Coffee review

Starbucks coffee bean series catalogue Sumatra coffee bean tiger packaging story and flavor taste

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, For the exchange of professional baristas, please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Starbucks coffee bean catalogue Starbucks coffee beans are also sold in Starbucks in addition to selling coffee and cake snacks. Most consumers go to buy Starbucks coffee or Starbucks Frappuccino, and many consumers come for Starbucks cake desserts or Starbucks bread snacks.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Starbucks coffee bean catalogue

In addition to selling coffee and cake snacks, Starbucks also sells Starbucks coffee beans. Most consumers go to buy Starbucks coffee or Starbucks Frappuccino. There are also many consumers who come for Starbucks cake desserts or Starbucks bread snacks. Only a few coffee lovers or coffee connoisseurs come because of Starbucks coffee beans. Because you want to taste a cup of mellow coffee and use coffee beans to grind and cook freshly, Starbucks coffee beans are necessary at home.

Starbucks coffee beans have always been a favorite of consumers. Starbucks coffee beans have a series of deep roasting, medium roasting and gold roasting. Baking time and grade will affect the taste and taste of coffee beans. Everyone has their own coffee beans. Whether you can find out or not depends on the consumers. Maybe Starbucks coffee beans are the one for you.

Starbucks coffee bean series, Starbucks coffee bean gold roasting, Starbucks leisure comprehensive coffee beans, with delicate and soft cocoa flavor, coffee cup has a strong drupe aroma, after a sip of coffee, you can feel a light and elegant aroma in the mouth. Starbucks light willow comprehensive coffee beans, with a bright and refreshing delicate taste, coffee cup with a hint of drupe aroma, after a sip of coffee You can feel the smell of sunshine in your mouth.

Starbucks Coffee Bean Series introduction:

Medium roasted Starbucks coffee beans, Guatemala Antigua coffee beans, elegant, delicate and rich cocoa flavor, Kenya coffee beans price, with blackcurrant, blueberry and grapefruit flavor, Pike market roasted coffee beans price, with soft and delicate cocoa flavor and drupe aroma, Starbucks home coffee bean price, with drupe and cocoa flavor, Colombian coffee bean price, with warm drupe finish.

Starbucks leisure court synthesis (250g/ package)

Starbucks Veranda Blend ™(250g/ package)

The delicate and soft flavor of cocoa is like the aroma of lightly roasted drupes blooming freely in a coffee cup.

The rich taste exudes a light and elegant fragrance.

Starbucks Light Willow Integration (250g/ package)

Starbucks Willow Blend ™(250g/ package)

Bright and refreshing taste, while showing a delicate level of flavor.

It is as if the sun has been sprinkled lightly, blowing a pleasant feeling like a bright breeze.

Antigua, Guatemala (250g/ bag)

Guatemala Antigua (250g/ package)

Elegance and delicacy is the impression of Guatemala's first sip.

The second taste shows a rich cocoa and mild spice flavor.

Let people enjoy incredible levels and balanced feelings.

Kenya (250g/ package)

Kenya (250g/ package)

Blackcurrant with distinct fruity layers, with fresh blueberries and grapefruit delight.

The delicious taste of this coffee takes on a new look.

Parker Market Bakery (250g/ package)

Pike Place ™Roast (250g/ package)

Soft, full-bodied, delicate cocoa and roasted drupe aromas.

Rich and balanced to satisfy every taste bud that loves coffee.

Starbucks homemade (250g/ package)

House Blend (250g/ package)

A combination of the finest Latin American coffee beans, bringing a drupe and cocoa-like taste experience.

The most special is the natural sweetness after baking in the aftertaste.

Colombia (250g/ package)

Colombia (250g/ package)

Medium-sized, full-bodied, perfectly balanced, with clarity in the fragrance.

And leave a warm drupe finish on the tip of the tongue.

Decaffeinated Xianglong Synthesis (250g/ package)

Decaf Komodo Dragon Blend ™(250g/ package)

Comprehensive coffee beans from the Asia-Pacific region can taste aromas such as spices, herbs and earth.

This coffee has an ingenious balance between rich and surprising acidity.

Sumatra (250g/ package)

Sumatra (250g/ package)

Revealing the obvious smell of the earth, thick and full-bodied, staying in the taste buds reverberating.

Mellow and simple, with aromas of herbs and spices, simple but beloved.

Florna synthesis (250g/ package)

Caff è Verona ™(250g/ package)

A combination of coffee beans from Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region, so it has a perfectly mellow and balanced taste.

In the process of tasting, it constantly appears the texture and sweetness of chocolate, and the romantic feeling like love.

Concentrated baking (250g/ package)

Espresso Roast (250g/ package)

Strong comprehensive coffee flavor, the coffee will be roasted for a long time to reach the ultimate delicacy.

So you can enjoy not only deep, but also caramel-like pleasant sweetness.

Fairtrade Italian Bakery (250g/ package)

Fairtrade Certified Italian Roast (250g/ package)

It is thick with sweetness after baking, which is deeper than concentrated baking.

But not as strong as it is roasted in France, it is a coffee with steady depth.

The purchase of this coffee bean is in accordance with the Fair Trade Certification.

French baking (250g/ package)

French Roast (250g/ package)

The deepest baking, the strongest flavor, and the unforgettable deep smoky taste.

It is a meaningful trait that can not be replaced by French baking.

Ethiopian coffee beans (250g/ bag)

Ethiopia (250g/ package)

This coffee bean from the single producing area of Ethiopia tastes as smooth as silk.

With spicy pepper, rich layers of dark chocolate and warm and warm flavor of Mediterranean sweet orange.

East African integrated coffee beans (250g/ bag)

KATI KATI BLEND ™(250g/ package)

Bright and medium acidity, the lively acidity of Kenya coffee beans

With the citrus and floral aromas of Ethiopian coffee beans

Blend into a well-balanced flavor, take a sip and be fascinated.

Starbucks coffee beans are deeply roasted, low-caffeinated Xianglong mixed coffee beans, from the Asian Pacific region, Sumatra coffee beans, with a rich earth flavor, Flora integrated coffee beans, with a romantic feeling of love, concentrated roasted coffee beans, with caramel-like pleasant sweetness, Fairtrade Italian roasted coffee beans, French roasted coffee beans.

Starbucks coffee bean packaging

Starbucks coffee beans are packaged in a special way. Generally, after the coffee is roasted, it needs a process of natural emission of carbon dioxide. The coffee beans are naturally discharged in the air or placed in an airtight container. The aroma of the coffee beans is not fresh. The packaging technology used by Starbucks does not have this problem, because there is an one-way air valve inside the package, and the external air cannot enter. The carbon dioxide inside can be discharged, so Starbucks coffee beans can keep their fresh aroma.

Starbucks coffee beans adopt special packaging methods and the latest technology to retain the freshness and original aroma and flavor of Starbucks coffee beans. Starbucks coffee bean packaging is marked with the growth zone and name of coffee beans, as well as the concentration and flavor description of coffee beans. Consumers can learn the growth story of coffee beans from Starbucks coffee bean packaging.

In addition to Starbucks stores selling Starbucks coffee beans, in fact, large volume stores Costco also sell Starbucks coffee beans, but Costco sells giant packaged Starbucks coffee beans. Starbucks stores generally sell half a pound or 250 grams of packaging, while Costco sells 1350 grams of packaging, which is about five times more, but the price is only about twice as much. However, in terms of variety, Starbucks stores still have a full range of coffee beans.

Starbucks broke through the core of coffee bean roasting for many years, that is, medium roasting and deep roasting, using top Arabica coffee beans and combined with Starbucks' accumulated baking experience, aiming at 40% of the global shallow roasted coffee bean market. launch the exclusive trial light taste of the gold roasting series of coffee bean packaging, so that Starbucks' shallow, medium and deep roasted coffee bean packaging is all available. Starbucks coffee beans are packaged in gold, brown and dark purple to represent light, medium and deep roasted coffee beans.

Starbucks Coffee beans Story

In the ancient Arabian Peninsula in remote times, local residents began to eat wild coffee beans and make coffee conditioning experience, so human beings had the culture and habits of drinking coffee, and the coffee culture and habits passed down to this day. Its charm has not diminished or diminished, but the roasting technology and conditioning methods of coffee beans have been evolving and changing. Now coffee beans have become the soul of Starbucks. Behind every cup of Starbucks coffee, there are tens of thousands of coffee trees and hundreds of millions of coffee beans.

The first coffee tree on earth was found somewhere in Africa. The local tribal natives would grind the coffee fruit and mix it with animal fat to form ball balls. These coffee balls were like the blue balls of Jabba, the king of sea thieves. They could increase the attack power of African warriors. At that time, the natives did not know that caffeine could excite people, nor did they know that coffee could refresh and stimulate nerves. I just feel that coffee balls are very mysterious and have an incredible power that can make people invincible.

The coffee bean is a very mysterious devil fruit, and there are many legends about it. The shepherds in the Arabian Peninsula found that the sheep ate the shrub red cherry fruit, and the curious shepherds also ate the devil fruit. Sure enough, the shepherds felt very happy and extremely happy. The early coffee beans were limited to the Arabian Peninsula, and then they slowly came to India and European countries. In the end, even Britain and the United States fell, and it seems that coffee beans are really fascinating.