Coffee review

The principle of drip coffee mechanism how much is it to drink drip coffee machine

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) pure Vietnamese dripping coffee practice Vietnamese coffee pot use method I believe many people are not unfamiliar with this brewing method, after all, it is the most convenient way for modern busy people (instant coffee and easy to open cans are not of course). Just put the filter paper on the container that contains the coffee powder.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Pure dripping coffee in Vietnam method of using coffee pot in Vietnam

I believe many people are familiar with this way of brewing, after all, it is the most convenient way for modern busy people (of course, instant coffee and easy-to-open cans do not count).

Just put the filter paper on the container for coffee powder and fill it with cold water, turn on the switch and start cooking. The coffee begins to drip out in about 6 minutes, and it takes a little time to drink good coffee.

I have always thought that this kind of coffee machine makes me feel very magical. A cup of coffee can be changed into a cup of coffee in just 6 minutes. I would like to ask those of you who know coffee, can you tell me how the drip coffee machine can turn coffee powder into delicious coffee in just 6 minutes?

What you are talking about is an ordinary American coffee machine.

His principle is very simple.

Heat water through a heating tube (similar to a water heater)

Then the water is slowly injected into the dripping filter cup at the top of the machine.

After soaking, extract the coffee

Then drip from the lower funnel into the pot.

The American coffee pot is used to heat the water, siphon to the outlet above the coffee powder and then drop it on the surface of the coffee powder. After slowly moistening, the water in the coffee powder is saturated, and then drips into the glass container. Strictly speaking, there is no action of extraction. And the caffeine produced by the American coffee maker releases the most caffeine of all the ways to make coffee (caffeine is water soluble. Caffeine will be released continuously with the coffee liquid because it takes too long to make.

4Murray 6 minutes you feel magical, here to provide you with a more magical way to make coffee, the automatic Italian coffee machine from water (coffee liquid) to the completion of less than 20 seconds, enough magic!
