Coffee review

Kalita cake filter cup brewing method teaching experience of using Kalita Wave wave filter cup

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Kalita Wave wave cup coffee filter cup advantages and disadvantages of perfect use of cake cup the protagonist of this article is the wave filter cup launched by Kalita. Although some people call it cake filter cup, I personally prefer the name of wave filter cup. On the one hand, it is others.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Guide reading

Friends who have some knowledge of coffee will know that coffee has so far experienced the third wave of popularity, and now we are in the third wave of boutique coffee. The concept of boutique coffee is to cultivate coffee beans with the flavor of the producing area under the influence of the microclimate and soil of the producing area.

Hand-brewed coffee, which is ornamental and reflects the taste of coffee beans, conforms to the trend of the third wave of boutique coffee. The brewing of hand-brewed coffee is characterized by the use of a filter cup to filter the coffee, blocking the passage of coffee grounds and making the taste of hand-brewed coffee cleaner. The use of different filter cups will also produce different extraction characteristics, such as the v60 filter cup commonly used in Qianjie coffee products, the tapered filter cup design can increase the sense of hierarchy, while the large filter hole makes the flow rate very fast, so that baristas can have more room to control the flow rate.

What I want to share today is a completely different filter cup from the v60 filter cup-kalita wave filter cup.

What is the Kalita wave cake filter cup?

Kalita Wave Dripper is a flat-bottomed filter cup from Japan, also known as cake cup. Kalita has been producing coffee equipment since 1950, and the streamlined style of Kalita Wave is a typical feature of their products. This filter cup comes in two sizes: # 185 and # 155. # 155 is smaller for making only one cup of coffee at a time, while # 185 is larger for 2 to 4 people.

What are the characteristics of Kalita wave filter cup?

Special point one

Design of flat bottom filter cup

The Kalita Wave cake filter cup adopts a flat-bottomed structure in the filter cup design, which is used with the same flat-bottomed cake filter paper. What is the difference between the conical design of the V60 filter cup and the flat-bottom design of the cake filter cup?

The v60 filter cup used in Qianjie coffee shop is the most classic conical filter cup, showing an inverted cone, the coffee powder is distributed as wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, and the water flows into a point from top to bottom, thus forming a more hierarchical sense.

The flat-bottomed filter cup design makes the coffee powder bed distributed into an average flat-bottomed structure. In the case of the same amount of powder, the flat-bottomed powder bed is thinner, the water flow through the coffee powder is shorter, and the flat-bottomed structure can also make the extraction more uniform.

Special point two

An extraction mode that tends to be immersed.

There are three small holes in the bottom of the Kalita Wave cake filter cup, which makes the cake filter cup more inclined to immersion extraction (coffee powder soaking time is better than dripping time). Therefore, unlike the v60 filter cup, the coffee brewed out of the cake filter cup is more full and round.

Special point three

Unique multi-groove design of filter paper

The cake filter cup replaces the diversion ribs with the creases of the cake filter paper. on the one hand, the grooves help to discharge heat and carbon dioxide to avoid excessive heat extraction of coffee powder from the wall of the filter cup. On the other hand, the coffee liquid can be filtered out from the grooves around the powder layer and merged into the bottom.

How to flush the Kalita wave filter cup?

Baristas in front street choose 15 grams of beans with a powder-to-water ratio of 1:15 and ground to medium size when brewing with kalita cake cups.

The whole cooking process is also divided into three stages, the first stage is filled with 40 grams of water, because the flat-bottomed powder bed structure makes the entire coffee powder surface area larger, so in order to fully moisturize the coffee powder, the first stage of steaming will use 40 grams of water.

In the second stage, the total water volume is 125 grams, and the water is injected gently in a circle. After an interval of 10 seconds, the last section of water is injected to 225 grams of water, the water temperature is 90 degrees Celsius, and the total extraction time is 2 minutes.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925