Coffee review

What is a capsule coffee machine? Is Starbucks capsule Italian black coffee good? Capsule coffee machine scam

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, This three-minute hot "reason not to buy" series of articles to introduce is: capsule coffee machine does not buy capsule coffee machine top 10 reasons? Do you know the disadvantages of the capsule coffee machine. As an office worker, I have to rely on caffeine every day to stay awake during the day, otherwise I can't move my brain and do things well.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

This three-minute hot "reason not to buy" series of articles to introduce is: capsule coffee maker.

As an office worker, I have to rely on caffeine every day to get "awake" during the day, otherwise I can't think and do things well, and it's even more common for me to get into trouble. Drink all kinds of coffee over the years, breakfast shop coffee milk, three-in-one, 7-11 City Cafe, 85 degrees C, Dante, Yike, Starbucks, … The knowledge of coffee gradually increased, and the mouth began to pick up. Last winter, I came up with the idea of making coffee at home. I originally wanted to buy coffee beans + bean grinder + filter paper coffee maker, but in the end, I bought a capsule coffee maker that used capsules. I also slowly discovered some shortcomings while being convenient.

If you are studying and considering buying a capsule coffee maker, the following shortcomings should be carefully considered. If there is something you can never compromise, this product may not be suitable for you.

1. The price of brewed coffee is high.

According to Wikipedia, drinking a cup of coffee made by a capsule coffee machine costs about three times as much as the usual way. At present, the unit price of each coffee capsule is about 21 yuan (NTD). You have to buy at least 50 coffee capsules at a time and more than NT $1,000 before they can be shipped.

two。 Aluminum coffee capsule is not environmentally friendly and the recovery is low.

Capsule coffee machine Coffee capsule is made of aluminum, which consumes a lot of electricity in the production process, which makes each cup of coffee more unnecessary energy consumption. In addition, although the aluminum capsules of the capsule coffee machine can be recycled, because they have to cut the capsules with a blade to take out the coffee grounds, most people throw them away directly when they are busy, which has become a dead corner of resource recovery.

"in 2009, Nestl é announced that the recovery rate of capsules in Switzerland and Germany was 50%, while that in France was only 2%. Nestl é pointed out that the recovery rate of aluminum in the capsule is still unknown." -Wikipedia

3. The shelf life of coffee capsules is about 11 months.

Originally thought that the coffee capsule is well sealed and can be put into 2Mui-3 years, but in fact it is only about 11 months, which is clearly to urge us to spend. Please discard it when it expires.

4. Only about 16 kinds of coffee are available.

Capsule coffee machine is a closed system, can only use their own coffee capsules, there are only 16 regularly sold, occasionally in different seasons will launch a limited version of the flavor, so that consumers keep fresh, but also sell more expensive.

But of those 16, after drinking the first round, you may find that you only like a few flavors, and you will want to continue to buy less than 16.

5. Coffee capsules can only be purchased from the original manufacturer of the capsule coffee machine.

The coffee machine of the capsule coffee machine can only use its own coffee capsule, so it can only be bought with the original factory, and the price cannot be compared. After buying a coffee machine, if Nestl é increases the price of the capsule, I will be eaten to death by the manufacturer!

6. Machines take up space

Afraid of getting too much caffeine, I can't sleep at night. At home, I only drink a cup of capsule coffee maker espresso every day, which can be cooked for less than a minute. Other times, this coffee machine occupies a corner of the precious space in the kitchen. And because the machine is a little heavy, it is not suitable to move around, so I have to leave it all the time.

7. Without the atmosphere of making coffee

Originally, I thought that brewing coffee should be: go to the market to choose beans, carefully read the description of the origin on the packaging, open the package, the aroma of coffee after roasting comes head-on, grind beans to determine the thickness of bean dregs, boil water … After many steps, we finally brewed a cup of coffee, and because people are unreliable, each time the taste is slightly different, but the whole process is full of human nature, and the atmosphere of drinking coffee is fascinating.

The convenience of the capsule coffee machine is very high. After selecting the capsule, press the button, and in a little while, high-quality coffee can be served, and each time the taste is the same, which is really convenient, but it completely removes the fun of brewing coffee. Colorful capsules are designed to replace the process of brewing coffee with "the fun of choosing colors".

8. Block the connection with the source of coffee production

In the process of buying ordinary coffee beans, I will carefully read the description of origin on the back of the package to find out if it is Organic, whether it infringes on the rainforest (Rainforest Alliance Certified), whether it is fair (Fair Trade), or whether the roaster buys directly from coffee farmers (Direct Trade). If you want to know more, I may also write an email to ask more detailed questions. After all, coffee can be refilled and the sustainability of the earth requires everyone's efforts. The coffee capsule of the capsule coffee machine is very beautiful in color. I only think about its taste when I buy it, and what is the color of my mood at the moment?

9. George Clooney endorses

Well, this is for friends who don't like George Clooney, and you may have a thousand reasons not to like him.

10. Descaling is required every three months.

When boiling water at high temperature, minerals will accumulate in the pipeline, which will gradually affect the flow rate, ignore it, and the machine will break down after a long time. Therefore, the instruction manual of the capsule coffee machine spends a lot of space on how to decontaminate (Descaling). It is also said on the official website that it is best to decontaminate once every three months, and sell a decontamination gadget group by the way. A set of $12.0 is an extra cost, and the decontamination process is quite troublesome. I don't believe you google it.

END. "want" does not mean "need"

You will "want", in fact, they are good at advertising and marketing. Be rational and think carefully about whether you really need it or not.


Capsule coffee machine products, good brand reputation, machine and coffee capsule quality are quite high, but this is a "printer and exclusive ink clip" game, coffee capsule resource recovery needs a little patience. If you think the taste of brewing coffee is as important as the quality of coffee, but you buy a capsule coffee machine, you may end up buying traditional equipment.