Coffee review

Design advantages of hario V60 filter cup the difference between counterclockwise water injection and clockwise water injection

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand-brewed coffee lovers must filter cup: the history and extract of HarioV60


Among all kinds of hand-brewed coffee filter cups, the V60 filter cup of Hario brand is the best seller. The bottom aperture of the V60 filter cup is very large, which allows the flow of water to pass quickly. The shape of the cone can stack the powder layer, increase the thickness, so that the coffee flavor has more layers. The inner wall spiral ribs can help the water flow into a spiral downflow and improve the extraction rate. These characteristics make the coffee made with V60 filter cup rich and layered.

Structural characteristics of V60 filter cup

The name Hario V60 is derived from the 60-degree cone angle of the filter cup, which is very intuitive and easy to understand. The 60 °angle allows the coffee powder to be concentrated at the bottom of the cup, and the injected water converges to the center of the filter cup to ensure that the contact time between the water and the coffee powder is sufficient, so that the flavor substances in the coffee can be fully released.


The ribs on the inside of the V60 cup are spiral in shape, extending all the way from the bottom to the top to guide the flow and allow enough space between the filter paper and the filter cup to enhance the breathability of coffee. The spiral grooves not only prolong the contact time between coffee powder and water, but also let the water flow along the spiral trough to the center of the filter cup while lowering the water level, and squeeze the coffee powder through the falling gravity of the water. to create a higher sense of hierarchy. In this way, brewers can control the change of coffee flavor by adjusting the speed of the water column.

The ribs of the V60 filter cup rotate clockwise, and when injected clockwise, it will flow more smoothly along the lines, and if injected counterclockwise, it will slow down the flow of water. Because of the fast flow rate of V60, it also requires that the brewers need to have a good ability to control water and be able to inject water stably and evenly, so as to avoid the problem of insufficient or uneven extraction.


Design concept of V60 filter cup

When it comes to V60 filter cups, the first thing that comes to mind is the brand Hario. The daily products of Qianjie stores are also V60 filter cups made of Hario resin.

Hario, based in Tokyo, Japan, was founded in 1921, initially focusing on the production of insulating glass-related products, such as the high rate of heat-resistant sharing pots in coffee shops is a hot product of Hario. In the 1980s, the first trickle coffee filter cup Melitta filter cup was born, the bottom of the water hole is small, so the flow rate is very slow, the extraction of coffee powder is basically soaked. So the designers of Hario came up with the idea of using a parabolic filter cup to make the extraction route more concentrated so that the coffee liquid could be dripped directly into the lower pot, thus reducing the chance of coffee being over-extracted.


The prototype of V60 design is the quadratic equation function y = x ^ 2, and then someone improved the parabolic filter cup to close to the conical filter cup, and further evolved into the shape of the letter V.

How to use V60 to make coffee?

When brewing Qianjie coffee with V60 filter cup, choose No. 01 filter cup made of resin to block heat loss, and the size of No. 01 is suitable for brewing one-person powder. Due to the characteristics of fast launching of V60, Qianjie will use fine grinding to increase the contact area of powdered water, so that the coffee extract is more full and the flavor is fuller. However, the finer the coffee is ground, the easier it is to accumulate coffee powder at the bottom of the filter paper, increasing the resistance of water flow, slowing down the flow rate and prolonging the extraction time. Coffee is easy to extract and produce unpleasant flavors such as wood and miscellaneous smell. Therefore, we also need to pay attention to the method of water injection to avoid the blockage of the back section.

v60 7

If you want to flush out the flavor of coffee and be safe and stable, Qianjie suggests increasing the circle from the center to the periphery after stewing is over. In the process of raising the water level, wash the powder layer with a water column and let the coffee powder be extracted evenly as far as possible. Here in the front street, take the home-baked Guoding cooperative coffee beans as an example, the amount of powder is 15g, the powder-water ratio is 1:15, and the total water is injected into 225g. After filtration, about 200g coffee liquid is extracted by three-stage extraction.


The first stage is injected with 30g water for steaming for 30 seconds, and the timing starts at the same time when the water is injected, and the injection at the center of the small flow begins to circle outward, paying attention to the need to moisten the whole powder layer.

After 30 seconds, the second section of 95g water is steadily injected with a larger flow, in order to raise the entire powder layer, and the water column needs to be injected vertically and evenly. At this time, the chronograph shows 125g, which is finished in about 55 seconds.


When the liquid level drops to half of the position, start to use a small flow around the small circle to inject the third section of 100g, try to control the flow is too large, easy to break up the coffee powder layer and cause insufficient extraction. The final amount of water injection is 225 grams, and the completion time of drip filtration is about 2 minutes. After removing the filter cup, shake the coffee liquid in the sharing pot and start tasting.


Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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