coffee machine can make hot milk foam B, using the pressure coffee machine can make cold milk foam

C, use manual milking machine to make hot milk foam D, use manual milking machine to make cold milk foam

13. After the milk is finished, the temperature is most suitable at (C).

A, about 40 ℃ B, about 50 ℃ C, about 67 ℃ D, about 85 ℃

14. Under the same conditions, when using the pressure coffee mechanism to make coffee, coffee made from coarse coffee powder will not appear (C).

A, Crema is light yellow, there are bubbles B, Crema are lighter and have white spots.

C, Crema is darker, with black stripes D and no Klima.

15. Macchiato coffee is made in (D).

A. use a mocha pot to make 1.5 ounces of coffee, then add milk and foam

B. use a pressure coffee machine to make 1-1.5 ounces of coffee, first add milk and then add foam

C. use a siphon pot to make 1.5 ounces of coffee, then add milk and foam

D. use a pressure coffee machine to make blended coffee into 1-1.5 ounces of coffee, then add foam

16. Coffee mocha is made in (D).

A. use a mocha pot to make 1.5 ounces of coffee, then add milk, chocolate sauce and foam

B. use a pressure coffee machine to make mixed coffee into 1-1.5 ounces of coffee, then add milk, chocolate sauce and condensed milk

C. use a siphon pot to make 1.5 ounces of coffee, then add milk, chocolate sauce and foam

D. use a pressure coffee machine to make blended coffee into 1-1.5 ounces of coffee, add milk, chocolate sauce and foam

17. The purpose of adjusting the coffee grinder counter is to adjust (C).

A, the fineness of powder B, the temperature of powder C, the amount of powder D, the speed of powder production

18. (√) individual coffee beans and blended coffee beans are best ground in different grinders.

19. (×) the cappuccino foam should be made with a semi-automatic pressure coffee machine.

20. (√) traditional Vietnamese coffee is usually made with a drip filter.

21. (×) cappuccino coffee can be made without foam.

22. (x) when making iced lattes, add cream at last.

23. (x) Espresso made from Robusta species, Crema is very thin.

24. (×) the coffee powder is moderately ground when making Espresso.

Eight coffee planting

1. (B) is the second largest Arabica coffee producer in the world.

A, Brazil B, Colombia C, Vietnam D, Indonesia

2. Among the following options, the province where coffee can be grown is (C).

A, Hunan B, Xinjiang C, Fujian D, Sichuan

3. In the 18th century AD, the Portuguese transplanted coffee trees to (D).

A, Colombia B, Indonesia C, Vietnam D, Brazil

4. Coffee planting area requires (D) the average temperature is 15 ℃ 25 min.

A, weekly B, monthly C, quarterly D, annual

5. The picking season of Brazilian coffee beans is usually in (B).

A, rainy season B, dry season C, summer D, spring

6. The peak of fruit yield of Arabica coffee trees is usually at (B).

A, 3-10 B, 5-8 C, 5-20 D, 10-25 years

7. Coffee cultivation in China has a history of (A).

A, nearly 100 years B, nearly 200 years C, nearly 300 years D, nearly 400 years

8. The disadvantage of mechanically picking coffee beans is (C).

A, slow picking speed B, small picking quantity C, low quality D, high cost

9. (×) Coffee growing environment, the wind should not be too strong, but the stronger the sunshine, the better.

10. (×) the life span of coffee trees is about 10 Mel 15 years.

11. (√) in the second half of the 19th century, Sri Lanka abandoned the cultivation of coffee because of leaf rust.

12. (×) the flowering of coffee trees mainly depends on sunshine.

13. (×) the coffee grown in Yunnan, China is Arabica.

14. (√) the growing environment of coffee requires that the wind should not be too strong.

9. Business management

1. Among the following options, (B) in the coffee shop, it is best to use a separate power supply.

A, disinfection cabinet B, freezer C, water boil D, exhaust fan

2. With regard to the installation of equipment in coffee shops, the following order is correct (A).

A, water purifier, water softener, coffee maker B, water purifier, coffee maker, water softener

C, water softener, water purifier, coffee maker D, water softener, coffee maker, water purifier

3. The business record can reflect the (D) of the coffee shop.

A, sales volume B, sales variety C, sales D, number of salespeople

4. After the close of business, daily stocktaking is required, the purpose of which does not include (D).

A, reduce raw material consumption B, control reasonable raw material inventory

C, strengthen inventory management D, increase the type and quantity of coffee

5. After the close of business, the purpose of stocktaking raw material consumption does not include (A).

A, improve product quality B, reduce accidental loss of raw materials and auxiliary materials

C, control reasonable raw material inventory D, strengthen inventory management

6. Usually after the coffee shop is closed, it should be (B).

A, turn off all power B, turn off all power except refrigerators and ice makers

C, turn off all power except coffee machine and ice maker D, turn off all power except light box and coffee machine

7. If you receive a complaint from a regular customer that the taste of Brazilian coffee is not good, the following is wrong when filling in the work log (A).

A. Avoid mentioning B and recording the processing results.

C, put forward suggestions to deal with similar problems D, analyze the causes

8. Among the following options, the one that does not meet the preservation requirements of ground coffee powder is (A).

A, ventilation B, closed light C, oxygen isolation

9. (x) the purpose of filling in the work log after the end of daily business is to adjust the business direction.

10. (×) Coffee shop business records can not be used as the basis for employee scheduling.