Coffee review

Italian Bialetti Venus Mocha Pot miserably measured Billerty Mocha Pot usage course

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) families use Italian mocha pot pot coffee brewing process, mocha pot coffee production points for attention! The result of getting a bag of free coffee beans is that you have to spend extra money on coffee-making tools if you want to make a cup of espresso and you don't have that much budget to buy the machine.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The family uses the Italian mocha pot to brew the coffee process, the mocha pot coffee production notice!

The result of getting a bag of free coffee beans

You have to spend extra money on coffee-making tools.

If you want to cook a cup of espresso, you don't have that much budget to buy a machine.

The best way is to use stovetop's mocha pot.

In 1933, the Italian Luigi De Ponti invented this classic star anise "aluminum" Moka Express.

Later, it was patented and commercialized by the businessman Alfonso Bialetti.

From then on, the mocha pot has become the general name of this kind of coffee pot.

Although "aluminum" is quite a low toxic substance

But in recent years, studies have pointed out the impact on human health.

Especially when cooking acidic substances with "aluminum" kitchen utensils

As a result, there is no final conclusion on the effect of long-term use of "aluminum" kitchen utensils on human body.

But for the sake of health

Finally, 4 cups Bialetti Venus Espresso Maker with the same structure but made of "stainless steel" was selected.

Now, in addition to the "aluminum" Bialetti, it is also Made In Italy.

Other "stainless steel" is made of Made In China.

The principle of the mocha pot is to heat and vaporize the water in the base container.

Take the coffee powder to the upper container.

Step 1: add water to the bottom of pressure cutting

Cup,1 cup=2 ounce (2x28.4=56.8ml) of coffee industry

A 4 cups mocha pot can theoretically make 4 cups of 2 ounce espresso~227 ml.

The amount of water added to the pressure felling is about 3 cup=187.5ml 4 cup=250ml (metric 1 cup=250ml)

From the very beginning, it showed that it was impossible to cook the theoretical 4 cups espresso (~ 227 ml).

Step 2: add coffee powder

Want to make a good cup of coffee

One of the keys is freshly ground coffee beans.

Some experts even say that the bean grinder is more important than the coffee machine.

Since I'm not using a fancy coffee machine,

So the bean grinder makes do with an electric blade.

The amount of coffee beans

According to the scale of the filling slot or the bean grinder

But we can see that the electric blade is the most criticized problem.

The particle size is inconsistent.

Step 3: tighten the upper container with the lower container

Step 4: boil over low heat

The sound of rolling water can be heard in about three minutes.

It takes about six minutes to make a cup of strong coffee with crema.

Finally, make a comparison.

It can be seen that Xiong Xiong is short of coffee with a quantity of 4 cup.

This is the reason why many people give it negative comments.

Some people say that it may be due to the leakage pressure in the structural design.

Hot steam cannot be brought completely into the upper container.

The last coffee grounds, of course, cannot be wasted.

Dad: mm-hmm. What should I do with the rest of the fragrant essence?

Coffee grounds are not only natural exfoliating sacred products.

It can also eliminate edema.

The oil contained in fresh coffee beans can have a moisturizing effect

A marked improvement can be seen immediately after exfoliating the foot for a day or two.

(seems to have deviated from the topic and changed the maintenance text)

But the unfortunate tragedy happened a week later.

The mocha pot is too enthusiastic.

The rag kissed it accidentally.

Alas! The existence of thermal insulation gloves has its meaning.

This polymeric fiber rag is not heat-resistant at all.

Stuck to the metal like melted plastic.

And it smells so bad.

It seems that this mocha pot just broke down and cried.

"unprofessional" experience:

If the budget is limited

Want to drink expresso again

The mocha pot is a good choice.

But the demand for it can't be too high.

In fact, the Ikea mocha pot with the price of 1x3 even performs much better than Bialetti Venus Espresso Maker.

Also made of stainless steel (Made In India)

The water in the container below can be almost completely vaporized to boil the proper amount of coffee.

A product with such a simple design principle

There is really no need to buy expensive brands.
